Big Lew*
Stallion Information
Name: Big Lew* Owner: Reliance Ranches LLC Standing At: Lazy E Arena - Guthrie,OK Year of Birth: 2013 Color: Brown Phone: 405-282-3437 Stallion Website: http:// Stallion Facebook: Fee: 2500 Shipped: YesLTE $638,878
Heritage Information
Big Lew*
Corona Cartel si 97
Executive Looks si 113
Holland Ease si 109
Corona Chick si 113
Executive Menace si 105
Sticky N Picky si 108
First Down Dash si 105
Easy Henrietta si 90
Chicks Beduino si 104
Sizzling Lil si 91
Chicks Beduino si 104
Promised Memories si 98
Sticks An Stones si 104
Staunch N Sassy si 86
Nominated Foals
?A Tempting Tea2020 stallion out of A Tempting Tea and Mr Jess Perry
?A Tempting Tea2023 mare out of A Tempting Tea and Tempting Dash
?Alice Coachman2022 mare out of Alice Coachman (ET) and Swingin Jess
?Alice Coachman2022 mare out of Alice Coachman (ET) and Swingin Jess
?Bling Dynasty2023 stallion out of Bling Dynasty (ET) and Mr Jess Perry
?Centercurlincash2023 stallion out of Centercurlincash and Spit Curl Jess
?Delightning Jess2020 mare out of Delightning Jess and First Down Dash
?Fast Red Rose2020 mare out of Fast Red Rose (ET) and Heza Fast Man
?Fast Red Rose2023 mare out of Fast Red Rose and Mr Jess Perry
?First Prize Chic2023 stallion out of First Prize Chic (ET) #1 and Country Chicks Man
?First Prize Chic2023 mare out of First Prize Chic (ET) #2 and Country Chicks Man
?Illegal Fireworks2020 stallion out of Illegal Fireworks (ET) and Tollitac
?J Quick Fame2023 mare out of J Quick Fame (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
?Jessita2023 mare out of Jessita and Mr Jess Perry
?JM Nanette2020 mare out of JM Nanette and Favorite Cartel
?LB Ace Of Hearts2020 stallion out of LB Ace Of Hearts and CD Lights
?Lotta Love For Robyn2020 stallion out of Lotta Love For Robyn (ET) and Mr Jess Perry
?Mia Corona2021 stallion out of Mia Corona and First Down Dash
?Offlee Special2023 stallion out of Offlee Special (et) and Special Leader
?One Famous Blossom2020 mare out of One Famous Blossom and One Famous Eagle
?One Quick Jess2023 stallion out of One Quick Jess and Mr Jess Perry
?Pack Light2021 stallion out of Pack Light (ET) and One Famous Eagle
?Political Nonsense2020 stallion out of Political Nonsense (ET) and First Down Dash
?Political Nonsense2023 mare out of Political Nonsense (ET) and Apollitical Jess
?Quick Runaway Dash2023 mare out of Quick Runaway Dash and Sir Runaway Dash
?Reelected2023 mare out of Reelected (ET) and Epic Leader
?Repete Fame2021 mare out of Repete Fame (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
?Saturdaze2021 stallion out of Saturdaze and First Down Dash
?Staurdaze2020 mare out of Saturdaze and Toll Tac
?Tan Thin And Rich2020 stallion out of Tan Thin And Rich and Corona Cartel
?Tinys Stormy Weather2023 stallion out of Tinys Stormy Weather (ET) and Frenchmans Guy
Big Lewella2021 mare out of Chics Gotta Have Fun and Chicks A Blazin
Big Shott2020 mare out of RC Sweet Racee and Sweet First Down
Big Wind2020 gelding out of Maggie Redmond (ET) and Wave Carver
Bodie2020 gelding out of Can Only Imagine and Furrtreeous
Bubba Lew2020 stallion out of Rootn Tootn Cowgirl and Oak Tree Special
Cherie2019 mare out of Sweet N Sassy Doll and One Famous Eagle
Dazed And Confuzed2022 mare out of Saturdaze (ET) and First Down Dash
Jumpin Jack Sparrow2020 stallion out of Ms Blu Moon and First Moonflash
Lemuria2020 mare out of Cristys First CD and Dash Tat Fame
Lew Lew Lemon2021 mare out of First Prize Chic and Country Chicks Man
Leweeze2022 mare out of Sydney Cash and Stoli
Lewnatic On Ta Loose2023 gelding out of Ima Fashionista and TR Dasher
Luck E Lew2021 mare out of Fate Cant Weight (ET) and Mr Jess Perry
MH Sticky N Picky (APHA)2020 mare out of Personal Ensign and Country Quick Dash
Miss Lewdacris2021 mare out of RC Sweet Racee and Sweet First Down
Oompa Lewpa2021 stallion out of A Tempting Tea (ET) and Tempting Dash
Parlay2020 mare out of Some Like It Haute and Dash Ta Fame
Perry Big Dream2022 stallion out of Perrys Dreamgirl and Mr Jess Perry
Race A Hallelewjah2021 mare out of Classy In Red and Red Storm Cat
Ranch Watr2021 stallion out of Bling Dynasty (ET) and Mr Jess Perry
RR Eagle Path2022 stallion out of Kool Eagle and Triffle
RR Fast Lew2022 stallion out of Fast Prize Doll and Mr Jess Perry
RR Feature Mr Lew2022 stallion out of Delightning Jess (ET) and Buckshot Delight
RR First Of Many2022 stallion out of First Of 15 (ET) and Apollitical Jess
RR God And Cowboys2022 stallion out of First Of 15 (ET) and Apollitical Jess
RR Jess Lew2022 mare out of Spoiled Jess (ET) and Immortal Cartel
RR Lews Big Vision2022 stallion out of Jess Envision (ET) and Apollitical Jess
RR Lews On Fire2022 mare out of Illegal Fireworks (ET) and Walk Through Fire
RR Lotta Big Lew2022 stallion out of Lotta Love For Robyn (ET) and First Down Dash
RR One Quick Lew2022 stallion out of One Quick Jess (ET) and One Quick Cookie
RR Paper Roses2022 mare out of Fast Red Rose (ET) and Fast First Prize
Skelton2019 gelding out of Red Envelope and First Down Dash
VF Lou Lou Quick2021 mare out of Wheely Quick (ET) and The Harder They Fall
Wyn Or Lews2021 stallion out of Fast Red Rose (ET) and Mr Jess Perry
You Talking About Me2022 stallion out of Whata Chilled Cat and Chilled Corona