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Fame Flit N Fling*

Stallion Information

Name: Fame Flit N Fling* Owner: Michael & Maegan McPherson Standing At: Wagon Pin Performance Horses - Box Elder, SD Year of Birth: 2014 Color: Sorrel Phone: 605-685-4182 Stallion Website: https://www.todayshorse.net Stallion Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Wagon-Pin-Performance-Horses-351478618602285 Fee: 1500 Shipped: Yes

Out of a full sister to NFR Qualifier FIREWATER FANNY (LTE: $350,000+)

Heritage Information

Fame Flit N Fling*
A Streak Of Fling si 98 Famous Barbie Doll
Streakin Six si 104 Moon Fling si 102
Dash Ta Fame si 113 A Fire In The Sky
Easy Six si 97 Miss Assured si 95
Fast Fling si 98 Moon Beam Lady
First Down Dash si 105 Sudden Fame si 98
Fire Water Flit si 86 Jerris Suprise

Nominated Foals

?Dolly Who Dixie2022 mare out of Dolly Who Dixie and PC San Sugar Oaks
?Hattie Blue Hancock2024 mare out of Hattie Blue Hancock and Dusty Blue Hancock
?Ima Kiowa Badger2024 mare out of Ima Kiowa Badger and Dealt Shorts Deuce
?Red Lady Sugar2022 mare out of Red Lady Sugar and PC San Sugar Oaks
?WR Mega Mad Dash2022 mare out of WR Mega Mad Dash and Oh Texas Cash
Alivenstreaknforfame2021 stallion out of Flittery Bay and Smashed Fire Bug
Bexleys Lil Jo2022 stallion out of RF Rockin Roczi and Ima Truckin Rocket
Cee Hearts Flingin2022 mare out of Cee Heart Pollyanna and Cee Heart Bingo
Famous Freckle Fling2021 gelding out of BCL Freckles Cowgirl and Freckle Charge
Firewater Flit Jetta2022 mare out of MM Key To The Gold and Firewaters Jets
Fling N Spark2023 gelding out of Day Time Spark and Day Time Shiner
Flit N Fast2018 stallion out of HM Frosted Moonshine and Firewater Frost
Ima Salty Streaker2019 gelding out of Hattie Blue Hancock and Dusty Blue Hancock
MM Assured Ta Fly2021 mare out of Please Chic Me Out and Chic Please
MM Atta Taco Bar2021 mare out of KK Twist Of Frost and Sun Frost Country
MM Bingowas Hisnamo2019 gelding out of Cee Heart Pollyanna and Cee Heart Bingo
MM Cats Inthe Cradle2024 mare out of BCL Freckles Cowgirl and Freckle Charge
MM Cee Ya In Fame2018 mare out of Cee Heart Pollyanna and Cee Heart Bingo
MM Chase The Ace 212021 stallion out of Cee Heart Pollyanna and Cee Heart Bingo
MM Chase The Ace 232023 mare out of Twisting Moon Smoke and Smokin Jake
MM Chase The Ace 242024 mare out of GW Thebeatgoeson and Victory Tree
MM Coco Chanel2024 mare out of SL Chanel and SL Dashing Frenchman
MM Dirty Diana2024 mare out of KK Twist Of Frost and Sun Frost Country
MM Dual Me Barbie2019 mare out of Oakie Loafer and Hunkey Oak Olena
MM Feature Ta Fame2017 stallion out of Oakie Loafer and Hunkey Oak Olena
MM Gee Whiz2023 stallion out of Please Chic Me Out and Chic Please
MM Hold On Tight2022 stallion out of Playboysember and Douglas Playboy
MM Ima Dash Of Salt2020 stallion out of Hattie Blue Hancock and Dusty Blue Hancock
MM Ima Playwith Fire2020 stallion out of Playboysember and Douglas Playboy
MM Lace Up My Pumas2022 mare out of Wiggys Prescription and Medicina Bueno
MM On The Rocks2022 stallion out of KK Twist Of Frost and Sun Frost Country
MM Peaches N Cream2021 mare out of Twisting Moon Smoke and Roan Rooster Codee
MM Pocket Aces2023 stallion out of Reckless Intent and Illegal Runaway
MM Queen Of Hearts2023 mare out of SL Chanel and SL Dashing Frenchman
MM Red Solo Cup2024 stallion out of Wiggys Prescription and Medicina Bueno
MM Remi The Rockstar2022 mare out of Please Chic Me Out and Chic Please
MM Sheza Fine Feline2022 mare out of BCL Freckles Cowgirl and Freckle Charge
MM Sheza Royal Flush2023 mare out of GW Thebeatgoeson and Victory Tree
MM Stop Drop N Roll2020 mare out of Cee Heart Pollyanna and Cee Heart Bingo
MM Streakin Ta Fame2017 mare out of Eaters Alibi and Zan Alibi
MM Sugar Me Colonel2019 mare out of BCL Freckles Cowgirl and Freckle Charge
Slash My Way Ta Fame2018 gelding out of Miss Stardust Peppy and Mr Peppy Lux
Smooth Movin Fling2024 mare out of Smooth Annie Oakley and Smooth Movin Cash