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Frenchmans Guy*

Stallion Information

Name: Frenchmans Guy* Owner: Bill or Debbie Myers Standing At: Royal Vista Ranches - Wayne,OK Year of Birth: 1987 Color: Palomino Phone: 605-642-9789 Stallion Website: http://www.frenchmansguy.com/Myers-Ranch-FG.html Stallion Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FrenchmansGuy/ Fee: $6,000 ICSI Procedure Only Shipped: No

$14+ Million Sire!

Frenchmans Guy started his career as an extremely competitive arena athlete on the barrel futurity/derby and PRCA/amateur rodeo circuits. Sired by all-around performance sire Sun Frost, backed by the landmark Casey’s Ladylove mare family and triple-bred to the great Lightning Bar, ‘Guy’ has made his mark as a standout arena horse sire. Stamped with his long, free, extended stride, speed, mind and phenomenal heart and try, Frenchmans Guy progeny have proven to be among the elite competitors and best investments in the performance horse industry!

Heritage Information

Frenchmans Guy*
Sun Frost Frenchman's Lady
Docs Jack Frost Driftwood Ike
Laughing Boy si 85 Casey's Ladylove
Doc Bar Chantella
Driftwood Ike Driftwood Ike
Lightning Bar si 95 Bonnie
Casey's Poco Lady Diane

Nominated Foals

?A Free Peak2008 out of A Free Peak and
?A Tiny Bit More2019 mare out of A Tiny Bit More (ET) and Strawfly Special
?Always A Dashof Roan2024 mare out of Always A Dashof Roan (ET) and A Streak Of Fling
?Babe Of Honor2008 out of Babe Of Honor and Jet Of Honor
?Barging Sizzler2015 out of Barging Sizzler and
?Bet Shesa Rey2021 mare out of Bet Shesa Rey (ET) and Bet Hesa Cat
?Blondy Perks2015 none out of Blondy Perks and Dash For Perks
?Bugs Special Cash2019 mare out of Bugs Special Cash and
?By N Fuel2006 out of By N Fuel and
?Carcle May Rey2020 stallion out of CarcleMay Rey (ET) and Dual Pep
?Counter Gold2004 none out of Counter Gold and
?Cowboys N Ladies2024 gelding out of Cowboys N Ladies (ET) and Cowboy Cartel
?Cued To Cut2005 out of Cued To Cut and
?Current Fame2014 none out of Current Fame and Dash Ta Fame
?Dashing Katye2019 stallion out of Dashing Katye (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
?Dashing Katye2019 mare out of Dashing Katye (ET) #2 and Dash Ta Fame
?Dashing Meteror2014 none out of Dashing Meteror and Dashing With Cash
?Dear Shakey2020 stallion out of Dear Shakey and Royal Shake Em
?Deedashing2020 stallion out of Deedashing (ET) #1 and First Down Dash
?Disarray2020 mare out of Disarray and Dash Ta Fame
?Dun Bee Jetta2011 out of Dun Bee Jetta and
?Easy Mag ET2016 none out of Easy Mag ET and Magnificence
?Evening Traffic2005 none out of Evening Traffic and Dash Thru Traffic
?Eyema Rare Bug2020 gelding out of Eyema Rare Bug (ET) and One Rare Bug
?Famous Brandi2023 mare out of Famous Brandi (ET) #1 and Dash Ta Fame
?Famous Brandi2023 stallion out of Famous Brandi (ET) #2 and Dash Ta Fame
?Famous Silk Panties2015 none out of Famous Silk Panties (ET) and
?Featurette For Sure2013 none out of Featurette For Sure and
?Fols Lady Luck2003 out of Fols Lady Luck and
?Gamblers Dashing Bug2012 out of Gamblers Dashing Bug and Dash For Perks
?Gateway Ta Love2018 mare out of Gateway Ta Love (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
?Gateway Ta Love2018 stallion out of Gateway Ta Love (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
?Gateway Ta Love2019 stallion out of Gateway Ta Love and Dash Ta Fame
?Gateway Ta Love et – 04/29/20162016 mare out of Gateway Ta Love (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
?Gem Dandy Bullion2020 mare out of Gem Dandy Bullion (ET) and Bully Bullion
?Go Ta Fame2005 out of Go Ta Fame and Dash Ta Fame
?Grace Master2019 stallion out of Grace Master (ET) and Perks Master
?Home Cookin2022 mare out of Home Cookin and Tres Seis
?Hot Brandi N Wine2005 out of Hot Brandi N Wine and Hot Colours
?Hotshots Girl2012 out of Hotshots Girl and Proudest Effort
?Hula Pie2003 stallion out of Hula Pie and
?Im Financed2009 out of Im Financed and
?Ima Treasure Seeker2022 mare out of Ima Treasure Seeker and Special Contender
?JRS Miss Kirk2010 mare out of JRS Miss Kirk and
?Just Suede2012 out of Just Suede and Feature Mr Jess
?Kaweahs Corona2020 stallion out of Kaweahs Corona (ET) and Midnight Corona
?LL Lady Flint2020 stallion out of LL Lady Flint (ET) and Fire Water Flit
?Lynx Poco Rip2008 out of Lynx Poco Rip and
?Make N Firewater2022 mare out of Make N Firewater and Fire Water Flit
?Marilyn Merlot2020 stallion out of Marilyn Merlot and Dash Ta Fame
?MC Poco Star2010 out of MC Poco Star and
?Micha Bay Perks2014 none out of Micha Bay Perks and
?Miss Dottie Pepper2015 none out of Miss Dottie Pepper and Roll the Cash
?Miss Eye Paint2008 none out of Miss Eye Paint and Mr Eye Opener
?Miss Eye Paint2010 stallion out of Miss Eye Paint and Mr Eye Opener
?Money Lends Lot2007 out of Money Lends Lot and Lends A Lot
?Nothing Assured2007 out of Nothing Assured and Honrs A Bounding
?Ourgenuinebeught2015 none out of Oursenuinebeught and Dash Ta Fame
?PC Mia Frenchgirl2017 stallion out of PC Mia Frenchgirl and PC Sun A Boon
?Perks Black On Black2019 mare out of Perks Black On Black and Dash For Perks
?Perks Dashing Jet2010 out of Perks Dashing Jet and Dashy For Perks
?Princess Of The Bar2009 out of Princess Of The Bar and Dr Nick Bar
?Reds Dancing Duck2021 stallion out of Reds Dancing Duck (ET#2) and On The Money Red
?Ronas Real Deal2004 none out of Ronas Real Deal and
?Royal Perks2006 out of Royal Perks and A Classic Dash
?Runaway Lioness2019 mare out of Runaway Lioness (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
?Sables Dash2005 none out of Sables Dash and Dash Thru Traffic
?Sables Dash2005 none out of Sables Dash and Dash Thru Traffic
?Serious Spender2006 out of Serious Spender and Bills Ryon
?Settin On Perk2019 stallion out of Settin On Perk and Dash For Perks
?Shake Me Easy2006 out of Shake Me Easy and Easy Jet
?Sheza Dr Kirk2014 mare out of Sheza Dr Kirk and Dr Kirk
?Short Lane Ta Fame2021 stallion out of Short Lane Ta Fame (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
?Some Kinda Keeper2010 out of Some Kinda Keeper and Special Effort
?Specialefforttafame2023 stallion out of Specialefforttafame and Dash Ta Fame
?Speed Dot Com2011 stallion out of Speed Dot Com and Sixarun
?Streakinflingindisco2019 mare out of Streakinflingindisco (ET) and A Streak Of Fling
?Tag Along Nickie2012 out of Tag Along Nickie and Dr Nick Bar
?Te Snaz Ze2008 out of Te Snaz Ze and
?Toebar Belle2009 out of Toebar Belle and Wonder Otoe
?WB Miss Mollie Drift2009 out of WB Miss Mollie Drift and Blakewood
?What a Gold Angele2004 out of What A Gold Angele and Whatta Band
?What A Gold Angele2005 out of What A Gold Angele and Whatta Band
A Classic Frenchkiss2010 gelding out of Mikasa Moon and A Classic Dash
A Classic Guy2005 stallion out of Classic Keepsake and Dash for Cash
A French Babe2015 mare out of Streakin Six Babe and Frenchmans Guy
A French Cappuccino2012 mare out of Water For Chocolat and Spotted Shawne Bull
A French Chick2011 mare out of Positively A Coyote and Coyote Colonel
A French Coyote2008 mare out of Positively A Coyote and Coyote Colonel
