- FEES AND PAYMENT: The total annual enrollment fee for the calendar year will be $2,800. The nonrefundable nomination fee of $500 and a copy of the registration papers is due upon receipt of application. If the stallion is accepted for enrollment, the balance of $2,300 will be due no later than September 1, prior to year of enrollment. Failure to pay fees on time may result in the Stallion being dis-enrolled from the program and Stallion will no longer be visible on the Future Fortunes’ website.
- STALLION ENROLLMENT: A stallion will be enrolled in the program and considered a Stallion Enrollee if Future Fortunes, Inc (“Company”) sends written notification that the renewal is complete and accepted. Enrollment is valid for the calendar year of enrollment. A Stallion Enrollee is eligible for re-enrollment the following year. Re-enrollment is not automatic, but only at the discretion of the Company.
- DROPPING OUT OF THE PROGRAM: If a stallion owner drops the stallion from the program for any reason, the stallion may not be eligible for re-enrollment under the same ownership.
- OWNERSHIP: A copy of the stallion’s breed registration papers showing current ownership must be included with the application, if ownership has changed. If full or partial ownership of a stallion enrollee changes while the Stallion is enrolled in the Program, the Stallion Enrollee may maintain its slot in the Program if the new owner(s) reaffirm, in writing, their obligations under the Program Rules and otherwise comply with the rules, but in such case, the Substitution/Transfer clause of this agreement shall not be applicable to the new owner(s). If the Stallion Enrollee’s owner(s) refuses to be bound by the Program Rules, the Stallion Enrollee is subject to dis-enrollment.
- RIGHT TO REFUSE: Future Fortunes, Inc. reserves the right to refuse enrollment to any stallion. If this renewal is not accepted, all fees submitted with the renewal will be returned.
- STALLION LISTING: The Company will provide the Stallion owner/nominator with login and password information for access to the Stallion Enrollee’s page on the Company website. The Stallion owner/nominator will be responsible for the posting of information and photos of his/her stallion on the Company website.
- FOAL ENROLLMENT: All offspring of current Stallion Enrollees are eligible for Foal Enrollment into the Program at the fees as posted on the Company website.
- PREMIUMS/BONUS MONEY: Twenty percent (20%) of all stallion enrollment fees will be retained by the Company for administration costs. The remaining 80% will be paid out in premiums and bonus money as indicated in the General Rules.
- SUBSTITUTION/TRANSFER: If a Stallion Enrollee dies, or becomes unfit for breeding prior to February 1st, the owner/nominator may substitute the enrollee with another stallion owned by the owner/nominator by notifying the Company within 30 days of the death or occasion of breeding unsoundness. Failure to provide timely notice of substitution will result in termination of enrollment and forfeiture of applicable fees. Except as provided herein, the rights of Stallion Enrollees are nontransferable.
- DIS-ENROLLMENT: A Stallion Enrollee is subject to immediate disenrollment at any time at the sole discretion of the Company. Notice of dis-enrollment will be given to the Stallion Enrollee’s owner/nominator. If a Stallion Enrollee is discretionarily disenrolled, any fees paid on behalf of the Stallion Enrollee will be returned. A Stallion Enrollee may also be dis-enrolled for failure to comply with the Program Rules. In such an event, all previously paid fees will be forfeited. Owner agrees to comply with and be bound by the rules of the program and agrees to conduct his/herself with honesty, integrity, and professionalism in participation in the Program. Each Participant in FURTURE FORTUNES Stallion Incentive Program covenants and agrees that he/she will not at any time, through any medium, either orally or in writing engage in prohibited communications —including but not limited to email, Facebook and other social media, internet forums, blogs, or television or radio—disparage, defame, impugn, damage or assail the reputation, or cause or tend to cause the recipient of a communication to question the integrity, competence, good character, or professionalism, of FUTURE FORTUNES, Inc., provided that nothing shall prohibit a Participant from communicating truthfully to such Participant’s legal counsel or as otherwise required by law or order of court. If Participant or any other agent of Participant engages in prohibited communications, as above, such Participant is ineligible to receive any stallion incentive bonus money for the remainder of the year from the date FUTURE FORTUNES, Inc. is notified of the infraction or for 6 months whichever is greater and is further subject to #5 of these General Rules.
- MODIFICATION/TERMINATION: The Company reserves the right to, in its sole discretion, modify or amend the Program Rules to ensure fairness and equality to all owners/nominators/participants. If the Company determines that participation does not justify the continuation of the Program, the Company may terminate the Program by refunding all fees paid for the current year, without interest. Notice of modification/termination will be given to all owners/nominators/participants.
- DISPUTES: All disputes arising out of this application or the interpretation of Program Rules shall be decided at the sole discretion of the Company. If an owner/nominator/participant disagrees with any decision of the Company, the owner/nominator/participant agrees to submit the disagreement to binding arbitration pursuant to the rules of the Oklahoma Equine Arbitration Association with the arbitration hearing to be held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The owner/nominator/participant agrees that its damages, if any, will not exceed the refund of any fees paid during the current Program year. In all matters, this agreement and this program are governed exclusively by Oklahoma Law and venue is only proper in Cleveland County, Oklahoma.