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A Streak Of Fling*

Stallion Information

Name: A Streak Of Fling* Owner: Lisa O'Rourke Fulton Standing At: Lazy E Ranch - Guthrie, OK Year of Birth: 1999 Color: Bay Roan Phone: 405-368-8924 Stallion Website: https://lazyeranch.com/ Stallion Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AStreakOfFling Fee: 6500 Shipped: Yes

Progeny Earnings over $8.5 million!

A Streak Of Fling (si 98) is a Leading Sire of Barrel Horse Money Earners and has progeny earnings in excess of $8.5 million+. He is the proud sire of the 2016 RFD-TV “The American” Champion Barrel Racer and NFR Qualifier, Fame Fling N Bling (LTE $750,000+), the 2016 Bob Feist Invitational Champion Header and NFR Qualifier, Streakin Sun Dew, and the three-time NFR Qualifier and Canadian Finals Champion, A Streak Of Rita (LTE $700,000+), as well as numerous other winners and performers. A Streak of Fling also sired the high sellers at the Barrel Futurities of America World Championship Sale in 2014 (Promises to Streak $114,000) and 2015 (A Streak of Scarlett $100,000).

Heritage Information

A Streak Of Fling*
Streakin Six si 104 Moon Fling si 102
Easy Six si 97 Miss Assured si 95
Fast Fling si 98 Moon Beam Lady
Easy Jet si 100 Peggy Toro si 100
Little Request TB Assured si 95
Calamity Jones Fast Stripper si 85
Lady Bug's Moon si 100 Midnight Penny

Nominated Foals

?A Dash Ta Houston2022 mare out of A Dash Ta Houston and Dash Ta Fame
?A Dash Ta Houston2022 mare out of A Dash Ta Houston (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
?A Major Little Fritz2014 mare out of A Major Little Fritz and
?A Short Night2024 mare out of A Short Night (ET) and Short Oak
?A Spanish Dream2009 out of A Spanish Dream and Southern Host
?Ahairfasternmom2021 mare out of Ahairfastermom (ET) and Disco Jerry
?Autumn Romance2017 stallion out of Autumn Romance and Tres Seis
?BA Fancy First Dawn2019 stallion out of BA Fancy First Down and First Down Devil
?Bar None Pridian2006 mare out of Bar None Pridian (ET) and
?Barefoot N Buckwild2023 stallion out of Barefoot N Buckwild (ET) and PC Redwood Manny
?Bars Sweet Legacy2023 mare out of Bars Sweet Legacy and Rare Bar
?Be Metallic2019 out of Be Metallic (ET) and Metallic Cat
?Beelieve2023 mare out of Beelieve and Dash Ta Fame
?Berri Good2015 gelding out of Berri Good ET and Dash Ta Fame
?Black Chic Gold2018 stallion out of Black Chic Gold and
?Blazin Te Toni2021 stallion out of Blazin Te Toni and Blazin Te Bar
?Blazin Te Toni2023 mare out of Blazin Te Toni and Blazin Te Bar
?Bloomingdales2023 none out of Bloomingdales and First Down Dash
?Blue Bullys Pal2016 stallion out of Blue Bullys Pal and Blue Bully
?Bring It On Frost Te2023 gelding out of Bring It On Frost Te (ET) #1 and PC Frosty Bid
?Bring It On Frost Te2023 gelding out of Bring It On Frost Te (ET) #2 and PC Frosty Bid
?Bring It On Frost Te2023 gelding out of Bring It On Frost Te (ET) #3 and PC Frosty Bid
?Bring It On Frost Te2024 gelding out of Bring It On Frost Te and PC Frosty Bid
?By N Fuel2014 stallion out of By N Fuel and Oklahoma Fuel
?Cartel Cowgirl2023 stallion out of Cartel Cowgirl (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
?Cats Angeluna2020 stallion out of Cats Angeluna (ET) and High Brow Cat
?Cause For Kiss2012 out of Cause For Kiss and
?CB Mooned By Fame2021 mare out of CB Mooned By Fame (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
?CB Mooned By Fame2022 mare out of CB Mooned By Fame (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
?CB Mooned By Fame2022 mare out of CB Mooned By Fame (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
?CB Mooned By Fame2023 mare out of CB Mooned By Fame (ET) #1 and Dash Ta Fame
?CB Mooned By Fame2023 mare out of CB Mooned By Fame (ET) #2 and Dash Ta Fame
?Cee Be A Chic2024 mare out of Cee Be A Chic and Hickory Chic Olena
?Classy French Girl2014 none out of Classy French Girl and Frenchmans Guy
?Could Cost You More / Deceased2008 none out of Could Cost You More and Dasy For Perks
?Current Fame2016 stallion out of Current Fame and Dash Ta Fame
?Dash For Moe Moolah2023 mare out of Dash For Moe Moolah and Perks Alive
?Dash From The Past2016 mare out of Dash From The Past (ET) and First Down Dash
?Dash On Sky2018 stallion out of Dash On Sky and On The Dash
?Dash Ta Houston2021 gelding out of Dash Ta Houston and Dash Ta Fame
?Dash Ta Suz2022 stallion out of Dash Ta Suz (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
?Dashing Scarlett2014 stallion out of Dashing Scarlett and
?De Classy Love2020 stallion out of De Classy Love and Heza Classy Streaker
?Dealin For Dee2006 out of Dealin For Dee and
?Desert Dragon2022 mare out of Desert Dragon and Fire Water Dragon
?Designed To Cashin2023 mare out of Designed To Cashin and Designer Red
?DH Sudden Fame Frost2023 stallion out of DH Sudden Fame Frost and PC Shodo Frost
?DHR Perks Lady Jet2014 stallion out of DHR Perks Lady Jet and OH Whatta Boy
?DHR Phoebes Rose2022 mare out of DHR Phoebes Rose (ET) and Oh Whatta Boy
?Do It For Beau2014 none out of Do It For Beau and Beaus Scoop Of Sun
?DTF Nighty Knight2022 gelding out of DTF Nighty Knight (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
?Dynamites Last Chex2020 mare out of Dynamites Last Chex and Doc O Dynamite
?Dynamites Last Chex2022 mare out of Dynamites Last Chex and Doc O Dynamite
?Easy April Whiskey2020 mare out of Easy April Whiskey and Paddys Irish Whiskey
?Easy April Whiskey2022 gelding out of Easy April Whiskey (ET) and Paddys Irish Whiskey
?Easy April Whiskey2023 mare out of Easy April Whiskey (ET) and Paddys Irish Whiskey
?Easy April Whiskey / Deceased2008 none out of Easy April Whiskey (ET) and Paddys Irish Whiskey
?Easy Credit Fuel2017 stallion out of Easy Credit Fuel and Oklahoma Fuel
?Easy Fame Bee2022 mare out of Easy Fame Bee and Montana Easy Move
?Easy Guys2020 mare out of Easy Guys and Holland Ease
?Easy Mag ET2016 mare out of Easy Mag ET and Magnificence
?Easy Movin Starlight2013 stallion out of Easy Movin Starlight and
?Easy Movin Starlight2014 none out of Easy Movin Starlight and
?Fames Firey Kiss2017 none out of Fames Firey Kiss and Dash Ta Fame
?Famous Sandy2018 stallion out of Famous Sandy (ET) and Dash ta Fame
?Fancy Fanny Flasher2023 mare out of Fancy Fanny Flasher and WS Whatz Up Doc
?FC Six French Moon2021 mare out of FC Six French Moon (ET) and Frenchmans Guy
?Feature Ms Ryon2020 mare out of Feature Ms Ryon and Feature Mr Jess
?Fifty Shades Ta Fame2023 mare out of Fifty Shades Ta Fame and Dash Ta Fame
?Fire N Honor2016 none out of Fire N Honor and
?Firen For Heaven2021 stallion out of Firen For Heaven and JL Dash Ta Heaven
?Firewater Fiesta2014 none out of Firewater Fiesta and Firewater Flit
?First Down Dynamite2018 stallion out of First Down Dynamite and Doc O Dynamite
?First Wild Blown2016 mare out of First Wild Blown and Dash Ta Fame
?Flashin Josey2022 gelding out of Flashin Josey (ET) and CS Flashlight
?Flashin Josey2023 gelding out of Flashin Josey and CS Flashlight
?Flit Bargains Alice2017 mare out of Flit Bargains Alice and Flit Bargain
?Flitten To Fame2018 mare out of Flitten To Fame and Firewater Ta Fame
?Flying Confederacy2017 stallion out of Flying Confederacy and Confederate Leader
?Frenchmans Chicken Lil2016 mare out of Frenchmans Chicken Lil and Frenchmans Guy
?Frenchmans Dashinsix2014 mare out of Frenchmans Dashinsix and
?Frenchmans Fu Fu2022 gelding out of Frenchmans Fu Fu and Frenchm
?Frenchmans Fufu2023 gelding out of Frenchmans Fufu and Frenchmans Guy
?Frenchmans Jule2011 out of Frenchmans Jule and Frenchmans Guy
?Frenchmans Lana2023 gelding out of Frenchmans Lana (ET) and Frenchmans Guy
?Frenchmans Love Bug2019 mare out of Frenchmans Love Bug (ET) and Frenchmans Guy
?Frenchmans Otoe Girl2022 mare out of Frenchmans Otoe Girl and Frenchmans Guy
?Frenchmans Wild Rose2014 none out of Frenchmans Wild Rose and Frenchmans Guy
?Frenchmans Wild Rose2016 mare out of Frenchmans Wild Rose and Frenchmans Guy
?Frenchmansgoldseeker2014 mare out of Frenchmansgoldseeker and
?Frost Te Bug2024 mare out of Frost Te Bug and PC Frosty Bid
?Game Of Perks2009 mare out of Game Of Perks and
?Ginnin Cat2017 stallion out of Ginnin Cat and Tanquery Gin
?Gracie Doc Boots2024 mare out of Gracie Doc Boots and Doc Missouri Boots
?Guns A Blazen2023 mare out of Guns A Blazen and Fiestas Gotta Gun
?Guys Money Girl2017 mare out of Guys Money Girl and Frenchmans Guy
?Guys Movida Jet2020 stallion out of Guys Movida Jet (ET) and
?Guys Voo Doo Rocket2019 mare out of Guys Voo Doo Rocket and Frenchmans Guy
?Gyrls Gone Wild2024 mare out of Gyrls Gone Wild and Stoli
?Haulin Fanny2016 none out of Haulin Fanny and
?Haulin Lotsacash2015 none out of Haulin Lotsacash and
?High Brow Conquest2019 mare out of High Brow Conquest and Have Some Cat
?Hip Swingin Gypsy2024 mare out of Hip Swingin Gypsy (ET) and Firewaterontherocks
?Holy Black Betty2022 mare out of Holy Black Betty and Holy Bart
?Home From The Sea2016 mare out of Home From The Sea and Sea Otter
?Hot Leader2024 mare out of Hot Leader and Epic Leader
?Jada Rose2014 none out of Jada Rose and
?JC Sunbar2009 mare out of JC Sunbar and
?JD Lil Red (deceased)2008 none out of JD Lil Red and Streakin Six
?JD Miss Dandy Jennie2007 out of JD Miss Dandy Jennie and Dandy Wilywood
?Jesta Keystone Blue2017 mare out of Jesta Keystone Blue and Jesta Magnolia Bar
?Jetta Rita2010 out of Jetta Rita and Very Sharp
?Just Kill N Tyme2023 gelding out of Just Kill N Tyme and Justanuther Guy
?Justanuthr Stylish Won2016 mare out of Justanother Stylish Won and Justanuther Wonder
?KN Fabs Mist Of Fame2023 mare out of KN Fabs Mist Of Fame (ET) and Frenchmans Fabulous
?LfSoon To Be Famous2017 none out of LfSoon To Be Famous and John Fame
?Little Dab Of Kirk2018 mare out of Little Dab Of Kirk and Deregulate
?Love To Roll2008 out of Love To Roll and Roll The Cash
?Lovin Fame2024 stallion out of Lovin Fame (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
?LSR Big Booty Judy2024 mare out of LSR Big Booty Judy (ET) and Doctor Frost
?Magical One2014 none out of Magical One and Magical Mile
?Miss Rollin Brisco2023 stallion out of Miss Rollin Brisco and Brisco County Jr
?Miss Signa2010 out of Miss Signa and The Signature
?MNV Pack And Dash2017 mare out of MNV Pack And Dash and Dash Ta Fame
?Moonlit Dancer2005 stallion out of Moonlit Dancer and Rolls Of Romance
?My Kuhl Chick2022 mare out of My Kuhl Chick (ET) and Tres Seis
?Nother French Girl2013 none out of Nother French Girl and
?Nothin But Lucy2013 none out of Nothin But Lucy and
?Nothin But Lucy2014 none out of Nothin But Lucy and
?Number One Draft2014 none out of Number One Draft and Game Patriot
?Of Coors Dale2024 stallion out of Of Coors Dale and Bar Frenchman
?Oh Boy Who Dat2024 mare out of Oh Boy Who Dat and Oh Whatta Boy
?Paddy Irish Girl2020 gelding out of Paddy Irish Girl and Paddys Irish Whiskey
?Paddys Irish Girl2022 gelding out of Paddys Irish Girl and Paddys Irish Whiskey
?Paddys Irish Girl2023 mare out of Paddys Irish Girl and Paddys Irish Whiskey
?Paddys Lena Fling2020 gelding out of Paddys Lena Whiskey and Paddys Irish Whiskey
?PC Joesy Dox2009 stallion out of PC Joesy Dox (ET) and Boon Dox John
?PC Joesy Dox (deceased)2007 mare out of PC Joesy Dox and Boon Dox John
?PC Joesy Dox (deceased)2010 stallion out of PC Joesy Dox (ET) and Boon Dox John
?Peppy Dox Gal2017 stallion out of Peppy Dox Gal and Peppy Dox
?Peppy Easy Move2014 none out of Peppy Easy Move and Paddys Irish Whiskey
?Perks Gem Stone2011 out of Perks Gem Stone and Dash For Perks
?Polly Anna Perks2011 out of Polly Anna Perks and
?Pollyanna Perks2008 out of Pollyanna Perks and
?Pritzy Perk2023 stallion out of Pritzy Perk and Dash For Perks
?Queen Fa Tima2020 mare out of Queen Fa Tima and Dash Ta Fame
?RB A Smooth Twist2017 mare out of RB A Smooth Twist (ET) and A Firewater Twist RB
?RC Rabbit Reloaded2024 gelding out of RC Rabbit Reloaded (ET) and Ninety Nine Goldmine
?Remember My Fame2017 stallion out of Remember My Fame and Dash Ta Fame
?Robin Meade2017 mare out of Robin Meade (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
?Rods Last Ladybug2016 none out of Rods Last Ladybug (ET) and Sharp Rodney
?Romans Lil Rockette2006 out of Romans Lil Rockette and My Roman Soldier
?Sadies Barbed YR2024 mare out of Sadies Barbed YR (ET) and Jerrys Disco Moon
?Samantha Jule2008 out of Samantha Jule and Sak Em San