A French Cutie2007 mare out of Full A Irish Whisky and Paddys Irish Whisky
A French Lady2013 mare out of Lady Perks (ET) and Dash For Perks
A French Revolution2011 stallion out of Sacs Sunday Times and Triples Image
A French Streak2010 stallion out of MS Dancing Dash and Streakin Six
A Frenchmans Catch2003 gelding out of A Record Catch and On The Money Red
A Frenchmans Ledoux2014 stallion out of Sierras Six Moons and Martha Six Moons
A Guy With Perks2011 stallion out of Perks Dashing Jet and Dash For Perks
A Guy With Proof2011 stallion out of American Proof and Extra Proof
A Guy With Try2013 gelding out of Generals French Lady and Bogies General
A Perky Frenchgirl2014 mare out of Crickett Perks and Dash For Perks
A Rio French Lady2014 mare out of A Rio Smart Cutter and Smart Cash Cutter
A Sassy Angel2015 mare out of A Sassy Dash and Dash Ta Fame
A Smashing Frenchman2002 stallion out of Just Smashingly and Easily Smashed
A Smooth Guy2005 stallion out of Docs Movida and Dry Doc
A Special Frenchman2014 stallion out of A Special Sis and Special Elan
A Stylish Frenchman2013 mare out of Twice As Stylish 07 and Twice As Shiney
A Touch Of Terrific2012 mare out of Flits Fast As Fuel and Oklahoma Fuel
A Twisted Frenchman2024 stallion out of Little Sara Twist (ET) and On The Money Smash
Addicted To Guys2008 mare out of Addicted to Cash and Dash For Cash
Aint I A Cool Guy2013 stallion out of Aint It Fun (ET) and Bully Bullion
Aint Seen Nothin Yet2008 stallion out of Smart N Famous and Dash Ta Fame
All Warm N Fuzzy2009 mare out of Hot Brandi N Wine and Hot Colours
American Girl2019 mare out of First Moon Diva (ET) and First Moonflash
American Guy2014 gelding out of Dash For A Rose and Dash For Perks
Anniegetyourpearls2018 mare out of Voo Doo Martha and Martha Six Moons
Another French Boy2015 stallion out of RoJo Irish Barbie and RoJo Irish Bay
Ante Up Guy2004 stallion out of Annie Up Cats and Martha Six Moons
Any Guy Of Mine2013 mare out of UX Firewater Lizzie and Firewater Frost
AR French Corona2013 mare out of AR Celina Corona and Corona Cartel
Atomic Trace Machine2020 mare out of Fame Train and Dash Ta Fame
Baby Perks2007 mare out of Cash Perks and Dash For Cash
Backseat Promises2019 stallion out of Miss Nickolee Dancer and Rolls of Romance
Baileys French Kiss1999 mare out of Pac A Dee and Pac Bar
Bar B Fame N Bling2017 mare out of Miss Mitos Whiskey and Dash Ta Fame
Bar B Fame N Whiskey2016 gelding out of Miss Mitos Whiskey and Dash Ta Fame
Bar B Frenchmansfame2015 gelding out of Miss Mitos Whiskey and Dash Ta Fame
Bar Frenchman2005 stallion out of Kay Tee Bar Biankus and Biankus
Bardells Sundance2014 mare out of Bardells Jubilee and Gray Bardell
BB French Pistol2000 gelding out of Flammable Fortune and Mighty Salute (TB)
BB Frenchguy Will2004 gelding out of Flammable Fortune and Mighty Salute (TB)
Be Kas Im French2009 stallion out of In Debt Yet and No Brakes Noe
Berts French Bar Fly2013 gelding out of Streakin Barbie and Lasaber Streak
Best Guy Yet2016 stallion out of SD Buggin Bee and Champs Best 999
Beter Watchthis Guyz2016 mare out of Serious Spender and Bills Ryon
Bettybeaux2013 mare out of Bet This Is A Shiner and Shining Spark
BHR Frenchies Socks1999 stallion out of BHR Missy Socks and Can He Go
Biankus French Honor2009 gelding out of Captain Jet Of Honor and Captain Biankus
Big Frenchman1999 gelding out of Gray Dorky and Feature Jack
Bigguyanswersprayer2015 stallion out of Naketa and PYC Paint Your Wagon
Billy French1999 gelding out of Sheza Moon Diamond and Diamond Is Wild
Blades On Fire2012 stallion out of Vanilla Firewater and Firewater Fooler
Blue Bourbon Belle2006 mare out of Blue Raysen Wagon (ET) and Hancock Juan
Bonita Bully2006 mare out of Here Comes the Bully and Bully Bullion
BPH Frenchmans Suede2016 mare out of Rapida Corona and Corona Cartel
BPH Guys Masterpiece2019 stallion out of Grace Master (ET) and Perks Master
BR Dont Bug That Guy2010 gelding out of Rods Last Ladybug and Sharp Rodney
BR Frenchman Fancy2011 mare out of Scats Rockette and Scat Pac
Breakthebankfrenchie2014 stallion out of Easter lLena Award and SMF Lenas Award
Bring It On Girls2016 stallion out of Full A Irish Whiskey and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Bring It On Guys2009 mare out of Full A Irish Whiskey and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Briscosfrenchbullion2007 stallion out of Briscos Dream Gal and Brisco County Jr
Broken C Rebel Guy2015 stallion out of Whiz On Rebel and Rebel Dasher
BS Frenchmnspackinit2010 mare out of Packin Six Rockettes and Packin Sixes
Buckingham2016 stallion out of CS Night Light and Royal Quick Dash
Buds French Chick2016 mare out of Buds N Blossoms and Strawflyin Buds
Bugs Wise Guy2008 gelding out of Miss Fancy Bugs and Go For Bugs
Bully A Frenchman2011 gelding out of Te Ata and Bully Bullion
BW Chantin Im Famous2021 mare out of BA Famous Zena (et) and Dash Ta Fame
BW Chantin In French2021 stallion out of BA Famous Zena and Dash Ta Fame
Camp Crook Chrome2014 mare out of Jamies Got A Gun and Dash Ta Fame
Cant Top This Guy2017 stallion out of Full A irish Whiskey and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Captain Mitos Legacy2001 gelding out of Mito Silver Bell and Captian Mito
Casino Heist2010 stallion out of Haulin Lotsacash and Holland Ease
Catchaflynfrenchman2005 stallion out of A Record Catch and On the Money Red
Catchthiscoronaguy2013 mare out of Magnificent Madison (ET) and Corona Cartel
Cathys Guy2008 gelding out of Perks Dashing Jet and Dash For Perks
Cats Eye Gem2007 gelding out of CE Black Opal and Dash For Perks
CB Heza Fast Guy2011 stallion out of Sheza Fast Merri and Heza Fast Man
Cbar Madagascar2005 gelding out of Slye Endeavor and Staunch Avenger
CE Silver Lining2011 gelding out of Supah Jess and On To Glory
CE Supah Sassy2010 mare out of Supah Jess and On To Glory
CG Frenchmans Folly2010 mare out of Follys Bullion and Bully Bullion
Chance Ta Fame2013 stallion out of Stairway Ta Heaven and Dash Ta Fame
Charge It To Magic2008 stallion out of Magics Poco Dee and Woodys Magic
Chargittodafrenchman2010 mare out of Ninas Royal Whitney and Royal Three Charge
Check Me Out Guys2013 gelding out of Dashing Checkers and Dash Ta Fame
Cheyenne French Girl2007 mare out of Memes Rapid Dash (ET) and Dash for Perks
Chisumn2016 stallion out of Joyous Eyes and Mr Eye Opener
Classic Frenchman2009 stallion out of Classic Keepsake and Dash For Cash
Clearly I Bee French2014 mare out of SD Buggin Bee and Champs Best 999
CN Frenchfame Winny2014 mare out of Stacey Lee Dash and Dash Ta Fame
Cnfrenchmanfametowin2013 stallion out of Stacy Lee Dash and Dash Ta Fame
Coats French Perks2018 mare out of The Perks Of Love (ET) and Dash For Perks
Coats Frenchgalhonor2018 mare out of Honor Bell and Jet Of Honor
Coats Guys Astreakin2014 mare out of Streakin Form and Rare Form
Coats Perkofrenchman2018 stallion out of The Perks Of Love (ET) and Dash For Perks
Colonel Frenchman2006 stallion out of Colonels Miss Targo and Colonels King Adam
Colour Me Frenchman2010 gelding out of Queens Colours and Hot Colours
