Stallion Information
Name: Flityeahimafirewater* Owner: 307 Quarter Horses Standing At: 307 Quarter Horses - Lusk, WY Year of Birth: 2013 Color: Palomino Phone: 307-351-2744 Stallion Website: https://www.307quarterhorses.com/flityeahimafirewater Stallion Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/307quarterhorses Fee: $1000 Shipped: YesA Great Out Cross Stallion on Dash Ta Fame & Frenchmans Guy Mares!
Gunner’s oldest foal is a 4 yr old filly and he has several 2yr olds being started. We are getting excellent feedback that they are beautiful, intelligent and so easy to work with. Most are out of straight race bred or cow bred dams. He really enhances the head, adds a beautiful cheek and tiny ears. He is siring correct conformation and replicates himself on most of his foals. Gunner has no Dash For Cash in his pedigree, making him a great out cross on Dash Ta Fame and Frenchman’s Guy mares. I love what he sires crossed on my race bred mares, adding substance and a quiet mind. Crossed on direct daughters and granddaughters of cowhorse greats, he adds height, bone and speed. Gunner carries 1 copy of the W20 gene. That means he can enhance his offspring’s white markings. Excellent for those that like chrome or breed APHA mares and need a better chance of expressing white markings. His offspring are proving to be marketable and we are seeing his babies sell easily for more than 3x his stud fee. I offer mare owners the opportunity to list their foals for sale on my Facebook page (307 Quarter Horses) as well as my website. His foals are eligible for several barrel racing incentives and will be added to more in the future as his foals become of age. I have my sights on the 5 State as it is a wonderful run futurity with a lot of added money and located just up the road from me. Gunner continues to book quality mares every year and I look forward to seeing his offspring compete in the near future. I sponsor the Home Grown Award for breeder/owner/rider teams at the Grid Iron, Fizz Bomb and the Colorado Classic. Someday soon I hope to see a Gunner foal in the Winner’s Circle! Thank you to everyone that has, and continues to believe in, FlitYeahImaFirewater!