?Sarah Has cash2018 mare out of Sarah Has Cash and Cash For Injun
?SCT Famous Money2023 stallion out of SCT Famous Money and Famous Gold Coin
?Shake It Frosty2024 mare out of Shake It Frosty and PC Frosty Bid
?Shake N Frosty2023 gelding out of Shake N Frosty and PC Frosty Bid
?Sheeza Hank Baby2013 out of Sheeza Hank Baby and Letta Hank Do It
?Shes A Tricky Okey2018 mare out of She's A Tricky Okey and Okey Dokey Dale
?Shesa Bully Belle2017 gelding out of Shesa Bully Belle and Bully Bullion
?Shesa Dandy Command2009 stallion out of Shesa Dandy Command and Brown King Command
?Silver Daddys Angel2017 stallion out of Silver Daddys Angel and Dash Ta Fame
?Six T Five Roses2023 mare out of Six T Five Roses and Valiant Hero
?SL Frenchmans Dayzee2013 none out of SL Frenchmans Dayzee and PC Frenchmans Mark
?Slide Of Hand2024 mare out of Slide Of Hand and Favorite Trick
?Smart Little Stella2019 stallion out of Smart Little Stella and Smart Little Lena
?Snazzy Sun Daze2023 gelding out of Snazzy Sun Daze and Sun Frost
?Squeaks Miss Kay2010 stallion out of Squeaks Miss Kay and
?SR Shez Money N Fame2021 stallion out of SR Shez Money N Fame and Dash Ta Fame
?Strawberry Margarita2022 mare out of Strawberry Margarita and Yellow Roan Of Texas
?Suzies Native Bug2020 gelding out of Suzies Native Bug (ET) and Shawne Bug
?Suzies Native Bug2020 gelding out of Suzies Native Bug (ET) and Shawne Bug
?Tell Tale Cartel2016 stallion out of Tell Tale Cartel and MP Jet To The Sun
?Think Flit Bargin2017 mare out of Think Flit Bargain and Flit Bargain
?This PYC Can Dance2021 gelding out of This PYC Can Dance and PYC Paint Your Wagon
?TM Jetta Wood2013 none out of TM Jetta Wood and Bull T Wood
?TM Sureshot Shirley2016 none out of TM Sureshot Shirley and TM Sakem Drift
?Tofamousformyskirt2024 stallion out of Tofamousformyskirt and A Smooth Guy
?Tontos Rovin Bars2020 mare out of Tontos Rovin Bars (ET) and Rovin Beau Jangles
?Topsail Snazzy Girl2017 mare out of Topsail Snazzy Girl and Fols Classy Snazzy
?Travel In Ta Fame2022 mare out of Travel In Ta Fame and Dash Ta Fame
?Triditional Dash2013 none out of Triditional Dash and Roll The Cash
?Triple Abby2006 out of Triple Abby and Triple Goldrush
?Trips Farwell RB2017 none out of Trips Farwell RB and Another Feature
?Trips Farwell RB2019 out of Trips Farwell RB (ET) and Another Feater
?Unique Victory2020 mare out of Unique Victory and BR Proudest Victory
?VF Hi N Famous2024 stallion out of VF Hi N Famous (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
?Wild Shawne Lace2009 mare out of Wild Shawne Lace and Shawne Bug
?Won Drummin Lady2012 out of Won Drummin Lady and Wonders Drummer
?Wonder Works2007 out of Wonder Works and
?Wonder Works-2006 out of Wonder Works and
A Blitzen Bug2016 mare out of Ms Bullet Special and Bully Bullion
A Bueno Streak RB2019 stallion out of Trips Farwell (ET) and Another Feature
A Cajun Fling2019 stallion out of A Dashing Toaster and Toast To Dash
A Cash Streak2018 mare out of She Returns For Cash and Chicados Cash
A Chowchilla Fling2018 mare out of Chowchilla Filly and Separatist
A Dancin Fling2014 stallion out of French Dance Girl and Frenchmans Guy
A Dandystreakoffling2016 gelding out of Sheza Fast Chaz and Heza Fast Man
A Dash Of Flingnfame2019 mare out of All About Fame and Dash Ta Fame
A Dash Ta Streak2010 stallion out of Silver Creek Dash (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
A Directing Fling2019 mare out of Directing Traffic (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
A Dose Of Fling2016 gelding out of Dos Para Uno and Dos Poruno
A Dream Of Streak2018 gelding out of Dash Ta Houston and Dash Ta Fame
A Easy Streak2017 mare out of Easy April Whiskey (ET) and Paddys Irish Whiskey
A Famous Fling2016 gelding out of Miss Lucky Lucky and Dash Ta Fame
A Feisty Fling2024 mare out of Bit A Fame N Honor and John Fame
A Fling By The River2016 stallion out of Leos River Image and Powder River Playboy
A Fling In Paradise2017 stallion out of Down Katella and First Down Dash
A Fling Of Delight2024 stallion out of ZK Famous Delight and Famous JR
A Fling Of Fame2016 mare out of DTF Puddin Cake and Dash Ta Fame
A Fling Of Whiskey2023 stallion out of Paddys Lena Whiskey and Paddys Irish Whiskey
A Fling Of Whiskey2023 stallion out of Paddys Lena Whiskey and Paddys Irish Whiskey
A Fling To Merridoc2018 mare out of Mckaylas Doc and Merridoc
A Fling With A Toole2017 mare out of JW Streakin Otoole and Jody O Toole
A Fling With Doc2016 stallion out of Santee Nick Bar and Dr Nick Bar
A Fling With Fame2017 mare out of Storming With Fame and Zippy Zevi Dasher
A Frenchman Streakin2012 stallion out of Lady Frenchman and Frenchmans Guy
A Frosty Fling2015 stallion out of PC Sun Lonita and Sun Frost
A Genuine Streaker2012 gelding out of A Genuine Drift and Drifts Chip
A Hot Fling2014 mare out of Hot Blazin Spark and Lena Spark
A Jazzy Little Fling2017 mare out of BKJ Ta Fame and Jazzing Ta Fame
A Jewel To Fling2019 mare out of CC Eyes Lika Jewel and Encores Tom Cat
A King Of Fling2018 stallion out of Aw Perksofbnaduchess (ET) and Dash For Perks
A Kings Famous Fling2015 gelding out of BCR Stellaluna and Dash Ta Fame
A Legendary Fling2016 stallion out of War Lena Kitty and War Lena Bars
A Leinster Fling2013 stallion out of SKS Garbo Lane and Lanes Leinster
A Prince Of Fling2021 stallion out of Aw Perksofbnaduchess and Dash For Perks
A Sassy Streak2017 mare out of A Sassy Dash and Dash Ta Fame
A Slew Of Flings2024 stallion out of Slewp Of The Day and Vital Sign
A Spark Of Fame2016 stallion out of MNV Pack And Dash and Dash Ta Fame
A Stellar Fling2024 mare out of Best B A Fancy Chick and Best Advice
A Stormy Streak2017 gelding out of Stubborn Streak and First Down Streak
A Streak O Diamonds2013 mare out of Diamond O Toole and Jody O Toole
A Streak O Lena2015 gelding out of Zans Chick O Lena and Zan Parr Jack
A Streak Of Amour2013 stallion out of Blue Bayou Amour and Blue Bayou Boon
A Streak Of Blond2010 gelding out of Sompin Blond and Special Co Motion
A Streak Of Diamonnds2014 stallion out of Lane To Fame and Dash Ta Fame
A Streak Of Eyes2018 gelding out of Joyous Eyes and Mr Eye Opener
A Streak Of Fabulous2014 mare out of Fabulous Dreams and Jody O Toole
A Streak Of Faith2015 gelding out of Less Cash More Dash and Cash Not Credit
A Streak Of Fame2005 stallion out of Short Penny and Dash Ta Fame
A Streak Of Fashion2009 mare out of Docs Abbie Lee and Docs Superstar Bar
A Streak Of Flo2015 mare out of Just Call Me Flo and Call Me Together
A Streak Of Fortune2007 mare out of Pure Country Cash and Takin On The Cash
A Streak Of Heaven2012 mare out of DRH Sound Of Mind and State Of Mind
A Streak Of Hickory2019 mare out of High Brow Lindo and High Brow Hickory
A Streak Of Hot Pie2015 mare out of Say Bye Pie and Pie In The Sky
A Streak Of Indigo2015 mare out of Indigo Theft and Identity Theft
A Streak Of Jade2012 gelding out of Pollyanna Perks and Dash For Perks
A Streak Of Jess2018 mare out of Ms Jessie Perry and Mr Jess Perry
A Streak Of Jule2018 gelding out of Samantha Jule and Sak Em San
A Streak Of Kas Si2012 mare out of Clam Up and Super De Kas
A Streak Of King2016 stallion out of Matts Playgirl and Millum Matts King
A Streak Of Leader2012 gelding out of Corys Leader and Special Leader
A Streak Of Lena2016 stallion out of Miss Eyed O Lena and Bar D Mr Poco Gin
A Streak Of Light2011 mare out of Porters Light and Porter's Broom
A Streak Of Lucille2013 stallion out of Lucy Lucille and Reckless Dash
A Streak Of Patron2014 stallion out of Savanahs Dark Sister and Playboys Ike
A Streak Of Queen2016 mare out of Queen Fa Tima (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
A Streak Of Scarlett2014 stallion out of Go Royal Scarlett (ET) and Royal Go Go
A Streak Of Smoke2008 mare out of Smokin Pepe and Fols Smoke
A Streak Of Sunshine2010 mare out of Elusive Keepsake and The Big Te
A Streak Of Thanz2016 mare out of Thanz and First Illusions
A Streak Of TJ2018 mare out of French TJ Grey and Frenchmans Guy
A Streak Of Traffic2019 gelding out of Directing Traffic (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
A Streak Ta The Moon2016 gelding out of Dash Ta Suz and Dash Ta Fame
A Streakin Bailey2005 mare out of Frenchmans Bailey (ET) and Frenchmans Guy
A Streakin Bull2006 mare out of Bulla Dash and A Dash Of Beduino
A Streakin Bully2009 stallion out of Eyes A Bully Too and Bully Bullion
A Streakin Dandy2005 mare out of Shesa Dandy Command and Brown King Command
A Streakin Easy2006 gelding out of Easy April Lena and Doc O Dynamite
A Streakin Fiesta2017 mare out of French Kiss Fiesta and First Down French
A Streakin Frost2006 mare out of PC Geemeneze Frost and Sun Frost
A Streakin Legacy2012 mare out of Short Penny (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
A Streakin Merridoc2007 mare out of Winnsboro and Merridoc
A Streakin Okey2014 mare out of MQ Running Brave and Okey Dokey Dale
A Streakin Prize2022 stallion out of Perks First Prize (ET) and Dash For Perks
A Streakin Traffic2018 stallion out of Morning Traffic and Frenchmans Guy
A Streaking Fame2017 mare out of Six Packin Sassy and Dash Ta Fame
A Streaking Fling2017 stallion out of Famous Lily and Dash Ta Fame
A Streakn Design2024 gelding out of Slick As Velvet (ET) and Slick By Design
A Twist Of Streak2014 mare out of Twister Bess Hancock and Blueboy Dalton
A Whiskey Fling2016 mare out of Easy April Whiskey (ET) and Paddys Irish Whiskey
A Wild Fling2018 mare out of Wild Shawne Lace and Shawne Bug
A Winning Fling2022 stallion out of Fayras Intent To Win and Duel Intent
A Winning Streak2008 mare out of Lindas A Winner and Pie In The Sky
A Wonderful Fling2018 mare out of Pacific Wonder Jet (ET) and Zing Zang Wonder
About That Fling2016 stallion out of Dinkys Sandy Gal and Dinkys Sanman
Addictedtomoonsugar2015 stallion out of Runaway Pea and Ocean Runaway
Adios Muchachas2016 mare out of Famous Moon Cheyn (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Aint God Good2016 mare out of Lady La Dash and Dash Ta Fame
Alices Streaknflings2015 mare out of Flit Bargains Alice and Flit Bargain
All Fling No Bling2013 stallion out of Winndeez Ms Peach and Frenchmans Bogie
Alotofstreakindisco2011 gelding out of Lot A Disco and Disco Jerry
Always A Dashof Roan2014 mare out of A Dash of Fling and Streak and Dash
AM Flinginblingbayou2014 stallion out of TM Rare Law and Border Law
Amagicstreakoffling2014 mare out of Bullys Magic and Bully Bullion
An Easy Fling2013 mare out of Sweet Sister Brown and Special Show
AR Streakncash2019 gelding out of Shegetscash and Pepto Boonsmall
Arockinstreakinfling2016 mare out of Rockin On Firewater and Firewaterontherocks
Assuredly Prideful2009 gelding out of Miss Profit Acct and Assured Pleasure
Astreak Of Firewater2014 mare out of Comehailorfirewater and Fire Water Flit
Astreak Of Rona2013 mare out of Rock N Roll Rona (ET) and Ronas Ryon
Astreakinbikini2013 mare out of Doctor Dans Diamond and Like A Diamond
Astreakinlittlefling2022 mare out of Ssheshinzlikadiamond and Frenchmans Guy
Astreakinmerridoc2015 mare out of Winnsboro and Merridoc
Astreakinmiracle2013 stallion out of Country Perks and Dash For Perks
Astreakoflightin2017 stallion out of Cash Lightin and Cash Quota
Astrike Of Fling2013 stallion out of Ms Strike Me Happy (ET) and Biduino
Astrikingfling2013 stallion out of MS Strike Me Happy (ET) and Biduino
Baby Had A Fling2018 mare out of Baby Got New Shoes and Valiant Hero
Bad Bad Zevi Brown2012 stallion out of Zelena Zbar and Zevi (TB)
Baileys Laststreaker2008 gelding out of Frenchmans Bailey (ET) and Frenchmans Guy
Bar B Flingin Sixes2016 mare out of Pick Miss Six and Packin Sixes
Bar B Streak N Dance2014 mare out of Sheza Groovy Dancer and Sambaso Dancer
Bar B Streak Ta Flit2014 stallion out of Iza Starr and Sixes Royal
Bar B Whiskey Fling2018 stallion out of Miss Mitos Whiskey and Dash Ta Fame
Bar Streakin Brady2016 gelding out of Nosey Jet Bar and Jet Space
Barbies Fling2018 mare out of French Bar Belle and Frenchmans Guy
Barry Fast Fling2006 stallion out of Barry Bonita and Barrymore
Believe Ima Streaker2017 stallion out of Beelieve and Dash Ta Fame
BF Shesa Streakin2013 mare out of BF Frenchmans Shesa and Frenchmans Bullet
BF Streakin Bullet2011 gelding out of BF Frenchmans Shesa (ET) and Frenchmans Bullet
BF Streakin French2010 gelding out of BF Frenchmans Shesa (ET) and Frenchmans Bullet
BF Streakin King2010 gelding out of BF Frenchmans Shesa and Frenchmans Bullet