Colour This Guy Hot2012 stallion out of Yu Laughing Frost and Hot Colours
Cool Chrome Guy2012 gelding out of Oh So Effort and Special Effort
Cooper Breaks Away1998 gelding out of Bobbie Breaks and Saints Patrick
Corona Light2008 stallion out of Uno Mas Corona / ET and Corona Cartel
Cowboy Casanova Guy2012 stallion out of Silver Daddys Angel and Dash Ta Fame
CP Maybelline2010 mare out of Two Dash To Fame (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
CR Happy Hour2009 mare out of Estrella La Jolla and Streakin La Jolla
Crazybeaminfrenchman2013 stallion out of Curtiss Crazy Alice (ET) and Commander Curtis
Cruise N Kinda Guy1998 gelding out of Cruise N Illusion and Easy Illusion
Dakota Able Warrior2008 stallion out of Full A Irish Whiskey and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Daphne De Guy2013 mare out of Floyds Moon Bug JC and Floyd De Great
Darlings Lucky Guy2007 stallion out of Nobodys Darling and Next To The Limit
Dash To A Frenchman2007 mare out of Nitas Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Dashin For The Guys2008 mare out of Dash Ta Please ( ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Dashing French Lady2008 mare out of Dashing Sharon and Dashing Encounter
Dashing Frenchman2004 gelding out of Dashing Generation and Twaynas Dash
Dashing Guy2006 stallion out of Evening Traffic (ET) and Dash Thru Traffic
Dats A Frenchman2000 stallion out of Junos Dashing Cat and Juno Dat Cash
De Dashin Guy2018 stallion out of Dashin Reba and Better Judgement
De French Guy2010 gelding out of De Lila and Super De Kas
Deedashing Guy2020 stallion out of Deedashing (ET #3) and First Down Dash
DH Attempt Ta French2014 stallion out of CP Hoot Ta Boot and Dash Ta Fame
Dianetomeetuguys2009 mare out of Miss Signa and The Signature
Disco Bling2005 mare out of Flick Can Disco and Disco Jerry
Discreat French2012 mare out of Discreat Retreat and Mr Jess Perry
Dizzy French Girl2016 mare out of Dizzy Dash and Dash For Perks
DL French Moon Fame2011 mare out of Honeymoon Dash and Dash Ta Fame
Dlfamousfrenchhoney2012 mare out of Honeymoon Dash and Dash Ta Fame
DMS French Amber Cat2001 gelding out of Benitos She Whiz and Benito Pat Star
Doingit Thefrenchway2006 mare out of Wheelin For Cash and Roll The Cash
Doittoem Lil Martha2006 mare out of Doittoem Martha and Marthas Six Moon
Dont Doubt This Guy2013 stallion out of Without Sum Doubt and Feature Mr Jess
Dont Judge This Guy2014 stallion out of Judge Me Rapid and Judge Cash
Dot Com Guy2012 stallion out of Speed Dot Com and Sixarun
Double Your French2000 mare out of French Confection and Frenchy Jr
Doubledownonthisguy2016 stallion out of Kwynns Dash and Dash Ta Fame
Downwithafrenchness2020 stallion out of Deedashing (ET) and First Down Dash
Dream On Guys2012 gelding out of Dream Of A Fortune (ET) and Six Fortunes
Driftn Guy2011 stallion out of Play Kathy Jo Jones and Playgun
Dynamite Frenchman2002 gelding out of Easy April O Lena and Doc O Dymamite
Dynasty N Dixie2015 stallion out of Ms Dixie Cousins and Brisco County Jr
Easy French Alibi2007 mare out of Easy Mag and Magnificence
Easy French Girl2004 mare out of Easy Kinda Day and Hit Me Easy
Eye On The Guy2009 gelding out of Ima Mystic Rock and Mystic Eye
Eye Speak French2009 gelding out of Eye Count Money (ET) and Mr Eye Opener
Eyes A French Guy2017 gelding out of Eyesa Crow and Mr Eye Opener
Eyes The Guy2009 stallion out of Centerfolds Iopener and Mr Eye Opener
Face The Facts Guyz2014 stallion out of Danika and Special Leader
Fame Of A Frenchman2008 mare out of Nitas Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Famed Frenchman2005 gelding out of Generation Dash and Twaynas Dash
Fameonthehorizon2011 gelding out of Rebs Little Fame (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Famous French Bikini2016 mare out of Miss Lucky Lucky and Dash Ta Fame
Famous French Cagen2009 gelding out of Love Ta Dash 123 and Dash Ta Fame
Famous French Dame2016 mare out of Demanding Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Famous French Diva2014 mare out of Splash Dash and Dash Ta Fame
Famous French Doll2012 mare out of Famous China Doll (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Famous French Kiss2011 mare out of Fame Ta Throw (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Famous French Model2010 mare out of Paris Model Of Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Famous Frenchie2007 mare out of Charms Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Famous Guy2008 gelding out of Charms Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Famous Lady Pistol2014 mare out of SF Tiny Bit Of Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Famous Mic Guy Ver2015 gelding out of Disarray and Dash Ta Fame
Famously French2009 mare out of SB Halieva and Dash Ta Fame
Fancy French Bug2010 mare out of Miss Fancy Bugs (ET) and Go For Bugs
Fast Fleeting Guy2010 stallion out of Fleeting Pie and Pie In The Sky
Fast French Flirt2005 mare out of Joe Hancocks Dream and Here and Now
Fast Frenchy1999 mare out of Shesa Sweet Skip and Skipper Dell
Favors French Kiss2007 mare out of Dozen Favors and Magic Dozen
Favors French Rebel2009 stallion out of Dozen Favors and Magic Dozen
FC Six French Moons2001 mare out of Runnin Jesse Orchid and Martha Six Moons
Fetch The Fame2009 mare out of Charms Fame and Dash Ta Fame
FG Chocolate Pie2011 mare out of Say Bye Pie and Pie In The Sky
FG Classic Colours2010 mare out of Hot April Colours and Hot Colours
FG Cool Runnings2013 mare out of Moonlit Snow and This Snow Is Royal
FG Irish Shananigans2010 gelding out of Full A Irish Whiskey and Paddys Irish Whiskey
FG Smashinly Special2011 stallion out of Smashingly Classic and A Classic Dash
FG Youll Remember Me2010 mare out of Colours Of A Lady and Hot Colours
Firewater Frenchie2009 mare out of Gracie Under Fire and Fire Water Flit
First Class Lady2024 mare out of Kylees Class and Fly On The Opener
First Down French2005 stallion out of A Flashy Dash and A Classic Dash
First Down Frenchman2008 stallion out of Evening Traffic (ET) and Dash Thru Traffic
First Down Guy2005 stallion out of Dash For Dynasty and First Down Dash
Fleeting French Girl2002 mare out of Fleeting Pie and Pie In The Sky
Flirty French Girl2009 mare out of Dashing Guitar and Dash Ta Fame
Flits French Blondie2013 mare out of Two Bit Flit and Fire Water Flit
Fly High Guy2009 stallion out of Quick Laico Bird and Royal Quick Dash
Fly My Foxy Guy2005 stallion out of Fly My Foxy Surena and Flyma Bars
Flyin Mock 902016 stallion out of Moonlight Dement (ET) and Sail On Bunny
Flying Mach 902016 gelding out of Moonlight In Paris and Sail On Bunny
Four Fancy Frenchman1999 gelding out of Four Times Fancy and Quick And True
Foxy French Lady2019 mare out of Junewoods Klassy Fox (ET) and Mr Junewood
Freckles Frenchmans2000 gelding out of Crystal Freckles Sue and Freckles Gigolo
French Banana Puddin2014 mare out of Miss Lucky Lucky (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
French Bouquet2012 mare out of Rimes Bouquet and Rime
French Casanova2015 stallion out of Cool Lady Loretta and Smashed Casanova
