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A Dash Ta Streak*

Stallion Information

Name: A Dash Ta Streak* Owner: Lisa O'Rourke Fulton Standing At: Fulton Performance Horses - Valentine, NE Year of Birth: 2010 Color: Bay Roan Phone: 402-326-9990 Stallion Website: https://fultonranch.com/ Stallion Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ADashTaStreak Fee: 2500 Shipped: Yes

A Dash Ta Streak is a young stallion with a proven pedigree from top to bottom. His sire, A Streak Of Fling, has progeny earnings of over $8.5 Million and his dam, Silver Creek Dash, has barrel earnings of $52,000+, as well as a black type pedigree to be a top producer.

Heritage Information

A Dash Ta Streak*
A Streak Of Fling si 104 Silver Creek Dash
Streakin Six si 104 Moon Fling
Dash Ta Fame si 113 WR Cassia si 103
Easy Six si 97 Miss Assured si 95
Fast Fling si 98 Fast Fling si 98
First Down Dash si 105 Sudden Fame si 98
Casady Casanova si 96 Feedback

Nominated Foals

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?Flashin Pastya2019 gelding out of Flashin Pastya and CS Flashlight
?Flashin Pastya2020 gelding out of Flashin Pastya and CS Flashlight
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?French Viaero2023 gelding out of French Viaero and Frenchmans Easy Doc
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RA Southern Dash2020 mare out of Southern Blond and Mighty Corona
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SI Streakindashtadoc2024 mare out of Sheza Holidoc and Holidocs Husker
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SWR Blazin Haddie2015 mare out of Haidas Blazin Boon and Haidas Little Pep
SWR Pretty Lil Thing2016 mare out of Justanotherindian and Hickorys Indian Pep
Tastreak On The Rain2014 stallion out of JF Rain N Perks and Cibecue Ike
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Two La Jet2021 mare out of Paradox Leo and Hancock Paradox
UX Rio Bravo2018 stallion out of UX Frenchmans Kimmie and Frenchmans Guy
Wild Shawne Dash2020 gelding out of Wild Shawne Lace (ET) and Shawne Bug
Winsalott2019 gelding out of Miss What A Song and What A Song