BF Streakin Merridoc2006 stallion out of Winnsboro and Merridoc
BF Streakin Shesa2012 mare out of BF Frenchmans Shesa and Frenchmans Bullet
BF Streakinfrenchman2008 gelding out of BF Frenchmans Shesa and Frenchmans Bullet
BHR Turn N Burn2022 mare out of BHR Guys Flash Me and CS Flashlight
Blazen Reba2016 mare out of Blazen Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Bling Bling Bully2015 stallion out of Blue Bullys Pal and Blue Bully
Blondies Fling2009 gelding out of Blondies Dy Na Mite and Dealing An Ace
Blue Moon Fling2006 mare out of Adalena Moon Jet and The Reign Master
Blueblazin Hot Fling2010 gelding out of Ima Blue Dragon and Final Conquest
Blues Famous Fling2019 stallion out of One Fast Trick and Dash Ta Fame
BR Cake By The Ocean2016 mare out of Rods Last Ladybug (ET) and Sharp Rodney
BR Flingin My Sass2017 mare out of Lorettas Honor and Dr Nick Bar
BR Snow White2012 mare out of KN Docs Gray Gold (ET) and Groanies Gray Pony
Brandi Leas Fling2016 mare out of Vals Premium Cash and Embrujo FG
Breezes Only Fling2006 gelding out of Miss Roarin Breeze and Watch Lucky Jo
Bringthedreamsfling2012 stallion out of Ima Squaw Smash and Easily Smashed
BS Famous Fling2018 mare out of LL Heartbreaker and Dash Ta Fame
Buckstreakin Naked2016 stallion out of French Bar Belle (ET) and Frenchmans Guy
Bugginforafling2007 mare out of First Vagabond and Little Vagabond
Bugs Fling2012 stallion out of Hot Little Hussy and Mr Dashing Bug
Bullion Dollar Fling2017 stallion out of A Bully Episode and Bully Bullion
Bully Fling N Stones2014 mare out of Pebbles Bit O Bully and Bully Bullion
Bullys Moonlit Fling2016 gelding out of Preferance and Bully Bullion
BW Frenchpistolannie2013 mare out of PC Frenchmans Flirt and Sun Frost
BW Streak Free Shine2014 stallion out of BW Teestimetoshine (ET) and Dashin Elvis
Cadillac Bling2019 mare out of Chance Witness (ET) and PYC Paint Your Wagon
Cartels Fling2014 mare out of Tac Of Magic and Voghts Gold
Cash Ta Fling2015 mare out of Dash From The Past (ET) and First Down Dash
CC Flash Dat Fling2018 stallion out of FC Hot Flash and SF Royal Quick Flash
CCC Sissy Chex2014 mare out of CCC Sissy Chex and
CD Senoritas Fling2008 mare out of Moons Rush and Bonita Gold Rush
CE Whatsthemajicword2016 stallion out of Harmony On Ice and Royal Quick Dash
Cee Dat Streaker2015 stallion out of Boogers Trouble Sox and Cee Dat Booger
Cee Me Streakin2013 gelding out of Miss Cee Bar Lena and Mr Sun O Lena
Cellars Streak2016 mare out of Cellars Hole and Mr Jess Perry
Cfour Fling A Blue2011 mare out of Our Red Gravey and Hand Off Boy
Cha Ching Fling 372020 gelding out of Fanny B (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Chatty Fling2024 mare out of KN Wood Be Chatty and Woodbridge
Cheatin Streak2019 stallion out of Runaway Spoon and Bill Cole
Cheep Thrills2016 mare out of Shes Playing For Chex and Cowboy Medley
Chex Four Streakin2013 mare out of Brandy Lord Four and Figure Four 555
Cheyenne Gunner2012 stallion out of Miss Merri Way and Nip N Dude
Cheyenne Gypsy Fling2018 mare out of Cheyenne French Girl and Frenchmans Guy
Chili Streak2015 mare out of Sabres Super Looper and Outstanding Pro
Chularitas Fling2015 stallion out of Chularita Hickory and Bingo Hickory
Cinco Streaker2024 stallion out of Titian Shining Q and Cowboys Shining 211
Cinda Fling Rella2016 mare out of Pats Precious Shekem and Royal Shake Em
CJ Streak Of Badon2013 gelding out of Bonita Badon and Dale Badon
Cleats Vegas Fling2009 stallion out of Cleats In Vegas and Dashing Cleat
Coats Firewaterfling2016 mare out of Fire In the Canyon and Firewaterontherocks
Coats Streaking Fire2018 mare out of Fire N Honor and Alive N Firen
Coffee Is My Fling2016 mare out of Just Plain Coffee and Just Plain Colonel
Corona Sudden Fling2019 gelding out of Queen Fa Tima (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Coyote 5752024 stallion out of Zendayas Effort and Gabriels Effort
CP Aggie2014 mare out of Buena Cartel and Corona Cartel
Crime Streak2014 stallion out of Foxy Crime and Crimewave
Crimson Fling2023 stallion out of Gyrls Gone Wild and Stoli
Cuzigrindsofine2008 mare out of Ima Blue Rhinestone and Krogs Blue Limo
Cuzimstreakin2023 stallion out of Donthatemecuzuaintme and Aint Seen Nothin Yet
Dancein A Streak2018 stallion out of Dancein For Cash and Find Jo Cash
Dancin Streak2015 stallion out of French Dance Girl and Frenchmans Guy
Dash Of Fling2016 stallion out of Dasher The Limit and Texas High Dasher
Dashin For Honor2013 mare out of Dash The Honor and Dash For Perks
Dashinsix Fling2017 gelding out of Frenchmans Dashinsix and Frenchmans Guy
Dat Baby Streakin2014 mare out of Dat Baby Gone and Chicado Pas
Dat Streak Of Fame2019 mare out of BS Pack Dat Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Datil Daisy2017 mare out of DW Road Ta Fame and Smashing N Dashing
Datil Streak Of Fame2019 stallion out of DW Road Ta Fame and Smashing N Dashing
Dats A Guy Streakin2014 gelding out of Frenchmans Maiden and Dats A Frenchman
Daze Famous Streak2016 stallion out of SL Frenchmans Dayzee and PC Frenchmans Mark
Dazzled By A Fling2015 mare out of DTF Dazzled By Fame and Dash Ta Fame
DB Time For A Fling2015 gelding out of Nana Time and Dashing Val
DB Time To Streak2016 stallion out of Nana Time and Dashing Val
De Down For A Fling2014 mare out of First Down Task and Special Task
Deking Of Flings2018 stallion out of Miss Zodiac Cash Bar (ET) and Our Hush Money
Design Minta Streak2014 stallion out of Designers Minta Jet and Designer Red
DH Fling In Ta Fame2016 mare out of CP Hoot Ta Boot and Dash Ta Fame
DH Stellar Streak2018 mare out of PC Frosted Stellar and Sun Frost
DH Won Tago2018 mare out of CP Hoot Ta Boot and Dash Ta Fame
Diablos Fling2005 mare out of Frenchmans Diablo and Frenchmans Guy
Divine Bullseye2018 stallion out of Six Packin Sassy and Dash Ta Fame
Divine Fling2016 mare out of VF Divine Rhythm and Red Hot Rhythm
DM Streak Aboo2007 gelding out of Berts Aboo and Hand Off Boy
DM Winnin Streak2007 stallion out of Our Red Gravey and Hand Off Boy
Docs Streakin Oak2006 gelding out of Miss Geminy Oak and Docs Oak
Doin A Fancy Fling2018 mare out of Doituproyal and Crownroyal Frenchman
Dolly The Texas Jet2011 mare out of Mickeys Texas Jet and Trouble N Texas
Dollys Streaknbadger2016 stallion out of TR Dashing Badger and Mr. Illuminator
Donttoucha The Fling2014 gelding out of Lil Touchafame and Dash Ta Fame
Drama Fling2013 mare out of Take Her Home Now and Teller Cartel
Dream Fling2014 mare out of Special Dream Dash and Dash For Perks
Driftwoods Fling2008 mare out of Driftwoods Poco and Graves Driftwood
DS Spring Fling2007 mare out of Ms Martha Dee and Marthas Six Moons
DTB Flings Cash N In2017 stallion out of Miss N Cielo and Gallo Del Cielo
Dudes Spring Fling2017 stallion out of Dasher Dude (ET) and Texas High Dasher
Dusty Fling2017 stallion out of Docs Dashen Rocket and Bulldasus
Dymonds Bay Fling2017 mare out of Spartans Bay Slider and Colonel Austin
Dynamites Last Fling2017 mare out of Dynamites Last Fling and Doc O Dynamite
Early Morning Fling2024 gelding out of Early Bird Ta Fame and Dash Ta Fame
EAS Shades Of Blue2018 mare out of EAS Miss Kitty and Juleos Revenge
Easy French Fling2024 mare out of Easy Guys (ET) and Holland Ease
Easy Streakin Guy2019 gelding out of Easy Guys and Holland Ease
Easy Ta Streak2020 mare out of Haulin Lotsacash and Holland Ease
Eb My Last Fling2015 mare out of Eb Kings Nine and Wimps King Buck
Evening Fling2019 stallion out of Morning Traffic (ET) and Frenchmans Guy
Eye Fling For Perks2013 mare out of Suena Sol and Dash For Perks
Eyes Last Fling2018 stallion out of Tiny Contac and Mr Eye Opener
Eyesa Streakn Bully2013 mare out of Eyes A Bully Too and Bully Bullion
Fa Tima Fling2018 gelding out of Queen Fa Tima and Dash Ta Fame
Faded Fling2008 mare out of Faded Pleasurers and Country Pleasurers
Faiths Famous Fling2017 mare out of LL Blind Faith and Dash Ta Fame
Fame Fling N Bling2006 mare out of Short Penny and Dash Ta Fame
Fame Flinging Rebel2014 mare out of Famous N Sixy and Famous Charmer
Fame In A Fling2013 mare out of LL Heartbreaker and Dash Ta Fame
Fames Easter Fling2015 mare out of Bebes Hat Trick and Dash Ta Fame
Fames Last Fling2019 mare out of SB Halieva and Dash Ta Fame
Fames Midnight Fling2018 mare out of TS Fame N Fortune and PC Mr Sun Peppy
Famous Fling2016 mare out of Luck Sure E Tacs and Dash Ta Fame
Famous French Fling2015 mare out of Fetch The Fame and Frenchmans Guy
Famous Moon Fling2014 mare out of Te Famous Effort and Dustys Best Effort
Famous Quick Streak2018 gelding out of J Quick Fame (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Famous Streakin Guy2016 stallion out of JW Miz Guyded and Frenchmans Guy
Fancy Fling Ta Fame2013 mare out of Short Penny (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Fannys Flingin Jeans2013 gelding out of Fantasia Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Fast Flingin Cash2022 stallion out of Quick Flyin Gal and Flyin Ta Fame
Fast Flingin Dash2017 gelding out of Dash Ta Suz and Dash Ta Fame
Fast N Frosty Fling2015 mare out of Bugs With Frosting and Dash Ta Fame
Fates Midnight Fling2024 mare out of Letta Shawne Bug U and Letta Hank Do It
FC Peachyslastfling2016 gelding out of FC Peachy Mame Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Fed Ex Fling2015 mare out of PC Frenchmans Desire and Foxy Frenchman
Fergies Fling2009 mare out of Tyrees Toria and Watch Tyrees Dude
Fiery Streak O Fling2019 mare out of French Firewater Bug and Chasin Firewater
Fiesta First Fling2013 stallion out of Firewater Fiesta (ET) and Fire Water Flit
Fingnoffmywranglers2017 stallion out of MNV Miss Arbeka Jet and First Wrangler
FIreball Fling2017 stallion out of Miss Firewater Ryon and Fire Water Flit
Fireflingnwitch2012 mare out of Admire My Fire and Turn N Fire
First Down Fling2016 stallion out of Buckshot Delight and First Down Dash
First Ladys Fling2017 mare out of GL Famous First Lady (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
First Names Only2017 stallion out of My Lady Bug Leo and Shawne Bug Leo
FL Wild French Fling2014 mare out of Frenchmans Chelsie and Frenchmans Guy
Flashin My Gold2017 stallion out of Chics Dig Gold and La Jollas Gold
Fling A Bully Bug2011 gelding out of Shawne Tonto Bug and Bullys On Fire
Fling A Fame2015 mare out of Short Penny and Dash Ta Fame
Fling A Kiss2015 mare out of Taris Top Doll and Tari Eyed Dandy
Fling A Penny2016 mare out of Short Penny and Dash Ta Fame
Fling Aboo2008 mare out of Berts Aboo and Hand Off Boy
Fling Easy Whiskey2019 gelding out of Easy April Whiskey (ET) and Paddy Irish Whiskey
Fling Fling Ka Ching2020 mare out of Tak Me To A Party and Tac It Like A Man
Fling Frenchman Otoe2018 mare out of Frenchmans Otoe Girl and Frenchmans Guy
Fling In Quarantine2020 mare out of Miz Fad and Dash Ta Fame
Fling Me A Ring2016 stallion out of Smart Lil Superstar and Unos Little Superstar
Fling Me A Toye2007 gelding out of Sister Toye and Assured Pleasure
Fling Me A Wink2018 mare out of Give Me A Wink and Doc O Dynamite
Fling Me An Okey2015 mare out of Okey Dokey Lark and Okey Dokey Dale
Fling Me Some Cash2014 stallion out of Jeweled Refrain and Colonel Popcorn
Fling Me Sparkles2015 mare out of Lightning Bug RSH and Bug Me Bright
Fling Me Ta Fame2016 stallion out of Guys Fame N Glori and Frenchmans Guy
Fling Me Ta Fortune2016 mare out of Dash Ta Fortune and Dash Ta Fame
Fling Me The Cash2014 stallion out of SDP Spoonful Of Cash and Hes A Peptospoonful
Fling Me Whiskey2024 stallion out of Paddy Irish Girl and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Fling N Biscuits2016 stallion out of Our Red Gravey and Hand Off Boy
Fling N Delight2016 mare out of Buckshot Delight and First Down Dash
Fling N Famous2013 stallion out of Short Penny (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Fling N Fortune2016 mare out of Our Genuine Delight and Dash Ta Fame
Fling N Frostys2024 stallion out of Especially Frosted (ET) and Bug In My Frosty
Fling N Memories2014 mare out of Zee Killer Bee and Pie In The Sky
Fling N My Glass2011 mare out of Toast Your Bug and Raise Your Glass
Fling Of Choice2015 mare out of Gizelle and A Regal Choice
Fling Of Memories2013 mare out of Roses For Susan and Leaving Memories