French Centerfold2011 mare out of Krimps Cheyenne and Krimps Elmer
French Chanel2014 mare out of My Cowgirl Candy and JB Model Poco Bevo
French Charming2008 stallion out of Du Ups Riva Kay and Encoriva
French Chic Magnet2010 stallion out of Dozen Favors and Magic Dozen
French Cinch Ta Fame2011 stallion out of CK Dash and Dash Ta Fame
French Cinnamon Roll2014 mare out of Cinnamons Sugar and Mr Cinnamon Roll
French Coco2019 mare out of Coco Corona and First Down Dash
French Dance Girl2001 mare out of Jans Victory Dance and Dancer's Victory (TB)
French Dixie Crystal2013 mare out of Silver Daddys Angel and Dash Ta Fame
French Eye Paint2004 stallion out of Miss Eye Paint (ET) and Mr Eye Opener
French Falena2008 mare out of Some Kinda Keeper and Special Effort
French Fancy Face2003 mare out of Willys Rockin and Jet N Rocket
French Fast N Famous2011 stallion out of Twayna Be Famous (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
French Fling Ta Fame2017 stallion out of Streakin Dash Ta Six and A Streak Of Fling
French Fly2011 mare out of Yeah Im Flying (ET) and Strawfly Special
French Folly2011 mare out of Red Torres and On The Money Red
French Fortunes2007 mare out of Stick To My Demands and Explode On Demand
French Fried Guy2010 stallion out of Sacs Sunday Times and Triple's Image
French Fry Guy2014 stallion out of Friada and Lanes Leinster
French Gold Charm2000 mare out of BCR Easy Charmer and BCR Easy Star
French Honeybun2009 mare out of KC Bully and Bully Bullion
French Intimidator2009 mare out of TB Special Diamonds and Bully Bullion
French Ivory Guy2015 stallion out of Tickle The Ivorys and Ivory James
French Judgement2001 stallion out of TT Two Cash and Lesters Judgement
French Kick2007 mare out of Cash For Bess and Roll The Cash
French Kirk2011 stallion out of Jenny Kirk and No Brakes Now
French Kiss Of Gold2009 mare out of Dr Ladylove and Dr Kirk
French Kissin Guy2004 stallion out of Six Britches and Try Six
French Lady Love2008 mare out of Dr Ladylove and Dr Kirk
French Lady Miss2009 mare out of Miss Eye Paint (ET) and Mr Eye Opener
French Lady Perks2008 mare out of Lady Perks ET and Dash For Perks
French Licorice Kiss2016 mare out of Fames Licorice Kiss and Dash Ta Fame
French Lingerie2010 mare out of Sandy Sun Socks (ET) and PC Sun Socks
French Mafia2010 gelding out of My Corona Jet and Corona Cartel
French Magic Latte2009 mare out of Feature Of Magic and Woodys Magic
French Me Easy2015 stallion out of DHR Sound Of Mind and State Of Mind
French Meridoc Moon2015 stallion out of Easy Dash N Brash and Zircon
French Moon Bean2013 mare out of Sierras Six Moons and Marthas Six Moons
French Moon Rising2018 stallion out of First Moon Diva and First Moonflash
French Moons Guy2005 stallion out of Runnin Jessie Orchid and Marthas Six Moons
French Moonshine2012 mare out of Kittys Six Moons and Marthas Six Moons
French Myst2008 mare out of Im Mystic Reb and Ima Easy Reb
French OffIm Stylish2017 mare out of Twice As Stylish 07 and Twice As Shiney
French Perks2014 stallion out of Eyes Of Perks and Dash For Perks
French Queenie2006 mare out of Follys Bullion and Bully Bullion
French Redneck2015 stallion out of Redneck Rosey and Redneck Jet
French Rivierra2007 mare out of Volley Six and Streakin Six
French Romancer2013 gelding out of CB Oak Tree Queen and Oak Tree Special
French Royal Flush2001 gelding out of Red Ace Three and Laughing Dun Bar
French Sensation2001 mare out of Streakin Miss Magnum and Streakin Six
French Silkstockings2004 mare out of Ima Sharp Dancer and Himito Dancer
French Silver Bell2008 gelding out of Mito Silver Bell and Captain Mito
French Six Pack2004 stallion out of Sybos Six Pack and Packin Sixes
French Smoke2000 gelding out of Lady Jane Rebel and Iron Rebel
French Snaz2014 mare out of Snazzy Be Kas (ET) and Super De Kas
French Spirit2004 mare out of A Royal Spirit and Royal Generation
French Stars2005 mare out of Dash With The Stars and Dash Ta Fame
French Torres2015 stallion out of Red Torres and On The Money Red
French Twist N Turn2014 mare out of Sacs Sunday Times and Triple's Image
French Vanilla Bean2012 mare out of Ginas Flyin and Strawflyin Buds
French Violet2008 mare out of Bugbelle Wonder and Wonder Otoe
French With Ease2013 mare out of Huggys Spitfire and With Great Ease
French Zone2013 mare out of Star Zone and Wild Zone
Frenchalicious2010 mare out of Firehawk Filly and Hawkinson
Frenchbesitocaliente2011 mare out of Winsome Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Frenchcoloursaflying2009 gelding out of Suzie B Hot and Hot Colours
Frenchgalsarespecial2010 mare out of Oh So Effort and Special Effort
Frenchgirl Cocoa2008 mare out of Mecca Ciara and Mecca San Leo
Frenchgirlnwranglers2005 mare out of Miss Wrangler Bug and Rocket Wrangler
Frenchgirls R Famous2009 mare out of Rebs Little Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Frenchice2015 mare out of Moonlit Snow and This Snow Is Royal
Frenchie Otoole2008 mare out of Dancin With Jody and Jody O Toole
Frenchies Bad Girl2008 mare out of Shesa Bucket and Buckeye Bar Joe
Frenchies Cash Cutie2006 mare out of Haulin Lotsacash and Holland Ease
Frenchies Gotthecash2011 mare out of Rapida Corona and Corona Cartel
Frenchies Gottheguns2007 mare out of Dolls Little Cash and Cash Treat
Frenchin Ta Fame2004 stallion out of YR Sadie and Dash Ta Fame
Frenchin With Perks2009 stallion out of Gamblers Dashing Bug and Dash For Perks
Frenching2020 stallion out of Deedashing (ET) #2 and First Down Dash
Frenchkissin Forcash2011 mare out of Perks For Easy Cash and Dash For Perks
Frenchkissn Casanova2009 mare out of Lil Bit A Moon Luck and Casady Casanova
Frenchman EZ Landing2003 gelding out of Miss Landing Rocket and Easy Diamond Landing
Frenchman Fever2004 gelding out of Lot A Disco and Disco Jerry (TB)
Frenchman Rocket Man2014 stallion out of Three Forty Nine and Rocket Wrangler
Frenchman Veronica2009 mare out of Disco Veronica and Disco Jerry
Frenchmanatwar2015 stallion out of War Dutchess and War Easy Jet
Frenchmanluckypocket2015 mare out of Miss Lucky Lucky and Dash Ta Fame
Frenchmans A Hottie2006 gelding out of Miss Rockin M Gravy and Jody Oh
Frenchmans Alamitos2004 gelding out of Miss Big Feature and Alamitos Feature
Frenchmans Ally2002 mare out of Miss Ready Jet and Jet Of Honor
Frenchmans Aprillena2003 mare out of Easy April Lena and Doc O Dynamite
Frenchmans Assassin2009 stallion out of Huggys Spitfire and With Great Ease
Frenchmans Bailey2001 mare out of Pac A Dee and Pac Bar
Frenchmans Band2009 mare out of Frenchmans Guy (ET) and Tiny Silver Band
Frenchmans Bay2012 stallion out of Speedy Lil Bullette and Bulldashus
Frenchmans Beajou2011 mare out of Haulin Lotsacash and Holland Ease
Frenchmans Belle Jet2001 mare out of PC Frenchmans Bojet and Boon Dox John
Frenchmans Biankus1999 stallion out of Kay Tee Bar Biankus and Biankus
Frenchmans Big Bucks2013 stallion out of Haulin Lotsacash and Holland Ease
Frenchmans Bitofluck2007 gelding out of Lil Bit A Moon Luck and Casady Cassanova
Frenchmans Blaznfire2008 gelding out of Gracie Under Fire and Fire Water Flit
Frenchmans Bliss2011 mare out of Rare Society and Society Road
