
You can now enter the Future Fortunes’ Fast Five Team Races. Click here to learn more.


Stallion Information

Name: Forbez* Owner: Cayla Melby Small Standing At: FCG Equine - Afton, OK Year of Birth: 2016 Color: Brown Phone: 612-965-0568 Stallion Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FORBEZ1 Fee: $1,750 Shipped: Yes

2016 AQHA Stallion with LTE of $60,000+

Sired by the nation’s all-time leading barrel sire- Dash Ta Fame and out of EJ Marthas Feature: sired by Marthas Six Moons whose barrel offspring earnings total over 1 million dollars.

Fobez’s life time earning total $60,000 his first time out being the  BFA winning 3rd in the second go of the Juvenile Futurity and 4th in the BFA Slot Race. 


Heritage Information

Dash Ta Fame si 113 EJ Martha Feature si 95
First Down Dash si 105 Sudden Fame si 98
Marthas Six Moons si 99 Ms Paraiso Feature si 98
Dash For Cash si 114 First Prize Rose si 98
Tiny's Gay si 106 Bar Dearie si 90
Six Fols si 90 Lady Bugs Martha si 89
Truckle Feature si 113 Pariso Rocket si 85

Nominated Foals

?A Hollywood Doll2023 stallion out of A Hollywood Doll and Holly You Dun It
?A Twist Of Streak2023 mare out of A Twist Of Streak (ET) and A Streak Of Fling
?Back Ta The Bar2023 stallion out of Back Ta The Bar (ET) and Raysen Ta The Bar
?CBR Rodeo Blue Moon2023 stallion out of CBR Rodeo Blue Moon and LS Mister Bruzan
?Cee Booger Diamond2023 mare out of Cee Booger Diamond and Cee Booger Rojo
?Cindys CD2023 mare out of Cindys CD (ET) and CD Olena
?Design In Black2024 stallion out of Design In Black (ET) #2 and Slick By Design
?DJG Madison2023 none out of DJG Madison (ET) and Royal Blue Chew Chew
?DJG Madison2024 mare out of DJG Madison (ET) and Royal Blue Chew Chew
?Eyema Rare Bug2024 mare out of Eyema Rare Bug (ET) and One Rare Bug
?Famous Black Socks2023 mare out of Famous Black Socks (ET) and BHR Frenchies Socks
?Frisky Ta Fame2023 none out of Frisky Ta Fame (ET) and Firewater Ta Fame
?Here Comes Da Sun2024 mare out of Here Comes Da Sun and Dash Ta Fame
?JPS Cams Cash Call2022 stallion out of JPS Cams Cash Call and Cam Peppy BBadger
?Justasiexpectedblack2023 mare out of Justasiexpectedblack (ET) #1 and Judge Cash
?Justasiexpectedblack2023 gelding out of Justasiexpectedblack (ET) #2 and Judge Cash
?Justasiexpectedblack2024 mare out of Justasiexpectedblack (ET) and Judge Cash
?KB Angel Ta Heaven2024 gelding out of KB Angel Ta Heaven (ET) and JL Dash Ta Heaven
?Little Cybilena2024 mare out of Little Cybilena (ET) and Smart Little Lena
?Man Eyema Sweetheart2024 mare out of Man Eyema Sweetheart (ET) and The Kandyman
?Miss Patricia2023 gelding out of Miss Patricia (ET) and Brisco County Jr
?One Slick Winner2024 mare out of One Slick Winner (ET) and Winners Version
?One Slick Winner2024 gelding out of One Slick Winner and Winners Version
?Paulines Princess2023 none out of Paulines Princess and Saxton
?Paulines Princess Oz2022 gelding out of Paulines Princess Oz and Saxton
?Paulines Princess Oz2024 gelding out of Paulines Princess Oz and Saxton
?Perks Pazazz2024 gelding out of Perks Pazazz (ET) and Dash For Perks
?RC PYC Back In Bay2024 mare out of RC PYC Back In Bay (ET) and PYC Paint Your Wagon
?RC Rabbit Reloaded2022 gelding out of RC Rabit Reloaded (ET) and Ninety Nine Goldmine