Fling Off Im Famous2016 mare out of Runaway Lioness (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Fling Ta Famous2014 gelding out of Short Penny (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Fling Ta The Moon2020 gelding out of CB Mooned By Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Fling That Twizzler2015 stallion out of Jazzs Risque Gypsie and Risque Zipper
Fling The French2016 stallion out of RTF Moon The French and PC Frenchman
Fling This2019 mare out of Justa Wild Thang and Dash Ta Fame
Fling To Success2015 mare out of Quincies Success and Smashing Success
Fling To Winn2016 mare out of Winnsboro and Merridoc
Flingin Blue Streak2016 stallion out of Tiny Contac and Me Eye Opener
Flingin Bullets2013 mare out of Tellhericalled and Dash Ta Fame
Flingin Bux2016 stallion out of Cash Kisses and Cashin In Your Bux
Flingin Cash 372011 stallion out of Cash Perks (ET) and Dash For Cash
Flingin Corona2017 gelding out of Queen Fa Tima (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Flingin Docodynamite2021 gelding out of Dynamites Last Chex and Doc O Dynamite
Flingin Dollars2017 mare out of Preponderance and Mr Pondie Zip
Flingin Fire2015 mare out of MS Fire And Sugar and Firewater Finale
Flingin Freckles2011 gelding out of Docs Bonita Freckles and Sundown Freckles
Flingin French Grey2017 mare out of French TJ Grey (ET) and Frenchmans Guy
Flingin Frost2015 stallion out of PC Miss Boon Wood and Boon Dox John
Flingin Gold2016 stallion out of Zan Parrs Texas Tea and Knight Robber
Flingin In The Sun2014 gelding out of Frenchmans Glitter and PC Frenchmans Mark
Flingin Pennies2016 stallion out of Short Penny and Dash Ta Fame
Flingin Pixy Dust2016 mare out of Mardi Gras Madness and Smoke N Sparks
Flingin Roses2016 stallion out of Dancing Rose Lady and Disco Jerry
Flingin Sand2024 stallion out of Imasharpbullydancer and Bullys On Fire
Flingin Silk Panties2018 stallion out of Famous Silk Panties and Dash Ta Fame
Flingin Sissy Chex2017 mare out of CCC Sissy Chex and Bueno Chex IMP
Flingin Six Shooter2006 stallion out of Illusory and Band of Azure
Flingin Special2015 mare out of Special Kailee and Special Effort
Flingin Ta Fame2018 mare out of Princessa Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Flingin Them Jeans2015 mare out of KR Jean Bug and Blushing Bug
Flingin Traffic2020 mare out of Directing Traffic and Dash Ta Fame
Flingin Wonders2012 stallion out of Wonders Flitbelle and Wonder Otoe
Flingin Wood2015 stallion out of PC Miss Boon Wood and Boon Dox John
Flingin Yellow Roses2024 mare out of LR Peptoyellow Jewel and Yellow Roan Of Texas
Flinginafrenchpearl2013 mare out of NF French Zetana and Frenchmans Guy
Flingincashatthebar2017 mare out of Credit The Flit Bar and Cash Not Credit
Flingindacash2019 gelding out of Flashindacash and Cash Not Credit
Flinging Bullion2014 none out of Preferance and Bully Bullion
Flinging Cash2013 mare out of Iscreamfordash and Dashing With Cash
Flinging Dinero2016 stallion out of LK Shezapeasadinero and PC Frenchmans Hayday
Flinging Dirt2009 gelding out of Four Flicks and Boy Six
Flingingingerstreaks2017 mare out of Fame T Claim and Teller Cartel
Flingingthe Fame2017 stallion out of LL Blind Faith (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Flinginwithastripper2013 stallion out of Spending On A Star and On A High
Flingn Streaks Ofire2006 mare out of Jolies Roman Girl and Phyll By Go Roman
Flingnow Paylater2012 stallion out of Playnow Paylater and Gold And Hard Cash
Flings First Memorie2016 stallion out of Rocket Memories and Leaving Memories
Flingsfamoushotshot2018 stallion out of Famous Savanah and Dash Ta Fame
Flingshot2009 mare out of Top Fashions Candy and Candy Bar Joy
Flingsroyalmatch2015 stallion out of Katie Hickory and Doc's Hickory
Flingster2014 stallion out of SKS Garbo Lane and Lanes Leinster
Flingwithasharpchick2017 gelding out of What A Sharp Chick and Casadybrookhill
Flingy Fame2021 stallion out of L On Heels and Dash Ta Fame
Flirtn With A Streak2013 gelding out of Flirt N Frenchie and Frenchmans Buck
Flit Fling N Bling2014 mare out of Annaly Nick Bar and Dr Nick Bar
Flit Flinging Flames2017 mare out of Flame And Flit and Fire Water Flit
Flits Blazing Streak2015 mare out of Kathys Flit Bargain and Flit Bargain
Flits Dry Fling2016 gelding out of Ima Image Of Daddy and Flit Bargains Image
Flits Easy Fling2016 mare out of Flits Jody Bug and Flit Bargain
Flyingt Strikinfling2014 mare out of Aint She Strikin and Striking Distance
Fonzzi2019 gelding out of RRS Twisten Easy and Kartel
Four Fancy Streak2013 stallion out of A Fancy Title and Title Contender
Foxy Boldt2018 mare out of Foxy Crime and Crimewave
Freak Of Fling2008 gelding out of Beauty Never Dies and QCC Strawberry Glen
Freddies Fling2017 stallion out of Tontos Rovin Bars (ET) and Rovin Beau Jangles
Freedom Fling2009 gelding out of Bug Stinger and Freedom Flyer
French Flit N Fling2015 mare out of Miss Firewater Flash and Frost Flash
French Lovin Casey2015 gelding out of PC Frenchmans Flirt and Sun Frost
French Otoe Fling2016 mare out of Frenchmans Otoe Girl and Frenchmans Guy
French Streakin Izzy2010 mare out of PC Frenchmans Flirt and Sun Frost
French Streakin Jess2011 stallion out of PC Frenchmans Flirt and Sun Frost
French Streaking Gem2009 mare out of PC Frenchmans Flirt and Sun Frost
French Streakofbling2006 mare out of PC Frenchmans Flirt (ET) and Sun Frost
French Streaktorodeo2008 stallion out of PC Frenchmans Flirt and Sun Frost
French Streaktovegas2007 stallion out of PC Frenchmans Flirt (ET) and Sun Frost
Frenchman Flinginsix2018 gelding out of Frenchmans Dashinsix and Frenchmans Guy
Frenchmans Fling2006 mare out of French Heart Tu and Frenchmans Guy
Frenchmans Streaker2006 mare out of PC Frenchmans Flirt (ET) and Sun Frost
Frenchmansfastestguy2016 stallion out of Frenchmans Fancy and Frenchmans Guy
Frenchstreakincactus2018 gelding out of Frenchmans Biscuit and Frenchmans Guy
Friday Nite Fling2017 stallion out of Dats A French Twist and Dats A Frenchman
Frosted Fling2012 gelding out of Sunfrosted Moon and Sun Frost
Frozen French Fling2017 mare out of Fetch The Fame and Frenchmans Guy
Fuelish Flings2014 stallion out of Real Easy Fuel and Oklahoma Fuel
Future Fling2019 mare out of MC Peppy Aristocrat and Smart Aristocrat
Gambleonthestreaker2008 gelding out of Pressey Gamble and Raise The Gamble
GBA Abbysfirstfling2014 mare out of Miss Gay Bar Abby and Cowanater
GBA Casanovas Fling2012 mare out of CLS Robin and Casady Casanova
Geez La Weez2017 mare out of Pats Precious Shakem and Rayal Shakem
Geminy Cricket KTH2016 gelding out of Miss Geminy Oak and Docs Oak
Girlfling2012 mare out of Extremes Joy and Rare Jet Extremes
Give Me A Fling2017 stallion out of Give Me A Wink (ET) and Doc O Dynamite
Give Me A Streak2018 mare out of Give Me A Wink and Doc O Dynamite
Givemeawinktostreaker2017 mare out of Give Me A Wink (ET) and Doc O Dynamite
GL A Streaking Flyer2014 gelding out of SS Flyer and Sweet First Down
GL Duff2012 gelding out of Shakeit For The Guys and Frenchmans Guy
GL Flit To Fling2014 stallion out of Looks To Kill For and Flit To Kill
GL Muff2017 mare out of Shakeit For The Guys and Frenchmans Guy
GL Tuff2011 stallion out of Shakeit For The Guys and Frenchmans Guy
Glowingstreakof Fire2017 stallion out of Glowing Fire Water and Fire Water Flit
Go For A Streak2008 stallion out of Go For It Frenchgirl (ET) and Frenchmans Guy
Go Streakin Angus2017 stallion out of SB Halieva and Dash Ta Fame
Gone With A Fling2024 stallion out of Ritas Gone (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
GRC Quick Streak2016 stallion out of Shes Really Quick and Bully Bullion
Gun Fling2023 stallion out of Fletchs Pistol and Royal Fletch
Guns Fancy Fling2010 mare out of Guns Fancy Chex (ET) and Nu Chex To Cash
Guys French Fling2013 mare out of Guys Voodoo Ladybug and Frenchmans Guy
Gypsy Fling2019 stallion out of Hip Swingin Gypsy (ET) and Firewaterontherocks
Hada Fling In Laredo2014 mare out of SC Sweet Blue Raemie and Laredo Blue
Happybucknmardigras2007 mare out of Mardi Gras Madness and Smoke N Sparks
Hazersstreakincowboy2017 stallion out of RR Cowgirl Cartel and Cowboys Cartel
HDL Streakin By Yawl2015 gelding out of Heros Dashin Lady (et) and Heza Hero
Heartbreaking Fling2017 stallion out of LL Heartbreaker and Dash Ta Fame
Hello Wildfling2024 stallion out of Hello Darling and Stoli
Hes Just A Fling2013 gelding out of Tinys Gay Jet and Mito Jet
Hez Dashing Solo2018 stallion out of A Sassy Dash and Dash Ta Fame
Hez One Slick Fling (APHA)2017 gelding out of Shez One Slick Angel and RC Slick Jackmccue
Hez Some Fling2015 gelding out of Sheza Cash Dasher and Some Dasher
Hez The Ladys Man2019 stallion out of Lady La Dash and Dash Ta Fame
Heza Fiery Fling2015 stallion out of Shezafirenbully and Bully Bullion
Heza Streak Of Cash2012 gelding out of Top Bug Cash and Cash Not Credit
Hezstreakinwithhonor2014 gelding out of Halos Honor and Rene Dan Jet
HF Famesstreaknfling2017 mare out of DTF J Dub Stunna and Dash Ta Fame
HGF Flinging Frosted2015 mare out of PC Smoke Sun Holly and Sun Frost
High Brow Streak2015 mare out of High Brow Six and High Brow Cat
HLC French Eleora2014 mare out of NOTHER FRENCH GIRL and Frenchmans Guy
HLH A Streakofpearls2015 mare out of Jeweled Refrain and Colonel Popcorn
HLH Streakin A Fling2009 stallion out of Tinys Gay Jet and Mito Jet
Holland Fling2018 gelding out of Easy Guys and Holland Ease
Hollands Last Fling2022 stallion out of Holland Princess and Holland Ease
Honky Tonk Mind2013 gelding out of Secret In Stone and Special Leader
Honoring Moonbeams2014 mare out of Boomin Anna Jettin and Jet Of Honor
Hot Fling2020 mare out of A Hot Chick and Hawkinson
Hot Take2021 stallion out of JJJ Tickett Ta Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Hot Winter Fling2010 mare out of BJL Hot Winter Scotch and Hot Cabin Jack
Houston Fling2019 gelding out of Dash Ta Houston and Dash Ta Fame
Houston Streak2018 gelding out of Dash Ta Houston and Dash Ta Fame
Houstonsfirstfling2023 mare out of Dash Ta Houston (ET) #1 and Dash Ta Fame
Houstonstreakinfirst2016 gelding out of Dash Ta Houston and Dash Ta Fame
Houstonwegotafling2023 mare out of Dash Ta Houston (ET) #2 and Dash Ta Fame
HP Streak Of Fame2018 mare out of HP Fiesta Fame (et) and Dash Ta Fame
HP The Roan Rocket2018 stallion out of Rods Last Ladybug (ET) and Sharp Rodney
HR Destinedtastreak2016 mare out of Destination Fame and Eddie Stinson
IB Streakin Famous2013 stallion out of IB Famously and Dash Ta Fame
Ichin To Go Streakin2014 stallion out of Aurora Ichi and Cat Ichi
Illegal Fling2017 gelding out of I R Negrita and Illegal Runaway
Im A Sassy Fling2011 mare out of Tinys Gay Jet and Mito Jet
IM Dee Real Fling2015 stallion out of Balmy Dundee and Ima Outlaw Too
Im Fame N Fortune2005 stallion out of JJH Lady of Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Im Flingn Famous2018 stallion out of Cool To Be Famous and Sun Frost
Im Kicking Bear2006 stallion out of Isaws Honey Bear and Isaw Kirk
Im On Flingin Fire2016 mare out of Merrazona Bully and Bully Bullion
Im Streakin Ta Fame2008 stallion out of JJH Lady Of Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Ima Fancy Fling2015 stallion out of Easy French Alibi and Frenchmans Guy
Ima Fling Too2016 stallion out of Tinys Gay Jet and Mito Jet
Ima Freakin Streakin2014 stallion out of Rocket Charmin and Skip Charmin
Ima Perky Fling2013 mare out of Kan Perk Too and Dash For Perks
Ima Streak Of Fame2016 mare out of Six Packin Sassy and Dash Ta Fame
Imastreakinsuperstar2016 gelding out of Docs Abbie Lee and Docs Superstar Bar
Imfameusforstreakin2006 mare out of JJH Lady of Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Isaws Ivan Streakin2006 mare out of Isaws Honey Bear (ET) and Isaw Kirk
Itty Bitty Fling2013 mare out of Lelotta Leo and Tanner Leo
Ivory Tower Fling2024 mare out of Jess An Ivory Tower and Ivory James
Jacks Fast Fling2006 gelding out of Jack Eyed Kitten and Jack Eyed Banjo
JC Frosty Streaker2008 stallion out of JC Frosty Sis and PC Tru Az Frost
JD Ms Strekn Jennie2013 mare out of JD Miss Dandy Jennie and Dandy Wilywood
JD Streakin Drifter2008 stallion out of Chalamar Drifter and Colonel Charge
Jesse Famous Fling2016 mare out of Jesse Famous Girl (ET) and Jesse James Jr
Jesse Streakin James2014 stallion out of Moving Jesse and Jesse James JR
Jest A Fling2018 stallion out of Short Lane Ta Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Jewels Breeze Fling2013 mare out of Zanny H Breeze and Zan Parr Scooter