Frenchmans Blue Chip2001 mare out of Doralees Blue Chip and Alberts' Bum 74
Frenchmans Bolero2000 gelding out of Jans Victory Dance and Dancer's Victory (TB)
Frenchmans Boon Dox2007 gelding out of Miss Boon Dox Dude and Boon Dox John
Frenchmans Borracha2005 mare out of Cash Perks and Dash For Cash
Frenchmans Boy2003 stallion out of Go Miss Donna and Im Moon Diamond
Frenchmans Bulla2004 mare out of Bulla Dash and A Dash of Beduino
Frenchmans Bulladash2003 gelding out of Bulla Dash and A Dash Of Beduino
Frenchmans Buzios2010 stallion out of Royal Chick Three and Shawne Bug
Frenchmans Cadeaulac2008 mare out of La Cadeau and The Big Tipper
Frenchmans Cajundash2013 stallion out of Peco Queen and Dashing Val
Frenchmans Camry2008 mare out of Camry and Easy Jet
Frenchmans Cheyann2006 mare out of Cheyanns Wonder and Otoe's Wonder
Frenchmans Chill2007 stallion out of Image Of Parr and Image Of Greatness
Frenchmans Cinnemon2005 mare out of Dashing Wicket and Dash Ta Fame
Frenchmans Coco Moon2008 mare out of Bugsie Wind and Shawne Bug
Frenchmans Copy2007 stallion out of Copys Fortress and Copy Bar None
Frenchmans Countess2009 mare out of Eye Count Money (ET) and Mr Eye Opener
Frenchmans Cutie Pie2013 mare out of Say Bye Pie and Pie In The Sky
Frenchmans Dance2013 mare out of This Perks Can Dance (ET) and Dash For perks
Frenchmans Dashinsix2002 mare out of The Stylish Baby and Takin On The Cash
Frenchmans Dashnista2012 mare out of Dashon Wandie and Dash Ta Fame
Frenchmans Diggity2002 mare out of Diggity Dash and Hot Diggity Dash
Frenchmans Doc Como2002 mare out of Comos Badge and Doctor Como
Frenchmans Doc Rock2003 stallion out of Comos Badge and Doctor Como
Frenchmans Domingo2009 stallion out of Rare Society and Society Road
Frenchmans Drama2015 mare out of Valid Lark and Valid Expectations
Frenchmans Drum Fire2010 stallion out of Cash For Spice and Snicker Bar Deep
Frenchmans Dry Lady2000 mare out of Docs Movida and Dry Doc
Frenchmans Easy Doc2002 stallion out of Easy April Lena and Doc O Dynamite
Frenchmans Eazy2013 mare out of Our Blue Velvet and Perks Alive
Frenchmans Effort1999 mare out of Johnny Effort and Moving Effort
Frenchmans Elvis2007 stallion out of Midnight By Lucky and Dollys Lucky Boy
Frenchmans Fable2007 stallion out of Missflitbarbeggar and Flit Bar Beggar
Frenchmans Falcon2002 stallion out of PC Frenchmans Bojet and Boon Dox John
Frenchmans Fancy1999 mare out of TRC You Pay and Preferred Pay
Frenchmans Fiesta2008 gelding out of Rare Society and Society Road
Frenchmans Finest2012 stallion out of Shwn Mary Doc and Merridoc
Frenchmans Firestar2014 mare out of Rojo Irish Barbie and Rojo Irish Bay
Frenchmans Flame1999 stallion out of Flamable Fortune and Mighty Salute (TB)
Frenchmans Flirt2002 mare out of Easy April Bar and Easy Move
Frenchmans Flit2009 mare out of Leos Windy Doc and Mr Bar Cuero
Frenchmans Fortress2009 gelding out of Copys Fortress and Copy Bar None
Frenchmans Fuego2012 stallion out of Gracie Under Fire and Fire Water Flit
Frenchmans Fury2007 stallion out of Lola Ohs and Fancy Ohs
Frenchmans Future2011 mare out of Sixes Future and Stoli
Frenchmans Go Girl2001 mare out of Escotts With Ease and With Ease
Frenchmans Go Go2005 mare out of Go Go Rona and Ronas Ryon
Frenchmans Got Perks2009 stallion out of Im Financed and Dash For Perks
Frenchmans Guy Jr2007 stallion out of Dry Jamiebell and Dry James
Frenchmans Harley FB2008 stallion out of Ultimate Attitude and FeFe's Bug
Frenchmans Honey B2014 mare out of Honey B Flyin (ET) and Flying Ross Go Bug
Frenchmans Honeygirl2007 mare out of Honey Mite Dash and Dashing Encounter
Frenchmans Hot Line2008 gelding out of Special Hot Line and Hot Colours
Frenchmans Humbolt2012 gelding out of My Pal Sue and Humbolt
Frenchmans Hy Boy2000 gelding out of Hy Bar and Laughing Bar Boy
Frenchmans Jannie1999 mare out of Lotta Country and Country Bill
Frenchmans Jazzy Joe2002 mare out of Joes Jazzy Socks and
Frenchmans Jester2002 gelding out of April Approach and Easy Approach
Frenchmans Jetser2010 mare out of Follys Turbo Jet and Follys Jet Smooth
Frenchmans Joker2015 stallion out of Six Packin Sassy and Dash Ta Fame
Frenchmans Jule Bar2011 mare out of Wranglers Jule Bar and Wranglers Mischief
Frenchmans Kid Rock2007 gelding out of Mamies Leavin and This Jets Leavin
Frenchmans Klasy Pie2014 mare out of Say Bye Pie and Pie In The Sky
Frenchmans LaJolla2013 mare out of Que Un LaJolla and Streakin La Jolla
Frenchmans Leo Annie2002 mare out of Miss Leo Annie and Bright Gordo
Frenchmans Leo Guy2001 gelding out of Miss Leo Annie and Bright Gordo
Frenchmans Lil Angel2015 mare out of Angel In Front and Bobbys Dashin Angel
Frenchmans Lil Perk2005 mare out of Cash Perks and Dash For Cash
Frenchmans Lily2009 mare out of Honor My Money and On The Money Red
Frenchmans Lingerie2001 mare out of Hylita Sparks and Thymus Go
Frenchmans Lucille2020 mare out of Let Loose Corona and Corona Cartel
Frenchmans Manna2007 stallion out of Cheyanns Wonder and Otoe's Wonder
Frenchmans Marble2012 gelding out of Lady Chivato and Dash To Chivato
Frenchmans Mayhem2008 mare out of Hears The Deal and Jet Of Honor
Frenchmans Melody2000 mare out of Bunny Bard Burdick and Mr Bar Barred
Frenchmans Merridoc2003 gelding out of Winnsboro and Merridoc
Frenchmans Miss Otoe2002 mare out of Miss Pawnee Wonder and Otoe's Wonder
Frenchmans Missannie2003 mare out of Miss Leo Annie and Bright Gordo
Frenchmans Moon Lite2002 mare out of Misty Moon Lite and Rare Jet
Frenchmans On Ice2008 stallion out of BCR Its On Ice and Special Effort
Frenchmans Otoe Girl2003 mare out of Miss Pawnee Wonder and Otoe's Wonder
Frenchmans Partygirl2006 mare out of Diligent Manners and Party Manners
Frenchmans Perkette2009 mare out of Perks Dashing Jet and Dash For Perks
Frenchmans Perks2012 gelding out of Our Blue Velvet and Perks Alive
Frenchmans Pink2010 mare out of Settin On Perk and Dash For Perks
Frenchmans Pistol2003 gelding out of Pac A Dee and Pac Bar
Frenchmans Punch2010 gelding out of Efficiency and Hey Moon
Frenchmans Question1997 mare out of Miss Nifty Hackens and Clint's Darkey
Frenchmans Quickkiss2007 mare out of Three Quick Kisses and Smoocheys Red Man
Frenchmans Rebel Jet2002 mare out of Ima Livin Lady and
Frenchmans Revenge2004 gelding out of Jettas Switch and Go For Bugs
Frenchmans Riva2001 mare out of Du Ups Riva Kay and Encoriva (TB)
Frenchmans Romance2008 gelding out of Romance And Money and On The Money Red
Frenchmans Ruby Red2009 mare out of Besta War and War Rocket Go
Frenchmans San Peppy1999 stallion out of Tijereta Peppy and Mr San Peppy
Frenchmans Shooter1998 gelding out of Zan Parr Molly and Zan Parr Marvel
Frenchmans Signature2006 mare out of Miss Signa and The Signature
Frenchmans Six Dash2004 stallion out of The Stylish Baby and Takin on the Cash
Frenchmans Six Dee2013 mare out of Silver Six Dee and Silver Six Badger
Frenchmans Speed2004 mare out of Speed Dot Com and Sixarun
Frenchmans Speedy2002 gelding out of Povertys Queen and
Frenchmans Spitfire2011 mare out of Huggys Spitfire and With Great Ease
Frenchmans Sport2002 gelding out of Smashed Sport Gal and Easily Smashed
