Your foal must be sired by a stallion enrolled in the Future Fortunes’ Program. If the stallion is a newly enrolled stallion, (indicated by ** next to his name), then foals 2-years-old and older can be grandfathered in the first year of enrollment for $500. If you want to see currently enrolled stallions, click here or to see all stallions that have ever been enrolled, go to foals and click “search stallions” for a drop down menu. Asterisks by stallions’ name mean they are currently enrolled. Send email to futurefortunesinc@gmail.com with a copy of the horse’s papers and we can see if the horse is eligible.
If a mare was bred to a FF’s stallion during the year he was enrolled in the program and the stallion drops out the following year, the resulting foal will still be eligible. As long as a foal is CONCEIVED during or before the year the stallion was enrolled in the Future Fortunes stallions program, then the foal is eligible to be nominated.
You can either fill out an online New Foal Enrollment Form and pay by credit card or you may print it off and send it in along with a check and a copy of the foal’s registration papers. You can access either the online or pdf (for printing) new foal enrollment form from the Forms tab on the website.
Not a problem!
Mark the “registration papers pending” box in the top right corner of the foal enrollment form and fill out the sire and the dam’s names along with the foaling date. Make sure you forward a copy of the registration papers when you receive them.
The fees are listed on the new foal enrollment form listed on our Forms page. If you have questions, contact the office by email at futurefortunesinc@gmail.com or by phone at (405) 366-2133.
Go to FORMS on our website. Fill out the Ownership Transfer Form and upload a copy of the papers in the new owner’s name and we will update our records. If you want a new sticker, send a self addressed stamped envelope. Be sure to include your current mailing address, phone number and e-mail.
Send a copy of the new registration papers to the Future Fortunes office along with the horse’s previous name. Send a self addressed stamped envelope and we will send you a sticker!
If we did not receive a copy of the registration papers with the nomination, we reference the foal as a question mark and the dam’s name, i.e. ?Black Beauty. Send us a copy of the papers and we will update our records.
You can go to our website under Foals and search the foal’s name.
If you don’t find it, try Dam’s Name. Do not type in any other information.
If you still can’t find it or are unsure, please call the office.
Enrollments are accepted any time. It is best to enroll the Stallion the year before to get maximum exposure. The stallion enrollment forms and requirements can be found under the Forms section of our website.
Make sure that you mark on the show producer’s entry form that you are entering Future Fortunes. Use your horse’s registered name. No barn names! When a draw is posted, be sure that an FF is by your name. If there isn’t an FF by your name on the draw sheet, go to the show office and let them know. Go to the online entry form under FORMS to enter the event with FF. You will receive a confirmation back through an email. If you do not receive one, call the FF office ASAP!
We will post the Future Fortunes’ results on our website when we receive them from the producer. They will be listed under the Shows tab. We wait for two weeks after posting before sending checks in case there are errors. Please let us know if you think there is an error.
We wait for two weeks after posting before sending checks in case there are errors. Please let us know if you think there is an error.
We must have a correct address and a W-9 on file before sending out any payout checks. Contact the office if you have any questions.
The Breeder/Nominator checks are mailed out 2 weeks after each event. Make sure that the office has your current mailing address and a W-9 on file if you should be receiving a check.
The * helps the office know what progeny are eligible for FF enrollment.
- * – Currently enrolled as a Future Fortunes’ Stallion*.
- ** – Newly enrolled Stallion** for the current year. 2 year olds and older can be grandfathered into FF for a 1 time fee of $500 by December 31 of this year.
- *** – Newly enrolled Stallion*** for the following year. Weanlings and yearlings can enroll now under those fees.
You can go to our website under Foals and search the foal’s name.
If you don’t find it, try Dam’s Name. Do not type in any other information. It may come up with a ?dams name if we never received the papers for the foal.
If you still can’t find it or are unsure, please call the office.
When owners enroll their foals in Future Fortunes, many times they don’t have papers back from the association yet. We enter the foal under the dams name (?dams name) indicating we have not yet received the papers.
- Starting January 1, 2023, Future Fortunes will start paying 20% of the Future Fortunes Bonus Money (referred to Bonus Money from here on out) to the breeder/nominator of the Future Fortunes horse, depending on what year the horse was nominated.
- The breeder of any foal nominated into the Future Fortunes program on or prior to July 1, 2022, will continue to receive 20% of Bonus Money earned by the Future Fortunes enrolled horse, regardless of who made the nomination payment. The breeder (if foal was paid into program prior to January 1, 2023) will receive the 20% for life, no substitutions.
- Starting January 1, 2023 and after, the person who is listed as the nominator of the foal on the “New Foal Enrollment Form” will receive 20% of Bonus Money earned by the Future Fortunes horse. Whoever is nominating the horse (breeder, owner) will need to put their name in the “Nominator” box on the “New Foal Enrollment Form” in order to receive the 20% paid to nominators.
- The new payment percentage payout, starting January 1, 2023 is as follows:
Owner – 60% • Stallion Owner – 20% • Breeder/Nominator – 20% (depending on when the foal was paid into the Future Fortunes program.
Go to forms and enter the Future Fortunes’ Fast Five Entry Form or CLICK HERE to go directly to the form.
Go to forms and enter the Fast Five Change of Rider/Horse Form or CLICK HERE to go directly to the form.