JF Leather N Lace2019 mare out of French Tj Grey and Frenchmans Guy
JH Streak Of Honor2016 stallion out of Packin Honor Jet and Packin Sixes
Jimmie Beans Fling2016 gelding out of Think Flit Bargain and Flit Bargain
JJ Red Fling2010 stallion out of Four Away Flick and Four Away
JK Musictostreakto2017 mare out of RJ Rebel Music and Billy Cody Leo Joe
JL Bug Flinger2016 mare out of Bams Bug and Shawne Bug
JL My Sis Streaks2019 mare out of JL Twisted Sister (ET) and JL Sirocco
JL Streakology2019 gelding out of JL Sienna and Dash Ta Fame
Jody Fabulous Streak2015 mare out of Fabulous Dreams and Jody O Toole
John Three 162016 stallion out of Lfsoon To Be Famous and John Fame
John Three 172017 gelding out of Lfsoon To Be Famous and John Fame
Joys Hopeful Streakr2013 gelding out of Extremes Joy and Rare Jet Extremes
JR See Me Streakin2016 mare out of Frenchmans Dejavu (ET) and Sun Frost
JR So Streakin Easy2014 gelding out of Dustys Jazzy Dancer and Touchdown Dancer
JR Streakin Espuela2013 gelding out of Espuela Pleasure and Blue Light Ike
JR Streakin Ike2014 gelding out of Espuela Pleasure and Blue Light Ike
JR Streakin Swagger2013 gelding out of Dustys Jazzy Dancer and Touchdown Dancer
Judy Had A Fling (APHA)2023 mare out of Isabelle Rose and Judys Lineage
Just A Famous Fling2015 gelding out of Famous Judge and Dash Ta Fame
Just A Kissin Fling2017 mare out of Kiss This Flit and Flit To Kill
Just Another Fling2006 gelding out of Jessi Pep San and Sonny Pep San
Justa Easy Fling2020 stallion out of Sugar N Sun and MP Jet To The Sun
Justa Fling2018 stallion out of Famous Wildone (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Justa French Fling2013 mare out of Frenchmans Lingerie and Frenchmans Guy
Justa Pure Fling2017 stallion out of Texhoma Dash and Pure D Dash
Justa Romantic Fling2014 stallion out of Delightful Classic and Rolls Of Romance
Justa Streakoffling2016 stallion out of Justa Rockin Hancock and Punk Rock Hancock
Justa Touch Of Fame2011 gelding out of Lil Touchafame and Dash Ta Fame
Justa Wittle Fling2014 gelding out of Miracle Chic Dream and Magnum Chic Dream
Justastreaknfling2013 stallion out of Dashinlikastreaker (ET) and Zippy Zevi Dasher
JW Fracking Fast2018 stallion out of JW Frenchmanicure and Frenchmans Guy
Kas Of Fling2015 stallion out of Clam Up and Super De Kas
Kat Had A Fling2016 stallion out of Down Katella and First Down Dash
KC Ima Fancy Fling2014 mare out of Dickens Peppy Doc and Jacks Peppy Frost
KD Baby Driver2017 gelding out of Watch Me Go Guys and Frenchmans Guy
KDS Spring Fling2016 mare out of Kwiki O Lena and A Streak of Fling
Kentucky Star Fling2016 mare out of When Stars Streak and Miracle Streak
KG Dontblevmejuswach2018 stallion out of KG Justiceweexpected and Judge Cash
KG Streakintothemoon2018 gelding out of Do It For Beau and Beaus Scoop Of Sun
Kickinit Witha Fling2016 mare out of BH Kickinit and Dash Ta Fame
Kimbo Slice TKO2018 gelding out of PC Sun Kinda Chick and Sun Frost
King Of Fling2013 stallion out of My Miss Sarah and Colonel Fandel
KL Dragon Lady2013 mare out of Kastons Run Away and Runaway Money
KM Streakin For Cash2021 stallion out of Takin Sassy Cash and Takin On The Cash
KN Ashley2013 mare out of KN Shesa Regulargirl (ET) and Nothin But Cash
KN Bam Chicka Wowwow2012 mare out of KN Shesa RegularGirl and Nothin But Cash
KN Bam Shake Da Room2018 stallion out of KN Shesa Regulargirl and Nothin But Cash
KN Cross Roads2014 stallion out of KN Shesa RegularGirl and Nothin But Cash
KN Fabulous Fling2016 mare out of KN Fabs Gift Of Fame and Frenchmans Fabulous
KN Fancy Fling2015 mare out of KN Shesa Regulargirl and Nothin Buy Cash
KN Guys Last Fling2015 stallion out of Vanishing Frenchgirl and Frenchmans Guy
KN Mama Tried2018 stallion out of KN My Mamas Famous 2 and Firewater Ta Fame
KN Mamas First Fling2017 gelding out of KN My Mamas Famous 2 and Firewater Ta Fame
KN Mary Kate2013 mare out of KN Shesa Regulargirl (ET) and Nothin But Cash
KN Sort Of Obvious2012 stallion out of Adoringly and Dash For Cash
KN Streak N Fabulous2016 mare out of KN Fabs Gift Of Fame and Frenchmans Fabulous
KN This Guys Streakn2016 gelding out of Vanishing Frenchgirl ET and Frenchmans Guy
Knflingnbutterscotch2012 gelding out of Vanishing Frenchgirl (ET) and Frenchmans Guy
Knucklebuster2017 stallion out of Wow Wow Wow and Separatist
KP Fling A Guy2016 gelding out of Frenchmans Cadeaulac and Frenchmans Guy
KP Frenchmans Fling2017 stallion out of Frenchmans Cadeaulac and Frenchmans Guy
KP Guys A Streakin2018 stallion out of Frenchmans Cadeaulac and Frenchmans Guy
KR Bugsastreaking2006 mare out of Sancee Bug and Shawnee Bug
KR Last Fling2010 mare out of Sancee Bug and Shawne Bug (ET)
KT Fling N Firewater2016 mare out of Money Makin Affair and First Smart Money
KT Sheza Tuf Fling2016 mare out of Sheza Special Tuffy and Tuf N Busy
Lady Bugs Treasure2013 mare out of Imarealtreasure and Dash Ta Fame
Lady Mystique Streak2013 mare out of Lady Chivato and Dash To Chivato
Ladysfling Unleashed2019 mare out of Unleashedtabealady and LDS Unleashed
Last Chance Fling2014 gelding out of Marcias Last Chance and Brads Jet Bar
LastflingwithMaryJane2014 mare out of Best of Pat and Little Concord Jet
Laughing Fling2011 gelding out of Flirt N Frenchie and Frenchmans Buck
Lavishly Streaking2017 mare out of Lavish Eyes and Mr Eye Opener
LDB One Night Fling2022 mare out of Righthonor and Dancingrightpastya
LDR A Smart Fling2015 mare out of Zan Smart Arrow and Zan Parr Arrow
Le Blue Streak2011 gelding out of Toastie Le Tusk and Le Tusk
Lenas Last Streaker2012 mare out of Easy April Lena and Doc O Dynamite
Lenas Whiskey Fling2020 gelding out of Paddys Lena Whiskey and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Lets Drag2013 mare out of Admire My Fire and Turn N Fire
Lets Perk This Fling2010 stallion out of Dianeforcash and Dash For Perks
LH A Streak Of Faith2016 mare out of Lean With Fritzy and Lean With Me
LH Flingingthecash2021 mare out of This Too Shall Cash and This Too Shall Pass
LH StreaknJazz2016 stallion out of Jazzy Ruth and Dual Jazz
Lightz Camera Action2019 mare out of Ahairfastermom and Disco Jerry
Lil Streak Of Fire2018 mare out of Little Dasher Bug and Hot Dasher
Little Honory Streak2007 gelding out of Lucky Honor and Jet Of Honor
Little Streakin Cat2014 mare out of Silver Marbles and Cat Silver
Living Four A Fling2017 stallion out of Spurs N Sparkles and Valiant Hero
Luv My Fling2022 stallion out of Luv My Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Macisrunawayfling2014 mare out of Macis Queen and Winning Speed
Magic Trixx2015 mare out of Fames Magic and Dash Ta Fame
Majestys Bay Pearl2016 mare out of Macs April Majesty and Watch Me McCue
Mamahadafling2017 mare out of Shegotitfromhermama and Reds Western Native
Manzi Had A Fling2024 mare out of HVQ Manzanita Bill and HVQ Bill Cody
Marys Surre Thing2017 mare out of MFO Marys Girl and Mr Freckles Olena
Mckaylas Fling2019 gelding out of Mckaylas Doc and Merridoc
MCM Mulberrys Fling2017 stallion out of Mulberry Canyon Moon (ET) and Marthas Six Moons
MCM Notdunnstreakin2016 mare out of Mulberry Canyon Moon (ET) and Marthas Six Moons
ME Smooth Criminal2013 mare out of Behold A Pro and Behold A Beduino
Me Talk Dirty Ta Me2017 stallion out of Short Lane Ta Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Media Puzzle Fling2017 gelding out of Firem Kimber Frost and Firem Jet
Merridocs Fling2016 mare out of Mckaylas Doc and Merridoc
Meryl Streak2013 mare out of Madame Roni Rose and Sir Antonio
Miss Famous Fling2024 mare out of Miss Famous Beduino (ET) and Famous Beduino
Miss Fling Of Pepper2014 mare out of Miss Dottie Pepper and Roll The Cash
Miss Geminy Fling2022 mare out of Miss Geminy Oak and Docs Oak
Miss Peeka Streak2014 mare out of Miss Peeka Pep and Peeka Pep
Miss Streak N Chex2017 mare out of Miss High Brow Chex and Nu Chex To Cash
Miss Streakin Play2013 mare out of Una Pistola and Playgun
Missnstreaksforcash2015 mare out of Miss N Cielo and Gallo Del Cielo
MJ Astreakofboots2016 stallion out of RC Black In Black and Ninety Nine Goldmine
Mj Fling Back2019 mare out of RC Back In Black (ET) and Ninety Nine Goldmine
MJ Streakin Beauty2017 mare out of RC Back In Black and Ninety Nine Goldmine
MJPStreakin The Moon2017 stallion out of RTF Moon The French and PC Frenchmans Hayday
Moon Pie Fling2016 stallion out of Seekers Pie (ET) and Shawne Bug
Moon Star Fling2014 stallion out of TS Rolling Sun Frost and PC Mr Sun Peppy
More Fling Please2018 mare out of More Toast Please and Toast To Dash
More Than A Fling2007 gelding out of AC Move and Smooth Move
Mr Fling Olena2014 stallion out of Freckles Skeet Olena and Mr Freckles Olena
Mr Jazz Player2012 stallion out of Jazzy Princess and Da Jazzy Starlight
Mr John Chisolm2016 stallion out of Miz Spiff and Rare Jet Extremes
MR MulberryMoonFling2016 mare out of Mulberry Canyon Moon and Marthas Six Moons
Mr Steal Yo Fling2022 stallion out of A Dash Of Bullion and Bully Bullion
MTS Poision Ivy2018 mare out of Rockets Dashin Perk and Dash For Perks
Murphys French Fling2014 mare out of Murphys French Kiss and Frenchmans Guy
My Favorite Fling2015 mare out of Kansas Ivory and Ivory James
My Flings On Fire2014 stallion out of My Frosted Firewater and No Fade Wranglers
My French Treat2016 gelding out of Dolls French Cash and Frenchmans Guy
My Own Lane2018 stallion out of Firewater Traffic and Firewater Ta Fame
My Secret Fling 372014 mare out of Blue Grass Bounce and Pritzi Dash
My Supernova Girl2017 mare out of Dashers Hot Copy and Hot Dasher
Namgis Busy Fling2016 gelding out of Namgis D 26 and Bucks Hancock Dude
Night Fling2017 stallion out of Morning Traffic and Frenchmans Guy
Night Flinger2019 gelding out of Dashing Nights and Dash Ta Fame
NSM Bullet Proof2015 gelding out of BH Outlaws Bullet and Dash Ta Fame
Nuff Said2006 mare out of Lous Dash and Dash For Perks
Nuttin But A Fling2024 mare out of Nuttin Smoother and A Smooth Guy
Okeys Irish Fling2017 mare out of La Dokey Rona and Okey Dokey Dale
On A Hitting Streak2014 mare out of Hit It Martha and Homerun Hitters 1998
One Night Fling2014 gelding out of White River Nici and White River Nic
One Nite Fling2014 mare out of Tatango Twist Te and Triple Twist Te
One Streakin Meridoc2008 stallion out of RBY Merri Fay and Merridoc
One Streakin Parson2014 gelding out of Lil Dreamy Eyes and One Eyed Parson
Otoe French Fling2017 mare out of Frenchmans Otoe Girl and Frenchmans Guy
OZ Fling N Whiskey2017 stallion out of Berrie Irish Freckle and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Oz Streaka Dynamite2017 mare out of Redwood Jazette and Redwood Dynamo
Oz Streakin Irish2016 mare out of Berrie Irish Freckle and Paddys Irish Whiskey
OZ Streakn Money2017 mare out of DL Money Talks and CO Ike Wood
Packing A Streek2011 mare out of Pretty Packin Patsie and Packin Sixes
Paddys Flingin Irish2018 mare out of Paddys Lena Whiskey and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Paddys Lena Streak2017 mare out of Paddys Lena Whiskey and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Paddys Streakin Moon2016 gelding out of Paddys Lena Whiskey and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Paddys Whiskey Guy2013 stallion out of Paddys Lena Whiskey and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Paddystreakndynamite2016 stallion out of Dynamites Starlite and Doc O Dynamite
Painted Fling2012 gelding out of Young Laneys Paint and Smart Painted Lena
Passem Flinging2017 gelding out of Passem Jet and Nonstop Bubblin
Pay Da Man2014 stallion out of VF Red Lights and Designer Red
PC Sun Streaks2006 gelding out of PC Sun Dew and Sun Frost
Peekin N Streakin2016 stallion out of Frenchmans Peekaboo and Ciderwood
Perfect Fling N Fame2017 mare out of Perfect Muffet and Perfect Possibility
Perfect Fling Tafame2022 stallion out of Sugsperfectiontafame and Dash Ta Fame
Perks Streakin Bug2005 stallion out of Perk Up N Dash and Dash For Perks
PG Streakin Lady2016 mare out of Six Pack of Bull and Bully Bullion
PG Streakin Sunfrost2017 mare out of A Dash Of Sun Frost and Sun Frost
Pips Streakofdaylite2015 mare out of Nonstop Daylite and Nonstop Tom
Pirate Fling2014 stallion out of Pappas Lil Girl and Magnificence
PK Streak Of Misty2009 mare out of Krogs Little Misty and Smart Little Romeo
Plainly Streakin2012 mare out of Plainly A Treasure and Treasured Too
Positively Streaking2024 stallion out of Jetolena Design (ET) and Slick By Design