Frenchmans Star2004 stallion out of Dash With The Stars and Dash Ta Fame
Frenchmans Sun Dog2000 stallion out of Deans Sugar Rocket and Rocket Poo
Frenchmans Sun Lite2004 gelding out of Misty Moon Lite and Rare Jet
Frenchmans Sunshine2002 mare out of Chanceys Whisper and Vanzi Cherry Heels
Frenchmans Swagger2014 stallion out of Sail On Truckles and Up N Truckle
Frenchmans Tiny Gay2002 mare out of Cute N Vain and Van Gold
Frenchmans Tiny Jule2003 gelding out of Samantha Jule and Sak Em San
Frenchmans Tiny Rose2014 mare out of KB Merrigays Dream and Merridoc
Frenchmans Top Gun2000 stallion out of Moonlight Dania and Go Dick Go
Frenchmans Toy2007 mare out of Sheza Boy Toy and Hot Colours
Frenchmans Traffic2004 mare out of Evening Traffic and Dash Thru Traffic
Frenchmans Truffle2013 mare out of Sacs Sunday Times and Triple's Image
Frenchmans Tuff Enuf2006 gelding out of Really Tough and Tough Assignment
Frenchmans Turbo2002 mare out of Packin Turbos and
Frenchmans Twister1992 gelding out of Whisperin Kitty and Bobby Seeker
Frenchmans Uniqueguy2007 gelding out of Evening Traffic and Dash Thru Traffic
Frenchmans Voo Doo2002 mare out of Voo Doo Martha and Marthas Six Moon
Frenchmans Wild Guy2007 out of Wild Rockin Ruby and not provided
Frenchmans Wildcat2006 stallion out of Dashing Donut and Magic Dozen
Frenchmans Wise Guy2000 gelding out of Sheza Moon Diamond and Diamond Is Wild
Frenchmans Yankee2013 stallion out of Rowdy Bea Good and Rowdy Yankee
Frenchmansblingbling2006 mare out of Deeds Misty Bar and Butler
Frenchmansdiscorose2014 mare out of Dance N Lights and Dash For Perks
Frenchmansdocsdiablo2002 mare out of Diablos Memo and Poco Rip Diablo
Frenchmansdocsdiablo2002 mare out of Diablos Memo and Poco Rip Diablo
Frenchmansfamusraskl2008 stallion out of Dashin N Blushin and Dash Ta Fame
Frenchmansfancyfree1999 mare out of PC Frenchmans Bojet and Boon Dox John
Frenchmansmagicmike2014 stallion out of Dashing Katye and Dash Ta Fame
Frenchmanssmoothjet2015 stallion out of Jacks Smooth Lady (ET) and Jack Lena
Frenchmen R Hot2013 stallion out of Positively A Coyote and Coyote Colonel
Frenchmens Paradise2021 mare out of Twoticketstaparadise (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Frenchn In The Rain2013 stallion out of Dashs Rainie Rare and Rare Form
Frenchs Whitelightin2020 stallion out of SF Colored Up French and Frenchmans Feature
Frenchy Sun Sock2000 mare out of Sandy Sun Socks and PC Sun Socks
Frenchys Frost2003 mare out of Sandy Sun Socks and PC Sun Socks
Frenchys Six Pack2013 stallion out of Mixin Sixin and Streakin Six
Frosted Honey Buns2002 mare out of Bobbie Breaks and Saints Patrick
Frosty French Gal2000 mare out of PC Boon Collateral and Boon Dox John
Frrench Vanila Skky2023 mare out of Rosas Cantina CC (ET) and Corona Cartel
FT Jet Speed2012 mare out of Follys Turbo Jet and Follys Jet Smooth
Gem Of A Frenchman2011 stallion out of VF Gemstones and Sticks An Stones
Get Outta Dodge2008 stallion out of Tarra Criswell and Cash Treat
GG Bet On Frenchman2022 stallion out of Bet Shesa Rey (ET) and Bet Hesa Cat
Ghost Guard2005 stallion out of Riyadh and Waja Gray Boy
Giveme Guys N Fame2007 mare out of Marys Dash Ta Fame and Dash Ta Fame
GJB Aint She Cool2015 mare out of Silky Quick and Royal Quick Dash
GJB Chrome2016 mare out of Silky Quick and Royal Quick Dash
Go For It Frenchgirl1999 mare out of Go For It Kay and Nehoc (TB)
Gold D Perks2004 mare out of Hawaii Rose and Dash For Perks
Good Guy With A Gun2019 stallion out of First Moon Diva (ET) and First Moonflash
Good Looking Guy2010 stallion out of Blue Raysen Wagon and Hancock Juan
Gotta Run Guys2011 mare out of Goformartha and Bully Bullion
Gunna Be Famous Guys2013 stallion out of Jamies Got A Gun and Dash Ta Fame
Gusy Gal2013 mare out of Shumway Dash and Dash For Perks
Guy Bar Biankus2002 gelding out of Kay Tee Bar Biankus and Biankus
Guy Dot Com2005 gelding out of Speed Dot Com (ET) and Sixarun
Guy Loves Diamonds2014 stallion out of Jo Spice For Love and Taras First Love
Guy On A Mission2012 stallion out of Serious Spender and Bills Ryon
Guy On A Roll2013 stallion out of Miss Dottie Pepper and Roll The Cash
Guy With Speednclass2014 gelding out of Smashingly Classic and A Classic Dash
Guyko2015 mare out of Kobabe and Kodo
Guyll B Ur Hukelbery2012 stallion out of Mulberry Canyon Moon (ET) and Marthas SIx Moons
Guys Amberetto2011 mare out of Amber Holland and Holland Ease
Guys Angel Power2012 mare out of Smashingly Classic and A Classic Dash
Guys Best Bet2011 mare out of Addicted To Cash (ET) and Dash For Cash
Guys Best Effort2006 stallion out of Some Kinda Keeper and Special Effort
Guys Best Gal2008 mare out of Cheyanns Wonder and Otoe's Wonder
Guys Bigtime Streker2006 gelding out of No Kiddin Baby and Kiddin N Streakin
Guys Bikini Bandit2005 stallion out of Remember That Bikini and Leaving Memories
Guys Boon Bar2003 stallion out of PC Boon Collateral and Boon Dox John
Guys Boots And Jeans2013 mare out of Sheezgotcha Baby (ET) and Strait To The Bank
Guys Brandi N Fun2012 mare out of Hot Brandi N Wine and Hot Colours
Guys Breeze Bar2014 stallion out of My Pal Sue and Humbolt
Guys Burning Amber2008 mare out of Peppy Amber Star and Sak Em San
Guys Bye N Bye2009 stallion out of Say Bye Pie and Pie In The Sky
Guys Canyon Moon2012 stallion out of Mulberry Canyon Moon (ET) and Marthas Six Moons
Guys Cash For Perks2005 mare out of Cash Perks (ET) and Dash For Cash
Guys Cash N Perks2007 stallion out of Addicted To Cash and Dash For Cash
Guys Cash Perks2005 gelding out of Serious Spender and Bills Ryon
Guys Cash Task2009 gelding out of Cash Task and Special Task
Guys Cashing In2014 mare out of Informed Chulita and The Informant
Guys Cashn In2011 stallion out of Im Financed and Dash For Perks
Guys CD2007 stallion out of Babe of Honor and Jet of Honor
Guys Champagne Girl2006 mare out of Hot Brandi N Wine and Hot Colours
Guys Chocolate Kiss2010 mare out of Say Bye Pie and Pie In The Sky
Guys Class Act2010 stallion out of Ducks Do Dance and Shawne Bug
Guys Classic Girl2013 mare out of Smashingly Classic and A Classic Dash
Guys Classy Colours2009 mare out of Colours Of A Lady and Hot Colours
Guys Cover Girl2011 mare out of Jessicas Perfect Clu and Americas Clu
Guys Daily Grind2014 stallion out of Mocha Latte and Dash Ta Fame
Guys Dakota Angel2011 mare out of Country Crazy and Special Show
Guys Danceto Victory2004 stallion out of Jans Victory Dance and Dancer's Victory
Guys Dark Diamond2003 mare out of Jans Victory Dance and Dancer's Victory (TB)
Guys Dash2013 gelding out of Sunny Side Down and Easy First Down
Guys Dash A Latte2011 stallion out of Mocha Latte and Dash Ta Fame
Guys Dash Of Colour2011 stallion out of Dash Of Hot Colours and Dashing Val
Guys Dash Of Fame2013 mare out of Miss Dash Of Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Guys Dash Ta Cash2010 stallion out of Addicted To Cash (ET) and Dash For Cash
Guys Dashing Girl2006 mare out of Marys Dash Ta Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Guys Dashing Jet2012 mare out of Perks Dashing Jet and Dash For Perks
Guys Double Shot2016 mare out of Mocha Latte and Dash Ta Fame
