
You can now enter the Future Fortunes’ Fast Five Team Races. Click here to learn more.

Foal Enrollment Conditions

By making nomination to the Future Fortunes, Inc. Stallion Incentive Program, I hereby agree to abide by any and all rules and conditions as set for this program, or the changes thereof, as are deemed necessary by Future Fortunes, Inc. All parties (owners & riders) involved in the Future Fortunes, Inc. Stallion Incentive Program are responsible for the conditions and fully understanding their content. Future Fortunes, Inc. assumes no liability to those who have not read the conditions and having not read these conditions they are still held to their contents. No refunds.

By checking the “I agree” box, I also agree that I am the owner of said foal at the time of enrollment. 


  • Starting July1, 2022, Future Fortunes will started paying 20% of the Future Fortunes Bonus Money (referred to Bonus Money from here on out) to the breeder/nominator of the Future Fortunes horse, depending on what year the horse was nominated.
  • The breeder of any foal nominated into the Future Fortunes program prior to July 1, 2022, will continue to receive 20% of Bonus Money earned by the Future Fortunes enrolled horse, regardless of who made the nomination payment. The breeder (if foal was paid into program prior to July 1, 2023) will receive the 20% for life, no substitutions.
  • Starting July 1, 2022 and after, the person who is listed as the nominator of the foal on the “New Foal Enrollment Form” will receive 20% of Bonus Money earned by the Future Fortunes horse. Whoever is nominating the horse (breeder, owner) will need to put their name in the “Nominator” box on the “New Foal Enrollment Form” in order to receive the 20% paid to nominators.
  • The new payment payout, starting July 1, 2022 is as follows: 
    Owner – 60%  •  Stallion Owner – 20%  •  Breeder/Nominator – 20% (depending on when the foal was paid into the Future Fortunes program.

Please call 405.366.2133 or email futurefortunesinc.com if you have any questions regarding foal enrollments.