Pritzi Lil Fling2018 mare out of Blue Grass Bounce and Pritzi Dash
Pritzi Please 372024 mare out of Blue Grass Bounce (ET) and Pritzi Dash
Promise Me A Fling2024 mare out of TBR Call U Promised and Call Me Together
Promises To Streak2013 stallion out of Pie Sky Promises (ET) and Pie In The Sky
PYC Pick your Fling2018 mare out of PYC Pick Your Pocket (ET) and PYC Paint Your Wagon
Queen Flingtima2017 mare out of Queen Fa Tima (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Queen Of Flings2014 mare out of Miss Yukon Queen and Zanin For Yukon Gold
Queens Flashy Streak2020 stallion out of Yfrenchsilverqueen and Frenchmans Feature
Quick Derby Day2016 stallion out of Quick Maxine (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Quick To Fling2017 stallion out of Pug Me In and Quick To Flare Up
Quixotes On A Streak2013 stallion out of Just Playin Trix and Docs Quix Trix
Rarely Tippin2015 stallion out of Rarely Blue and Justins Rare Fuel
Razzle Dazzle Fling2013 mare out of Adalena Moon Jet and The Reign Master
RDC A Streak Of Fire2018 mare out of Flits Firebelle and Firewater Flit
RDC Back In A Fling2022 mare out of RC Back In Black (ET) and Ninety Nine Goldmine
RDC Famous Lil Fling2017 mare out of Dash Ta Lil and Dash Ta Fame
Red Hot Okie Fling2017 mare out of SR Silveroak Ta Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Red Streak O Fling2014 stallion out of VF Shiny Red Stone and Sticks An Stones
Red Streak Of Fling2007 gelding out of My Sadie Glo and PC Bronsin
Reposada Fling2019 mare out of Reposada (ET) and Pritzi Dash
Rings Over Flings2017 mare out of Ladys Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Riot Maker (APHA)2020 stallion out of Maximom Madilene and Take It To The Max
RJ Streak Of Charity2010 gelding out of RNJ Charity and Jae Bar Tip
RLC Shake N Bake2015 stallion out of Hardytime Gal and Royal Shake Em
RLP Pucker Up2012 mare out of Kiss Kiss This and Chain Of Events
Rockin Streakin Lil2007 mare out of Romans Lil Rockette and My Roman Soldier
Rockin With Roses2014 stallion out of TJO Etta J Firewater and Firewater Flit
Rollin For Riches2017 mare out of Dash From The Past (ET) and First Down Dash
RP Look Ima Streakin2015 gelding out of Looks Star In Time and A Star In Time
RQ This Flings Packn2017 stallion out of Major Bar Streakin and Verily Sixes
RR Bar Fling2012 mare out of Snooze Bar and Darn That Alarm
Rrrflingmeadream2015 gelding out of Snooze Bar and Darn That Alarm
RS A Gambling Streak2013 stallion out of Sheza Real Deal and Deal The Cards
RS A Vegas Fling2014 mare out of Sheza Real Deal and Deal The Cards
Ruinin Generations2020 mare out of Mamas Gossip and Hollywood Gossip
Run LT Dan Run2017 stallion out of Reds Missle Glo and Reds Missle
Run Shrimp Run2017 mare out of Deal The Gold (ET) and Ima Easy Dealer
Sanjos Streak N Turn2016 stallion out of Sanjos Rose and San Jo Lena
SBW Dr Streak2017 stallion out of Sx Dr Peachrita and Dr Nick Bar
SC Sheza Streakin2017 mare out of Royal High Return and Royal Shake Em
SC Streak N Famous2014 mare out of Dash Ta Houston and Dash Ta Fame
SCflingbeforethering2020 mare out of SC Smoke N Rings and Smoke N Sparks
Schoen No Fear2016 stallion out of Schoen No Mercy and Dash Ta Fame
SCR Streak Of Pepto2019 mare out of SCR Peptoes Diamond and Peptoes
SCR Streakin Wimpy2016 gelding out of Thischicsalilwimpy and Wimpys Little Step
Secret Fling And Fly2018 stallion out of BY Fly Like A Secret and No Secrets Here
Seekin A Streakin2013 mare out of Frenchmansgoldseeker and Frenchmans Guy
SH Shez A Streaker2017 mare out of Shez A Tenner and Oak Tree Special
SH Streak Of Fame2013 mare out of Sudden Susan and Dash Ta Fame
SH Streakin J Bird2016 gelding out of BCR Stellaluna and Dash Ta Fame
Shaleos Fancy Fling2008 mare out of Shaleos Shadow and Prices Jim Bob Leo
Shalimar2020 mare out of Behold Jody Oh and Jody O Toole
Shawne Last Streaker2020 mare out of Wild Shawne Lace (ET) and Shawne Bug
Shawne Streakin Jet2015 stallion out of Wild Shawne Lace and Shawne Bug
Shawnee Fling2017 mare out of Matts Playgirl and Millum Matts King
She Got The Bling2013 mare out of When Stars Streak and Miracle Streak
Shes Gone Streaking2024 mare out of Cooln My Jets and MP Jet To The Sun
Shes Just A Fling2015 mare out of Amelias Nonstop Hope and Furyofthewind
Shesa Fast Fling2016 mare out of Fast Delight and Heza Fast Man
Shesa Streakin Gal2016 mare out of DMAC Heaping Spoon and Hes a Peptospoonful
Shesa Streakin Jet2008 mare out of JC Sueper Jet and Sue Per Macho Deck
Shesa Streakof Fling2014 mare out of RH Apache Darline and Apache Blue Boy
Shez Comin In Hot2014 mare out of Impeccable Honor and Impeccable Form
Shez Freakn Streakn2016 mare out of Effort For The Title and Title Contender
Shez Gota Poker Face2010 mare out of French Fancy Face (ET) and Frenchmans Guy
Sheza Fast Fling2015 mare out of Royal Fast Corona and Stel Corona
Sheza Hot Royalfling2015 mare out of Sorryicantstoptochat and Pritzi Dash
Sheza Streakin Reba2016 mare out of Slip Down And Hide and Slip Down Lena
Sheza Streaking Lena2016 mare out of PC Frenchmans Lena and PC Frenchmans Mark
Sheza Streakn Hayday2019 mare out of MP Frenchmans Speed and PC Frenchmans Hayday
Sheza Streakn Mainah2013 mare out of Playboy Policy and Poco Playboy Rose
Shezastreaknsunfrost2011 mare out of AP Lucy and Sun Frost
Shining Fling2023 mare out of Shiners Vaquera (ET) and Shining Spark
Short Man Streakin2016 stallion out of Short Penny ET and Dash Ta Fame
Silver Charm Fling2014 mare out of Reds Missle Glo and Reds Missle
Sipes Magic Fling2013 mare out of Sipes Magic Breeze and Marthas Six Moons
Six French Flings2016 mare out of FC Six French Moons and Frenchmans Guy
Six Streakinmemories2019 mare out of Rocket Memories and Leaving Memories
Sixes Fling2015 mare out of Waresthesox and Waresthecat
SJ Flyin Purplpeach2017 mare out of Frenchmans Sugarflit and Frenchmans Guy
Slickr Thana Snickr2024 stallion out of Designed By Gypsy (ET) and Slick By Design
Sling Me A Bar2009 mare out of Scratchy Nick Bar and Dr Nick Bar
Slingin Firewater2019 gelding out of Firewater Traffic and Firewater Ta Fame
Smooth Truckin Fling2011 gelding out of Tjs Smooth Truckin and True N True
Snap Streak2022 stallion out of Red Brizia and Complete Perfection
Sneekin Bayou2013 mare out of King Peppys Punkin and Peppys Vineyard
So Famous Streaker2018 mare out of Leavem Sweet Lucy and Dash Ta Fame
So Flinging Easy2015 mare out of EJ Cross Bars and Easy Jet
So Streakin Awesome2020 mare out of Switch Ta Corona and Awesome Ta First
So Streakin Hot2018 stallion out of Hot Magnolia Miss and Hot Dasher
So Streaking Special2024 stallion out of Someum Special and Genuine Strawfly
SP Flingnfreaknfast2016 stallion out of Takin A Chance On JJ and Jay S Doctor
Specialstreakinfling2017 gelding out of How Skipngonaked and Strawflyin Buds
Spin Daddys Money2024 mare out of Dance N Spin A Lena and Shim A Lena
Spoons First Fling2015 mare out of Rips Desert Spoon and Rips Sport Model
Spring Fling Bunny2008 mare out of Shooten Dance and Shooting On By
Squeakin Streakin By2009 mare out of Squeaks Miss Koy 197 and Squeak Toy
SR Fling the Gold2005 stallion out of Triple Abby and Triple Goldrush
SR Miss Six War2005 mare out of Bar Tip Image and Jae Bar Tip
SR Pistol Packinanne2014 mare out of LK Watch Me Rock (ET) and Firewaterontherocks
SR Shake That Fling2006 gelding out of Bar Tip Image and Jae Bar Tip
SS Dees Secret Fling2016 mare out of Dees Blonde Girl and Forty Dee Poco
SS Flirtn With Fling2017 mare out of Dees Blonde Girl and Forty Dee Poco
SS Unzip and Streak2015 stallion out of HM Lady Zip and Zip Cash
Steakinstella2016 mare out of Eye Soar Am Hot and Eye Soar
Stoli My Fling2017 mare out of Ginnin Stoi and Stoli
Stolis Beach Fling2014 mare out of Emerald Beach and Stoli
Story Worth Tellen2015 stallion out of Story Tellen Daisy and The Money Doctor
Streak And Sugar2015 mare out of Sugar Da Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Streak Easy April2019 gelding out of Easy April Whiskey (ET) and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Streak Easy Movin2019 gelding out of Easy Movin Starlight and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Streak Easy Whiskey2018 gelding out of Easy April Whiskey and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Streak Em Easy Ali2015 mare out of Frenchmans Aprillena and Frenchmans Guy
Streak Flash Boon2018 gelding out of Flashin Joesy and CS Flashlight
Streak French TJ2017 gelding out of French TJ Grey (ET) and Frenchmans Guy
Streak Gypsy Streak2019 mare out of Hip Swingin Gypsy (ET) and Firewaterontherocks
Streak Her To Go2015 mare out of BR Mad To Go and Gone To The Man
Streak My Fling2013 stallion out of Be My Alibi and Skirt Chasin Alibi
Streak N High2016 stallion out of Ruffles On A High and On A High
Streak N Moon Ya2015 stallion out of RTF Moon The French and PC Frenchman
Streak N Rose Tattoo2012 stallion out of Madame Ronnie Rose and Sir Antonio
Streak Of Cash TB2014 stallion out of Raggady Ann and Special Leader
Streak Of Crystalzz2014 stallion out of Clarks Poco Crystal and Weavers Poco Sugar
Streak Of French2014 gelding out of Frenchmans Wimpa and Frenchmans Guy
Streak of Frost2005 gelding out of Frosty Berry Drift and Drop Of Frost
Streak Of Jet Fuel2012 gelding out of Flaming Jet Fuel and Oklahoma Fuel
Streak Of Jule2008 gelding out of Frenchmans Jule and Frenchmans Guy
Streak Of Me2013 mare out of SS Me Fly Too and Scenics Symbol
Streak of Moon Star2012 gelding out of Smokes Lil Charm and The Smart Smoke
Streak Of Pleasure2011 stallion out of Miss Profit Acct and Assured Pleasure
Streak of Profit2012 gelding out of A Passion For Profit and Profit Increase
Streak of Red Money2016 gelding out of Lass Got Money and On The Money Red
Streak Of Scotch2010 mare out of Redhottwothousandone and Red Hot Verse
Streak Smarts2020 stallion out of Nu Smart Little Lena and Smart Little Loper
Streak Ta Fling2015 mare out of Daves Jet Ta Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Streak Through Fire2012 gelding out of Dash Of Firewater and Fire Water Flit
Streak To Fire2023 stallion out of Firewater Jewel and Fire Water Flit
Streaker Shoots Six2006 stallion out of Olenas Dusty Rose and Olenas Best Bet
Streakers Cartel2018 mare out of Queen Fa Tima and Dash Ta Fame
Streakers Do Dot Com2007 gelding out of Pepover Prescription and Passover Peppy
Streakers Got Cash2021 gelding out of Flashindacash and Cash Not Credit
Streakers Prize2014 gelding out of Oh What A Prize and Heza Fast Man
Streakers Queen2015 mare out of Queen Fa Tima and Dash Ta Fame
Streakers Red Rocket2011 mare out of Look At Biankus and JD Look
Streakers Yellowrose2024 mare out of Rockin On Firewater and Firewaterontherocks
Streakersalwaysfirst2017 stallion out of Kates Always First (ET) and First Down Dash
Streakershalfwhiskey2020 mare out of Flashlights Whiskey and CS Flashlight
Streakin April Lena2005 mare out of Easy April Whiskey(ET) and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Streakin At Midnight (APHA)2016 stallion out of Baders Babe and Dry Tivio Badger
Streakin Azyoucansee2017 stallion out of See the Fire and Azyoucansee
Streakin Badger Bar2005 stallion out of Badgers Kitty Lark and Big Badger King
Streakin Bar None2006 mare out of Bar None Pridian (ET) and Bar None Joe
Streakin Bear Naked2016 mare out of Bearly Dash and Dash For Cash
Streakin Bit O Frost2010 mare out of Tigers Bit O Honey and Tiger Frost
Streakin Blue Dragon2007 mare out of Ima Blue Dragon and Final Conquest
Streakin Bon Bon2019 mare out of Shanes Reverie and Mr Jess Perry
Streakin Boon Bar2005 gelding out of PC Joesy Dox (ET) and Boon Dox John
Streakin Boon Dox2006 stallion out of PC Joesy Dox and Boon Dox John
Streakin Bulla Dash2005 gelding out of Bulla Dash and A Dash Of Beduino
Streakin By Midnight2007 gelding out of Howys Midnight Fly and Howy
Streakin Bye Felicia2015 mare out of RIL Francy Pants and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin Calamity2005 mare out of Sak Em Calamity and Sak Em San
Streakin CCC Chex2013 gelding out of CCC Sissy Chex and Bueno Chex Imp
Streakin Chex2007 gelding out of CCC Sissy Chex and Sixcessful Sioux
Streakin Classy Moon2007 mare out of A Sign Of Class and Easily Smashed
Streakin Cleopatra2012 mare out of LH Katie and My King Hickory
Streakin Comes Easy2009 mare out of Peppy Easy Move and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Streakin Command2008 stallion out of Shesa Dandy Command and Brown King Command
