STC Whatta Slick Guy** (Junior Stallion)
Stallion Information
Name: STC Whatta Slick Guy** (Junior Stallion) Owner: Pamela Mueller Standing At: Stop The Clock Barrel Horses - Collinsville, OK Year of Birth: 2021 Color: Buckskin Phone: 918-730-6789 Stallion Website: Stallion Facebook: Fee: 1000 Shipped: YesHeritage Information
STC Whatta Slick Guy** (Junior Stallion)
Slick By Design
Miss French Paint
Designer Red si 87
Miss French Paint
Frenchmans Guy
Miss Eye Paint si 90
On The Money Red si 103
Pin A Rose On Me
Dream On Dancer si 90
Ms Sun Pass
Sun Frost
Frenchman's lady
Mr Eye Opener si 106
Paint The Town si 92