Guys Drama Queen2012 mare out of Bugs Special Cash and Special Leader
Guys Dream Girl2006 mare out of Jans Victory Dance and Dancer's Victory (TB)
Guys Duplicate Copy2003 gelding out of Rose Parade and Duplicate Copy
Guys Dynamite Doc2003 gelding out of Easy April O Lena and Sons Doc O Sugar
Guys Easy Cash2014 stallion out of HAULIN LOTSACASH and HOLLAND EASE
Guys Easy Jet2005 stallion out of Shake Me Easy and Easy Jet
Guys Easy Six2007 gelding out of Voo Doo Martha and Marthas Six Moons
Guys Enduring Grace2016 stallion out of Guantes Sugar Lena and Sans Peppy Lena
Guys Eye Candy2012 stallion out of Miss Braveheart and My Eye Opener
Guys Eye Paint2005 stallion out of Miss Eye Paint and Mr Eye Opener
Guys Fame2011 stallion out of Disarray and Dash Ta Fame
Guys Fame N Fortune2012 mare out of Miss Dash Of Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Guys Fame N Glori2012 mare out of FC Peachfuzz Ta Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Guys Fame N Honor2015 mare out of Flying TS Flame and With Honors
Guys Famous Girl2007 mare out of Disarray and Dash Ta Fame
Guys Fancy Ladybug2008 mare out of Ducks Do Dance and Shawne Bug
Guys Fine Wine2013 gelding out of Hot Brandi N Wine and Hot Colours
Guys First Down2004 mare out of Zigzagenzani (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Guys First Down Fame2007 stallion out of CK Dash and Dash Ta Fame
Guys First Lady2013 mare out of GL Famous First Lady and Dash Ta Fame
Guys French Fame2006 mare out of Go Ta Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Guys French Jet2004 stallion out of Miss Landing Rocket and Easy Diamond Landing
Guys French Lily2015 mare out of JRT Lilys Cash and Cash N Brisco
Guys Girl on Fire2005 out of Hancocks Firewater and Fire Water Flit
Guys Girl Power2010 mare out of Handfulla Dash and Power Train
Guys Girls Have Fun2011 mare out of Aint It Fun (ET) and Bully Bullion
Guys Girls Shakem Up2013 mare out of No Shake For Deb and Royal Shake Em
Guys Gold Coin2006 stallion out of Queens Coin and Pocket Coin
Guys Gold Mine2015 mare out of Jamies Got A Gun and Dash Ta Fame
Guys Gold Streak2007 mare out of Sabino Six and Streakin Six
Guys Gone Country2012 stallion out of Country Crazy and Special Show
Guys Got Fire2013 stallion out of Vanilla Firewater and Firewater Fooler
Guys Got It Easy2010 stallion out of Peppy Easy Move and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Guys Got Luv N Fame2014 stallion out of Livin On Luv and Dash Ta Fame
Guys Gotta Have Cash2015 mare out of Dashing In Red and Dash For Cash
Guys Handfulla Dash2011 mare out of Handfulla Dash and Power Train
Guys Haulin In Cash2008 gelding out of Haulin Lotsacash and Holland Ease
Guys Hoorah2013 stallion out of Shesa Nutin Honey and Mr Eye Opener
Guys Hot Chocolate2013 mare out of A Hot Toddy and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Guys Hot Frost2010 stallion out of YU Laughing Frost and Hot Colours
Guys I Got One2009 stallion out of Freckle Native and Just Lika Freckle
Guys Irish Charm2008 mare out of Paddys Irish O Lena and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Guys Isabella2012 mare out of Miss Laico Six and Streakin SIx
Guys Ittybitty Fame2010 mare out of Miss Dash Of Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Guys Keepin The Fame2008 stallion out of Disarray and Dash Ta Fame
Guys Lil Frenchman2009 gelding out of Miss Oilfield Trash and Mr Eye Opener
Guys Little Hottie2008 mare out of Hot April Colours and Hot Colours
Guys Look Of Fame2008 stallion out of Marys Dash Ta Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Guys Love Paris2011 mare out of Vanilla Firewater and Firewater Fooler
Guys Luv Ta Fame2013 mare out of Livin On Luv (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Guys Luvin Fame2015 stallion out of Livin On Luv and Dash Ta Fame
Guys Magic Cross2006 stallion out of Willys Rockin (ET) and Jet N Rocket
Guys Man In The Moon2005 stallion out of Annie Up Cats and Marthas Six Moons
Guys Merridoc Girl2011 mare out of JB Docs Lil Tootsie and Merridoc
Guys Miss Fame2011 mare out of Miss Dash Of Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Guys Miss Laico2009 mare out of Miss Laico Six and Streakin Six
Guys Miss Streaker2004 mare out of No Kiddin Baby and Kiddin N Streakin
Guys Misty Moon2007 mare out of Misty Moon Lite and Rare Jet
Guys Money Girl2008 mare out of Money Lends Lot and Lends A Lot
Guys Moon Shine2011 stallion out of Mulberry Canyon Moon (ET) and Marthas SIx Moons
Guys Movida Jet2004 mare out of Docs Movida and Dry Doc
Guys My Daddy2003 mare out of Deans Sugar Rocket and Rocket Poo
Guys Night In Vegas2008 stallion out of Sail On Truckles and Up N Truckle
Guys Ocean Eyes2013 mare out of Blondy Perks and Dash For Perks
Guys Oilfield2010 stallion out of Miss Oilfield Trash and Mr Eye Opener
Guys Payday2010 stallion out of Tinys Little Pay and Tiny Oneder
Guys Perkfection2012 gelding out of CE Black Opal and Dash For Perks
Guys Pie In The SKy2003 gelding out of Fleeting Pie and Pie In The Sky
Guys Piece Ofthe Pie2007 stallion out of Fleeting Pie and Pie In The Sky
Guys Pocket Coin2005 stallion out of Queens Coin (ET) and Pocket Coin (TB)
Guys Power Stroke2011 gelding out of DN Shake Em Up and Royal Shake Em
Guys R A Mystery2009 gelding out of Disarray and Dash Ta Fame
Guys R Crazy For Me2004 mare out of Country Crazy and Special Show
Guys Racy Vike2020 stallion out of Kenzies Sassy Cartel and Corona Cartel
Guys Red Hot Coin2006 gelding out of Queens Coin (ET) and Pocket Coin (TB)
Guys Red Hot Kiss2012 mare out of Red Hot Recipe and On The Money Red
Guys Return2022 gelding out of She Returns For Cash (ET) and Chicados Cash
Guys Royal Scarlett2009 mare out of Go Royal Scarlett (ET) and Royal Go Go
Guys Sangria2011 mare out of Hot Brandi N Wine and Hot Colours
Guys Serious Girl2008 mare out of Serious Spender and Bills Ryon
Guys Silver And Gold2015 gelding out of Silver Six Dee and Silver Six Badger
Guys Six Pack2008 stallion out of Sabino Six and Streakin Six
Guys Six Pack To Go2005 stallion out of Scatter the Stars and Packin Sixes
Guys Smashinly Yours2008 stallion out of Smashingly Yours and Easily Smashed
Guys Smooth Jetta2003 mare out of Docs Movida and Dry Doc
Guys Special Cash2009 stallion out of Bugs Special Cash and Special Leader
Guys Special Ladybug2007 mare out of Country Crazy and Special Show
Guys Special Leader2012 stallion out of Melt Aqay and Special Leader
Guys Special Show2003 gelding out of Country Crazy and Special Show
Guys Stormin Norman2015 stallion out of High Bullionandgems and The Fame Game
Guys Streakin Angel2005 mare out of Sabino Six and Streakin Six
Guys Streakin Sabino2003 mare out of Sabino Six and Streakin Six
Guys Streakin Volley2005 stallion out of Volley Six and Streakin Six
Guys Sugar Girl2005 mare out of Sak Em Sugar Woman and Stans Sandoc
Guys Sugar N Spice2007 mare out of Easy April O Lena and Sons Doc O Sugar
Guys Texan2007 gelding out of Camry and Easy Jet
Guys Timeto Collect2006 gelding out of PC Boon Collateral and Boon Dox John
Guys Tots N Fries2010 mare out of SQH Passum Tatertots and Potato Bug