Streakin Commander2007 stallion out of Shesa Dandy Command and Shesa Dandy Command
Streakin Comos2005 gelding out of Comos Badge and Doctor Como
Streakin Comos Badge2007 mare out of Comos Badge and Doctor Como
Streakin Dash Six2011 gelding out of Frenchmans Dashinsix and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin Dash Ta Six2010 mare out of Ima Fame An Fortune and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin Dashinsix2007 stallion out of Frenchmans Dashinsix and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin Diablos2005 mare out of Diablos Memo and Poco Rip Diablo
Streakin Disco2010 mare out of Lot A Disco and Disco Jerry (TB)
Streakin Disco Dance2010 gelding out of Hawaii Rose (ET) and Dash For Perks
Streakin Disco Jerry2010 gelding out of Hawaii Rose (ET) and Dash For Perks
Streakin Disco Perks2008 mare out of Hawaii Rose and Dash For Perks
Streakin Doc Como2006 mare out of Comos Badge and Doctor Como
Streakin Doc O’Lena2010 gelding out of Easy April Lena and Doc O Dymamite
Streakin Doctor Fling2011 stallion out of Peppy Sans Rose and Mr Jay Bee Dee
Streakin Dox2006 gelding out of PC Joesy Dox (ET) and Boon Dox John
Streakin Dragon2006 stallion out of Ima Blue Dragon and Final Conquest
Streakin Dynamite2009 gelding out of Easy Movin Starlight and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Streakin Eagle Eye / Deceased2009 none out of Easy April Lena and Doc O Dymamite
Streakin Easy April2008 mare out of Easy April Lena and Doc O Dynamite
Streakin Easy Azure2006 gelding out of A Sign Of Class and Easily Smashed
Streakin Easy Doc2007 stallion out of Easy April Lena and Doc O Dynamite
Streakin Easy Fritz2011 mare out of A Major Little Fritz and Friendly Fritz
Streakin Easy Irish2008 mare out of Easy Movin Starlight and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Streakin Easy Lena2012 mare out of Paddys Lena Whiskey and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Streakin Easy Movin2007 mare out of Easy Movin Starlight and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Streakin Easy Paddy2006 stallion out of Easy Movin Starlight and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Streakin Edition2010 gelding out of Senorita Edition and The First Edition
Streakin Episode2005 mare out of RM Jus Showin Off and Bold Epiode
Streakin Eye Dash2005 gelding out of Miss Eye Paint (ET) and Mr Eye Opener
Streakin Eye Paint2005 mare out of Miss Eye Paint (ET) and Mr Eye Opener
Streakin Fa Tima2016 mare out of Queen Fa Tima and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin Fame Boy2014 stallion out of Queen Fa Tima and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin Fame Queen2008 mare out of Queen Fa Tima (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin Famous2008 gelding out of Famous Belle and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin Fanatic2007 stallion out of Nmsu Fantasy and Dream Fantasy
Streakin Fast Flash2012 stallion out of Fancy Fanny Flasher and WS Whatz Up Doc
Streakin Fast Rebel2018 mare out of Imarealtreasure and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin First Dash2010 stallion out of Silver Creek Dash (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin First Fame2007 mare out of Ima Fame An Fortune and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin Firstcorona2010 gelding out of Queen Fa Tima (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin Fit N Famus2006 mare out of Bar None Fit N Famus and Bar None Joe
Streakin Flick2005 gelding out of Sucha Kitty Oh and Sucha Oh
Streakin Flingwood2014 stallion out of DJS Lucky Wood and WYO Junewood
Streakin Four Chex2008 mare out of Brandy Lord Four and Figure Four 555
Streakin French Dash2008 mare out of Frenchmans Dashinsix and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin French Gold2011 gelding out of Frenchmansgoldseeker and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin French Grey2007 mare out of French TJ Grey and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin French Jule2009 gelding out of Frenchmans Jule and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin French Kiss2007 gelding out of KR Frenchmans Kiss and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin French Lady2013 mare out of French TJ Grey (ET) and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin French Six2010 mare out of Frenchmans Dashinsix and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin French TJ2011 mare out of French TJ Grey and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin Frenchfrost2006 mare out of French TJ Grey and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin Frenchie2005 mare out of French TJ Grey and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin Fritze2013 mare out of A Major Little Fritz and Friendly Fritz
Streakin Fu Fu2018 gelding out of Frenchmans Fu Fu and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin G Five2006 stallion out of Brandy Lord Four and Figure Four 555
Streakin Gamble2007 mare out of Pressey Gamble and Raise The Gamble
Streakin Gee2007 mare out of PC Geemeneze Frost and Sun Frost
Streakin Go Bar2009 mare out of Pac A Dee and Pac Bar
Streakin Gold Seeker2007 mare out of Frenchmansgoldseeker and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin Goldigger2018 mare out of Miss Zodiac Cash Bar and Our Hush Money
Streakin Grey2018 mare out of French TJ Grey and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin Gunsnroses2018 mare out of Leaving Impressions and Leaving Memories
Streakin Hawaii2011 gelding out of Hawaii Rose and Dash For Perks
Streakin Hawaii Dash2007 stallion out of Hawaii Rose and Dash For Perks
Streakin High Valor2024 stallion out of Six T Five Roses and Valiant Hero
Streakin Highandeasy2018 mare out of High Brow Lindo and High Brow Hickory
Streakin Houston2007 mare out of Dash Ta Houston and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin Houstonfame2012 gelding out of Dash Ta Houston and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin Ima Dragon / Deceased2008 mare out of Ima Blue Dragon and Final Conquest
Streakin Imafame / Deceased2008 stallion out of Ima Fame An Fortune and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin Image2006 gelding out of Lady Bug Image and Easy Jets Image
Streakin In Houston2024 mare out of Dash Ta Houston and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin In My Caddy2014 stallion out of Cadillacs N Karats and Whose Dat Bunny
Streakin In Paradise2017 mare out of Chicklet Lena (ET) and Docs Paradise
Streakin Irish Azure2007 gelding out of Irish Etta ET and Irish Azure
Streakin Irish Bar2007 stallion out of Irish Etta ET and Irish Azure
Streakin Irish Fling2018 stallion out of Easy April Whiskey and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Streakin Irish Paddy2010 gelding out of Paddys Lena Whiskey and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Streakin Jet Remedy2008 gelding out of Imashooin and If Im Elected
Streakin Joesy2008 mare out of PC Joesy Dox (ET) and Boon Dox John
Streakin Joesy Dox2005 mare out of PC Joesy Dox and Boon Dox John
Streakin Joesy Rose2011 mare out of PC Joesy Dox (ET) and Boon Dox John
Streakin Jule Bug2010 mare out of Samantha Jule and Sak Em San
Streakin Justice2018 mare out of KG Justiceweexpected and Judge Cash
Streakin King Dandy2006 stallion out of Shesa Dandy Command and Brown King Command
Streakin Kingfatima2016 stallion out of Queen Fa Tima (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin Kitty Oh2006 mare out of Sucha Kitty Oh and Such Oh
Streakin Lace2012 mare out of Wild Shawne Lace and Shawne Bug
Streakin Lacey2013 mare out of Wild Shawne Lace and Shawne Bug
Streakin Lara2013 mare out of Smashed Bully and Bully Bullion
Streakin Lika Rebel2014 gelding out of Extremes Joy and Rare Jet Extremes
Streakin Like A Boss2019 stallion out of Famous Moon Dash and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin Lil Pearl2005 mare out of Fancy Baron Red and Mr Baron Red
Streakin Lil Red2007 stallion out of JD Lil Red and Streakin Six
Streakin Lil Reward2008 mare out of Comos Reward and Bob Acres Reward
Streakin Lil Rosie2005 mare out of Romans Lil Rockette and My Roman Soldier
Streakin Lil Sadie2008 mare out of My Sadie Glo and PC Bronsin
Streakin Lil Wayne2014 stallion out of Lady Bug Biankus and Our Hush Money
Streakin Lilly2009 mare out of Lil Touchafame (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin Littlefritz2009 mare out of A Major Little Fritz and Friendly Fritz
Streakin Louie2012 gelding out of Frenchmans Sugarflit and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin Loyal2006 mare out of KLC Royally Loyal and Raging Bull
Streakin Major Fritz2010 mare out of A Major Little Fritz and Friendly Fritz
Streakin Mattie2016 mare out of Kathys Flit Bargain and Flit Bargain
Streakin Mick Otoole2014 gelding out of Kourtneys Glory and Jody O Toole
Streakin Moon Expres2006 stallion out of Six Moons Express and Martha Six Moons
Streakin Moonlit2006 mare out of Moonlit Dancer and Rolls Of Romance
Streakin Mr Rothwell2016 stallion out of Frenchmans Sugarflit and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin Ms Perry2015 mare out of Mr Perrys Dasher and Mr Jess Perry
Streakin MS Wink2014 mare out of Give Me A Wink and Doc O Dynamite
Streakin N A Scootin2023 gelding out of Famous Neon Glow and Scooten Ta Fame
Streakin N Dashing2014 stallion out of Dashing In Red and Dash For Cash
Streakin N Famous2013 gelding out of Short Penny and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin N Famus2009 gelding out of Bar None Fit N Famus and Bar None Joe
Streakin N Screamin2014 gelding out of Iscreamfordash and Dashing With Cash
Streakin Numbers2021 stallion out of Ladys Famous Number and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin On Easter2017 mare out of PC Frenchmans Ella and PC Fire N Smoak
Streakin On Game Day2024 stallion out of Runner Gone Wild and Be A Magnolia Runner
Streakin On Tac2014 gelding out of Toll On By and Tolltac
Streakin On Whiskey2010 gelding out of Scotch N Velvet and Golly Im Scotch
Streakin Otoe Fling2005 mare out of Miss Pawnee Wonder and Otoes Wonder
Streakin Otoe Girl2011 mare out of Frenchmans Otoe Girl and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin Otoe Guy2012 gelding out of Frenchmans Otoe Girl and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin Otoe Wonder2013 stallion out of Frenchmans Otoe Girl and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin Pac Bar2005 stallion out of Frenchmans Bailey (ET) and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin Pacific Bar2005 gelding out of Frenchmans Bailey (ET) and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin Paddy2005 gelding out of Easy April Whiskey(ET) and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Streakin Paddys Lena2009 mare out of Paddys Lena Whiskey and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Streakin Paddysfling2007 mare out of Easy April Whiskey (ET) and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Streakin Page2012 stallion out of Bad Page and Bad Wrangler
Streakin Perks Gold2010 gelding out of Could Cost You More and Dash For Perks
Streakin Pressey2006 mare out of Pressey Gamble and Raise The Gamble
Streakin Pressey Jet2005 mare out of Pressey Gamble and Raise The Gamble
Streakin Pridian2009 mare out of Bar None Pridian and Bar None Joe
Streakin Queenie2012 mare out of Queen Fa Tima and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin Quix2009 gelding out of Sheza Quix Doc and Docs Quix Trix
Streakin Razor Glass2005 mare out of Razor Glass and
Streakin Reward2006 mare out of Comos Reward and Bob Acres Reward
Streakin Rowdy Guy2016 gelding out of French Dance Girl and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin Sak Em2007 stallion out of Sak Em Calamity and Sak Em San
Streakin Shawne Lace2008 mare out of Wild Shawne Lace (ET) and Shawne Bug
Streakin Silkpanties2016 mare out of Famous Silk Panties (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin Silver Dash2009 mare out of Silver Creek Dash (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin Silver Fame2008 stallion out of Silver Creek Dash and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin Silvercreek2009 mare out of Silver Creek Dash (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin Sious Six2010 gelding out of CCC Sissy Chex and Sixcessful Sioux
