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A Streak Of Rooster*

Stallion Information

Name: A Streak Of Rooster* Owner: Jr & Jonee Crozier Standing At: O Wave O Performance Horses - Buffalo, WY Year of Birth: 2012 Color: Blue Roan Phone: 307-259-3191 Stallion Website: http://www.owaveo.com/stallions.html Stallion Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/owaveoperformancehorses/?ref=page_internal Fee: 1200 Shipped: Yes

A royal bred stallion by industry leading stallion A Streak Of Fling

A royally bred stallion by  industry leading stallion A Streak Of Fling and a maternal brother to  the great,  late Roosters Fame.   A Streak Of Rooster’s  maternal grandsire  is the infamous Champion, Dial A Red Rooster.   A Streak Of Rooster conformation  is  strong, sturdy and athletic.  He has a disposition second to none.   Willing and personable   with an unequal work ethic ,  he is  the sire for  future champions in  the barrel race and roping arenas.  

Heritage Information

A Streak Of Rooster*
A Streak Of Fling si 98 Thisdialsadona
Streakin Six si 104 Moon Fling si 102
Dial A Red Rooster Thisdialsalady
Easy Six si 97 Miss Assured si 95
Fast Fling si 98 Moon Beam Lady
Little John Dial si 95 Nancy Ann Smith si 88
Little John Dial si 95 Saga Pelican

Nominated Foals

A Fling Witha Judge2019 gelding out of Judge Volcom and Volcom
A Streak Of Blue2018 mare out of Bugsys Easy Breeze and Bugsy On Trial
A Streak Of Metallic2022 mare out of Pretty Metal and Metallic Cat
A Streak Of Stormy2019 stallion out of Pretty Painted Girl and Senamarks Paintedboy
BC Streak Of Bar Bob2020 stallion out of Driftin Snoop and Driftin Bar Bob
Bully The Streaker2021 stallion out of SFW Bullionaire and Sun Frost Wonder
Bullys Goin Streakin2018 stallion out of Bullys Honor and Bully Bullion
Busycauseiamfamous2021 mare out of DTF Get On Your Mark and Dash Ta Fame
Eyem Streakin2020 mare out of Eyem A Miracle and Dean Miracle
Eyesa Dark Moon2018 stallion out of Eyesaspecial Smith and Mr Eye Opener
Fling With A Bully2022 mare out of SFW Bullionaire and Sun Frost Wonder
Flingwithafrenchgirl2019 mare out of BB French Perks and PC Frenchman
HHH Super Rooster2021 stallion out of Classic Super Sister and A Quick Streak
Little Streak Olena2019 stallion out of Cee Lena freckles and HR Little Pep Olena
Long Legged Streaker2022 stallion out of Cats Ms Nubar and Lil Lewis Long Legs
Perksofafrenchgirl2018 mare out of BB French Perks and PC Frenchman
Rip Tide Hemp2021 stallion out of Call Me Flashy CS and Tac L Bac
Roosters Cerveza2018 stallion out of King Frio Creveza and Una Frio Cerveza
Roosters Lovely Miss2020 mare out of Strawberries Forever and Colonel Barzan
Streakin Like Jagger2020 stallion out of SFW Bullionaire and Sun Frost Wonder
Streakin Lil Colonel2021 stallion out of Firecrackers In June and Mr Colonels
Streakin Showgirl2018 mare out of Judge Volcom and Volcom
Streakinlibertybelle2020 mare out of Mitos Dashing Chick and Triple Dash
Streakinwithajudge2023 stallion out of Judge Volcom and Volcom
This Dials A Streak2021 gelding out of Drinkin A Lil Corona and The Corona
Thisdialsapayday2016 gelding out of Jets Special Leader and Special Leader
Thisdialsroyal2016 gelding out of Sabrinas Royal Magic and A Royal Jet
WW Ready To Streak2021 gelding out of Cocklock Readytorock and Flit To Kill