?RC Rabbit Reloaded2022 mare out of RC Rabit Reloaded (ET) and Ninety Nine Goldmine
?RC Rabbit Reloaded2023 mare out of RC Rabbit Reloaded (ET) and Ninety Nine Goldmine
?RC Rabbit Reloaded2024 mare out of RC Rabbit Reloaded (ET) and Ninety Nine Goldmine
?RC Rabbit Reloaded2024 mare out of RC Rabbit Reloaded (ET) and Ninety Nine Goldmine
?RDC Too Much Gold2022 mare out of RDC Too Much Gold (ET) and Ninety Nine Goldmine
?RDC Too Much Gold2024 stallion out of RDC Too Much Gold (ET) and Ninety Nine Goldmine
?RDCsurpriseeymaslick2023 gelding out of RDCsurpriseeymsalick (ET) and Slick By Design
?Sheza Cat Booger2024 stallion out of Sheza Cat Booger and Cee Dat Booger
?Six Draw Magraw2024 mare out of Six Draw Magraw (ET) and Draws A Crowd
?Six Draw McGraw2023 gelding out of Six Draw McGraw (ET) #1 and Draws A Crowd
?Six Draw McGraw2023 gelding out of Six Draw McGraw (ET) #2 and Draws A Crowd
?Slick N Black2023 stallion out of Slick N Black (ET) and Slick By Design
?Slick N Black2024 gelding out of Slick N Black (ET) and Slick By Design
?Streakin Merri Music2024 mare out of Streakin Merri Music and A Streak Of Fling
?The Heart Of Beauty2023 none out of The Heart Of Beauty (ET) #1 and Heart Of The Cartel
?The Heart Of Beauty2023 none out of The Heart Of Beauty (ET) #2 and Heart Of The Cartel
?The Heart Of Beauty2023 none out of The Heart Of Beauty (ET) #3 and Heart Of The Cartel
?Tiny Bit Of Fashion2023 mare out of Tiny Bit Of Fashion and Leaders Luck
Canadian Juice2024 mare out of Miss Brisk Poppy and Oh Poppy
Coronasgottadash2022 stallion out of Possibilities Exist and Mr Ease Cartel
Crack N The Cover2022 mare out of Perks Crackin Rosie and Perks Dream Boy
Dashing Zoom2022 gelding out of Delazoom (ET) and AZoom
Eyema French NFamous2024 mare out of RDC Eym French NRare (ET) and Frenchmans Guy
Eyez For Fame2024 mare out of Eyes Okey Dokey (ET) and Okey Dokey Dale
Eyma Rare Frenchman2024 stallion out of RDC Eym French NRare (ET) (2) and Frenchmans Guy
Famous Wonderz2023 mare out of THC Marys Wonder and THC Special Wonder
Forbelicious2024 stallion out of Bunnylicious and Sun Of A Bunny
Forbez Bullionaire2022 gelding out of Six Draw Macgraw (ET) and Draws A Crowd
Forbez Warning2024 stallion out of Bella Gin Fizz and OSU Pistol Pete
Forbidden Sweeheart2024 mare out of RC Rabbit Reloaded (ET) and Ninety Nine Goldmine
Freckled Up By Fame2024 mare out of AW Cowgirl Up and Zanabar Dodger
GK Frenchman Moses2022 stallion out of Frenchmansquarepants and May Be A Frenchman
GPH Bugged By Fame2022 gelding out of JPS Im Dinahs Bug and Ima Little Brown Bug
GPH Shakin Ta Fame2022 gelding out of JPS Jitterbug Queen and Track Dancer
Luminosity2024 mare out of Cats Electric light and RS Cats Starlight
Momo Do It2024 mare out of Oh Four Special and Ninety Nine Goldmine
Reload Fancys Fame (PHAoA)2023 stallion out of Blondys Fancy Bar and Bold Inpressiver
Sargent Forbez2023 stallion out of THC Suberu and Frenchmans Specialty
Smart On Ice2023 stallion out of Smart Peppy Holi and Holidocs Husker
Th Money Ta Moon2022 gelding out of Watch For Money and Magnolia Bartender
Thats My Dixie2024 mare out of Dixie Hauler and Confederate Leader
To Much Forbez2022 gelding out of RDC Too Much Gold (ET) and Ninety Nine Goldmine
Wheelinn N Dealinn2024 mare out of Frosted Cookies (ET) and Dash Ta Fame