Streakin Sissy Chex2006 mare out of CCC Sissy Chex and Bueno Chex Imp
Streakin Six Guy2013 gelding out of Frenchmans Dashinsix and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin Six Jet2007 mare out of Six Moons Express and Marthas Six Moons
Streakin Six Moons2005 gelding out of Six Moons Express and Martha Six Moons
Streakin Six Sioux2012 mare out of CCC Sissy Chex and Bueno Chex Imp
Streakin Six Style2007 stallion out of The Stylish Baby and Streakin Six
Streakin Stoli Babe2016 mare out of Emerald Beach and Stoli
Streakin Sudden Fame2011 gelding out of Dash Ta Houston and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin Sun Dew2005 gelding out of PC Sun Dew (ET) and Sun Frost
Streakin Sun Dox2007 gelding out of PC Sun Dew (ET) and Sun Frost
Streakin Sun Dude2010 gelding out of PC Sun Dew and Sun Frost
Streakin Ta Corona2010 gelding out of Queen Fa Tima (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin Ta Dash2009 mare out of Dash Ta Houston and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin Ta Houston2010 gelding out of Dash Ta Houston and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin Ta Traffic2018 mare out of Directing Traffic and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin Tiny Bug2011 mare out of Samantha Jule and Sak Em San
Streakin Tiny Chick2014 mare out of Winnsboro and Merridoc
Streakin Tiny Dash2009 stallion out of Winnsboro (ET) and Merridoc
Streakin Tiny Doc2009 mare out of Winnsboro and Merridoc
Streakin Tiny Sakem2009 mare out of Samantha Jule and Sak Em San
Streakin Tiny Watch2008 gelding out of Sak Em Calamity and Sak Em San
Streakin Tiny Win2013 mare out of Winnsboro and Merridoc
Streakin TJ2016 gelding out of French TJ Grey and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin TJ Grey2008 gelding out of French TJ Grey and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin TJ Lady2013 mare out of French TJ Grey (ET) and Frenchmans Guy
Streakin Turbo2005 gelding out of Packin Turbos and Solid Sugarbar
Streakin Walter2015 stallion out of Teaspoon Of Honor and Jet Of Honor
Streakin Whitch2007 mare out of Twisted Whitch and Pie Seen Us Pablo
Streakin Wild Bug2010 mare out of Wild Shawne Lace and Shawne Bug
Streakin Wild Jet2011 gelding out of Wild Shawne Lace and Shawne Bug
Streakin Wild Shawne2008 gelding out of Wild Shawne Lace (ET) and Shawne Bug
Streakin Winkin Doc2013 stallion out of Give Me A Wink and Doc O Dynamite
Streakin Winnsboro2010 gelding out of Winnsboro (ET) and Merridoc
Streakinbaileysfling2007 gelding out of Frenchmans Bailey (ET) and Frenchmans Guy
Streakincoronaqueen2014 mare out of Queen Fa Tima (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Streakindacash2020 mare out of Flashindacash and Cash Not Credit
Streakindeebrown2008 out of Ya Never Mind Me and
Streakindocodynamite2018 gelding out of Dynamites Last Chex and Doc O Dynamite
Streakinflingindisco2009 mare out of Lot A Disco and Disco Jerry
Streakinforchicks2008 gelding out of Siobhan and Midway Drive
Streakinforfirewater2014 stallion out of Firen With No Brakes and VF Moon Fire
Streakinformoney2017 stallion out of Onehandtooshort and Firem Jet
Streakinfrenchbailey2007 mare out of Frenchmans Bailey (ET) and Frenchmans Guy
Streakinfrenchrockit2014 mare out of French Violet and Frenchmans Guy
Streakinfrenchseeker2012 mare out of Frenchmansgoldseeker and Frenchmans Guy
Streaking Call Girl2015 mare out of Lost Call Girl and Call Me Together
Streaking Cardinal2013 gelding out of Cardinals Flicka and Happys Cardinal
Streaking Gene2015 stallion out of Iscreamfordash and Dashing With Cash
Streaking Heart2007 stallion out of French Heart Tu and Frenchmans Guy
Streaking Moon Beams2016 stallion out of Sayos Badger Chic and Sayos Shining Sun
Streaking On Corona2017 mare out of Pokey Doc Corona and Delightful Corona
Streaking On The Rez2007 stallion out of Gunny and Back To Cash
Streaking On The Run2014 gelding out of Fun And Famous and Dash Ta Fame
Streaking Red Lace2005 mare out of Strate Laced and Deputy Enos Strate
Streaking Seis2017 mare out of Famous Mariah and Tres Seis
Streaking Sonofagun2008 gelding out of Gunny and Back To Cash
Streaking Sydney2013 mare out of Frenchmansgeezlouise and Frenchmans Guy
Streakingivemeawink2014 mare out of Give Me A Wink and Doc O Dynamite
Streakingoldpacific2006 gelding out of Pac A Dee and Pac Bar
Streakingotmefired2018 mare out of Fire In The Bar and Fire Water Flit
Streakinirishwhiskey2007 gelding out of Easy April Whiskey (ET) and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Streakinlenawhiskey2011 mare out of Paddys Lena Whiskey and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Streakinmademefamous2012 gelding out of Efford To Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Streakinmakesufamous2013 stallion out of Famous Little Sue and Dash Ta Fame
Streakinonmybirthday2012 gelding out of Zeros Sassy Sugar and Three O Jones
Streakinpieinthesky2017 mare out of Dash On Sky (ET) and Pie In The Sky
Streakinpowercommand2010 gelding out of Shesa Dandy Command and Brown King Command
Streakintinymerridoc2014 gelding out of Mckaylas Doc and Merridoc
Streakinwinnsboro2017 gelding out of Winnsboro (ET) and Merridoc
Streaklykeafrenchguy2014 gelding out of Shis French Powder and Frenchmans Guy
Streakn Bully2014 gelding out of Smashed Bully and Bully Bullion
Streakn Byon Lil Guy2011 gelding out of Frenchmans PJ and Frenchmans Guy
Streakn Diesel2008 stallion out of Western Sara and Western Bugs
Streakn Fergalicious2010 mare out of Frenchmansgeezlouise and Frenchmans Guy
Streakn French Fling (Deceased)2014 mare out of Spicey French Girl and Dats A Frenchman
Streakn French Style2015 mare out of Frenchmans Donna and Frenchmans Guy
Streakn Lucille2010 mare out of Frenchmans Sugarflit and Frenchmans Guy
Streakn Surprize2018 mare out of Royal Diamond Cartel and Corona Cartel
Streaknforcashnroses2016 stallion out of Some Cash Rose and Some Dasher
Streaknfrenchbiankus2016 mare out of Binakusfrenchshasta and Captain Biankus
Streakng Bugs Alive2007 gelding out of Ninnekahs Lucky Girl and Ninnekah Bug
Streaknmakesmehyper2013 mare out of Ms Hyper Dozen and Mr Hyperspeed
Streaks French Fling2014 gelding out of YGW French Velvet and French Guy
Streaks Of Smoke2013 stallion out of Smoke N Spitfire and Smoke N Sparks
Streaks Starlight2014 stallion out of RS Lilly Starlight (ET) and Grays Starlight
Streakshow Fling2019 mare out of Lights Up In Fame (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Streaktafamenroyalty2014 stallion out of MS Dash Ta Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Streaky Smudge2014 stallion out of Frenchmansgeezlouise and Frenchmans Guy
StreakyTeaux D2016 mare out of Miss Frosty Toady and Frosty Feature
Stride On Fling2014 mare out of Earlene Jet Two and Jeff Pac Bailey
Stylish Fling2018 stallion out of MK Stylish Chic and Playin Stylish
Sunfling Special2016 mare out of Frsoted Bullion and Sun Frost
Suns Streakin Rae2023 stallion out of Chex Out Pearl and Chex Out This Shiner
Sunset Streak2014 stallion out of Sunset Pine Dancer and Sinnifs Cee Bars
Suzies Streakin Bug2019 mare out of Suzies Native Bug and Shawne Bug
SV Streakn Neon Moon2013 mare out of Bully Kate and Bully Bullion
Sweet Fling2007 mare out of Brandy Lord Four and Figure Four 555
Sweet Sister Fling2017 mare out of Wilda and Bully Bullion
Sweet Streakin Bliss2017 mare out of Eyesa Sweet Firstgirl and Sweet First Down
Tayas Tuition2010 mare out of Get Jiggy With Me and Rightfully
Tellem Im Streakin2017 gelding out of Tellem Im Coming and MP Jet To The Sun
Tensas Toddy2013 mare out of Peppys Lea Sugar and Bogger Hancock
Texan Trouble2017 stallion out of Mickeys Texas Jet and Trouble N Texas
TFour Famous Fling2015 gelding out of Dasha Kross and Dash Ta Fame
The Giant Slayer2024 stallion out of Blazen Peptolena and CD Blaze
The King Of Fling2013 stallion out of Bossie Little Bingo and Smart Little Bingo
The Silk Streaker2017 stallion out of Famous Silk Panties and Dash Ta Fame
The Spin Cycle2006 gelding out of Miss Hero and Another Hero
The Streak Express2016 mare out of Hot Magnolia Miss and Hot Dasher
Thee Can Man2020 stallion out of Donuts Fame Delight and Dash Ta Fame
This Cash Is Streakn2014 mare out of KR Lickety Split and Eyesa Special
This Cats Streakin2014 gelding out of Cats Savannah and High Brow Cat
This Chics Streakin2016 mare out of FH Chicynn Little and Just Like Chicynn
This Flings A Bully2016 stallion out of Bullys On Ice and Bullys On Fire
Thisstreakcandance2014 mare out of This Perks Can Dance (ET) and Dash For Perks
THR Astreakingthing2016 stallion out of Bit Of Color and Hot Colours
Three Timz A Lady2019 mare out of DTF Leinster Girl (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Tiny Gay Fling2016 mare out of Winnsboro (ET) and Merridoc
TJR Cindys Streakin2019 stallion out of Cindy Lou Smooth and One Smooth Aggie
TM Streakin Sugar2006 mare out of Kitafrost Gal and Drop Of Frost
Toasttothecleanslate2006 stallion out of Toastie Le Tusk and Le Tusk
Tom Streakin Brady2017 stallion out of Triple Your Pay and Dr Nick Bar
Tomas By The Bridge2016 gelding out of Bridgette The TX Jet and Woodbridge
Too Streakin Famous2016 stallion out of SB Halieva and Dash Ta Fame
Top Mercedes2011 mare out of Pride Of Bug and Mr Chet Bug
Top This Fling2016 stallion out of Taris Top Doll and Tari Eyed Dandy
TR Seekin N Streakin2012 mare out of TR Badger Seeker Bar and Mr Illuminator
TS Our Special Fling2015 mare out of Flippin Switches and Special Leader
TS Streakin Dee2006 stallion out of Sabre Dee and Gold Sabre
TSM Last Fast Fling2019 mare out of Fast Delight and Heza Fast Man
TU Just A Smigeon2017 mare out of Tayter To The Top (ET) and Tres Seis
TW Classy Lane2018 mare out of TW Lane Ta Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Twisted Kinda Fling2019 gelding out of KK Twist Of Frost and Sun Frost Country
Tyrees Fling2008 out of Tyrees Toria and Watch Tyrees Dude
Unforgettable Fling2017 gelding out of Unforgettableevening and Ivory James
Up For A Fling2016 gelding out of Missy Yupon and Behold A Beduino
Uptown Fling2015 mare out of American Proof and Extra Proof
USU Streak Of Perry2015 stallion out of Ms Jessie Perry and Mr Jess Perry
UX Fling Baby Fling2014 mare out of UX Frenchmans Kimmie and Frenchmans Guy
VC Fuel Fling2010 gelding out of Easy Credit Fuel and Oklahoma Fuel
VC Gogo Fling2016 mare out of Go Go Fame and Dash Ta Fame
VC Shy Fling2014 mare out of Shynia and Dash Ta Fame
VC Special Fling2014 stallion out of Heavens Specialtoast and Special Leader
VC Strawberry Streak2015 mare out of Visionette and Visionarian
VC Streak Of Perks2010 gelding out of Game Of Perks and Dash For Perks
VC Streakin Badger2014 stallion out of HCJ Sun Lit Badger and Peppy Badger Cody
VC Sunlit Streak2016 mare out of Shynia and Dash Ta Fame
Vrbarbies Last Fling2016 mare out of Famous Barbie Doll and Dash Ta Fame
Wantastreakerrebate2010 mare out of Brandy Lord Four and Figure Four 555
Watch Streak Go2010 mare out of Miss Watch Poco Pine and Docs Leo Poco Pine
We R Going Streaking2017 mare out of VF Divine Rhythm and Red Hot Rhythm
What Color Am I Now2016 mare out of From Utah Ta Fame and Poco Lijerito
What Thee Hail2024 mare out of Chapos Dakota Miss and Goldwoods Dakota
Whattafling RC2018 stallion out of Whateva (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Whistlewhileyoustreak (APHA)2013 stallion out of Char Winken Dash and Charlies Mccue
Wild Fling2022 stallion out of Barefoot N Buckwild (ET) and PC Redwood Manny
Wild Nights Fling2016 mare out of SR Cat Attack and Wild Haired Cat
Wild Shawne Fling2017 mare out of Wild Shawne Lace (ET) and Shawne Bug
Wild Shawne Fling2017 mare out of Wild Shawne Lace (ET) and Shawne Bug
Will B Streakin2021 stallion out of Willa B Famous and Dash Ta Fame
Winn Me A Streaker2017 gelding out of Winnsboro (ET) and Merridoc
WK Streakin Shawne2017 stallion out of Off To Neverland and Shawne Bug
WNR WNR Chikndinner2017 gelding out of Our Red Gravey and Hand Off Boy
Wow Whata Fling2009 mare out of Mardi Gras Madness and Smoke N Sparks
XN Code Black2016 gelding out of Bandits Best Gal (ET) and Flit Bar Bandit
Your Wildest Fling2009 gelding out of Your Wildest Dreams and Mister Passer
Ziggys Last Fling2021 mare out of Zoomin For Gabby and Zoomin For Bux