Guys Voo Doo Rocket2006 mare out of Voo Doo Martha and Marthas Six Moons
Guys Voodoo Bug2003 stallion out of Voo Doo Martha and Marthas Six Moons
Guys Voodoo Ladybug2004 mare out of Voo Doo Martha and Marthas Six Moons
Guys Voodoogentleman2017 stallion out of Voo Doo Martha and Martha Six Moons
Guys Wildride2011 mare out of Ms Martha Dee and Martha Six Moons
Guys Wonder2007 stallion out of Wonders Flitbelle and Wonder Otoe
Guys Young Gun2015 stallion out of Sheza Dr Kirk and Dr Kirk
Guysfamousbellofball2019 mare out of Twayna Be Famous and Dash Ta Fame
Guysfavoritesoldier2015 stallion out of Chaha Tek and Christian Soldier
Guysluvprettygirls2013 mare out of Dashing Katye (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Guyspocketfullofcash2004 stallion out of Little One Again and Better Judgement
Guystylishreputation2019 mare out of Twice As Stylih07 and Twice As Shiney
Guyz Cashy Girl2020 mare out of Tag Along Nickie and Dr Nick Bar
Guyz Catillac2019 stallion out of Lil Cat Playgirl and High Brow Cat
Guyz Classy Lady2015 mare out of Danika and Special Leader
Guyz Daisey2018 mare out of A Tiny Bit More and Strawfly Special
Guyz Dance For Perks2014 stallion out of This Perks Can Dance and Dash For Perks
Guyz Dark Opal2016 mare out of CE Black Opal and Dash For Perks
Guyz Doctor Flit2014 gelding out of Tag Along Nickie and Dr Nick Bar
Guyz Doodle Bug2016 mare out of Miss Laico Six and Streakin Six
Guyz Famous Deal2014 stallion out of Disarray and Dash Ta Fame
Guyz First Call2015 gelding out of Shakiras Dash and Corona Cartel
Guyz Flirtina2016 mare out of Smashingly Classic and A Classic Dash
Guyz Flyin2016 stallion out of Flyin To Holland and Holland Ease
Guyz Girls R Tough2014 mare out of Hot Movida and Hot Colours
Guyz Girlz Got Cash2015 mare out of Bugs Special Cash and Special Leader
Guyz Girlz Have Fame2016 mare out of Fames Licorice Kiss (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Guyz Handfulla Cash2013 stallion out of Handfulla Dash and Power Train
Guyz Hot Streak2015 gelding out of Hot April Colours and Hot Colours
Guyz Magic2019 stallion out of Hot Movida and Hot Colours
Guyz Man In Tan2015 stallion out of Generals French Lady and Bogies General
Guyz Miss Laico2015 mare out of Guys Laico Six and Streakin Six
Guyz On My Mind2014 mare out of Nobles Efforts and Dash For Perks
Guyz One N Only2018 mare out of Bugs Special Cash and Special Leader
Guyz Power Pak2015 stallion out of Full A Irish Whiskey and Paddys Irish Whiskey
Guyz Royal Keepsake2017 mare out of Dear Shakey and Royal Shake Em
Guyz Sis2014 mare out of Micks Sis and Freckles Playboy
Guyz Speedy Girl2016 mare out of A Speedy Lena and World Speed
Guyz Suzy Q2014 mare out of Daisy Duke Dash and Dash Ta Fame
Guyz Takin The Lead2014 stallion out of Classic Sign and Devons Signature
Guyz Top General2017 stallion out of Generals French Lady and Bogies General
Guyz Yellow Rose2016 mare out of Tag Along Nickie and Dr Nick Bar
Happy Happy Guy2013 stallion out of Aint It Fun and Bully Bullion
Hard Tryn Guy2015 gelding out of Amber Holland and Holland Ease
HBS Mayan Gold2009 mare out of Justwhatiaskfor and Raise Your Glass (TB)
Headlyne News2016 stallion out of Robin Meade (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Hell Or High Water2013 gelding out of Miss Kitty Firewater (ET) and Fire Water Flit
Hesa French Dancer2001 gelding out of Steely Dancer and Twisted Steel
Hez Famous Guyz2017 gelding out of Disarray and Dash Ta Fame
Hez Serious Guyz2015 stallion out of Serious Spender and Bills Ryon
Heza Flyin Frenchman2010 gelding out of Yeah Im Flying (ET) and Strawfly Special
Heza Racy Gator Guy2005 stallion out of Sheza Racy Gator and On the Money Red
Heza Streaker Guyz2017 stallion out of Miss Laico Six and Streakin Six
Heza Trixie Guy2010 gelding out of Sheza Quix Doc and Docs Quix Trix
HGF This Guys Royal2013 stallion out of Hardytime Gal and Royal Shake Em
Higgs Boson Particle2013 mare out of Eighty Sunflowers and Mr Sun O Lena
High Rollin Guy2011 gelding out of Redhotrollercoaster and Hot Colours
Hillbilly Bombshell2014 mare out of Daisy Duke Dash and Dash Ta Fame
Honors In French2004 stallion out of April De Oro and Jet of Honor
Hooked On Frenchmen2010 mare out of Hooked On Shawnee and Hooked On Cash
Hope For A Frenchman2008 stallion out of Im Hopeful and Streakin Six
Hopin For Silver2006 mare out of Zans Silver Shaw (ET) and Zan Silver Parr
Hot French Girl2005 mare out of Bobbie Breaks and Saints Patrick
Hot Frenchman2009 gelding out of Queens Colours and Hot Colours
Hot Movin Guy2022 stallion out of Hot Movida and Hot Colours
Howes About My Guy2014 gelding out of CE Black Opal and Dash For Perks
HY On Guys Perks2014 stallion out of Gamblers Dashing Bug and Dash For Perks
I Assure U Guys2011 stallion out of Hanks Pleasure Guy and Assured Pleasure
I Know U Know2007 stallion out of Smashingly Yours and Easily Smashed
I Like Guyswith Cash2007 mare out of Addicted To Cash (ET) and Dash For Cash
Im Alotta Guy1998 gelding out of Ms Costalotta and Dream A Policy
Im Serious Guys2009 mare out of Serious Spender and Bills Ryon
Im Ur Kinda Guy2008 stallion out of Trust Me Honey and First Down Dash
Ima East River Guy2014 gelding out of BB Charjet Firewater and Fire Water Flit
IMA Famous Frenchman2016 stallion out of TKS Ticket To Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Ima Fly White Guy2007 stallion out of Fuels April Star and Oklahoma Fuel
Ima French Captain2008 stallion out of Mamies Leavin and This Jets Leavin
Ima French Mistress2008 mare out of Coeur De Casa and Casadybrookhill
Ima Frostyfrenchgirl2008 mare out of Bonita Frost and Tyhee Poco Jim
Ima Good Guy2007 stallion out of Bugsie Wind and Shawne Bug
Ima Guy Of Honor2003 gelding out of Dontunderestimateher and Jet of Honor
Ima Guy To Remember2004 stallion out of Remember That Bikini and Leaving Memories
Ima Guy Watcher2013 mare out of DN Shake Em Up and Royal Shake Em
Ima Special Guy2013 stallion out of Ima Treasure Seeker and Special Contender
Ima Special Kindaguy2011 stallion out of Melt Away and Special Leader
Ima Standup Guy2016 gelding out of Hot Movida and Hot Colours
Ima Super Fly Guy2008 stallion out of Streakin Six Babe and Streakin Six
Imabrassyfrenchgirl2014 mare out of Dash Fa Dale and Dash Ta Fame
Imafancyfrenchgirl2008 mare out of Tinys Gay Jet and Mito Jet
Imalottafrenchman2001 mare out of Lotta Country and Country Bill
Imararefrenchjaguar2011 mare out of Rarely Fired (ET) and Rare Bar
Imbetterthanalluguys2011 gelding out of Shall Be Best and Confererate Leader
Invisible Frenchman2003 out of A Lovely Ladybug and
Itis What Itis Guys2010 mare out of DN Shake Em Up and Royal Shake Em
Its A French Cartel2013 mare out of Magnificent Madison (ET) and Corona Cartel
Its About Time Guyz2015 stallion out of Streakin For Sue and Streakin Six
Its Inevitable Guyz2016 stallion out of Shakiras Dash and Corona Cartel
Ivy League2020 stallion out of Deedashing (ET) and First Down Dash
Jax R Wild2016 stallion out of Dash Fa Dale and Dash Ta Fame
Jennys Guy2010 mare out of Jenny Kirk and No Brakes Now
Jess A Gal For Guy2013 mare out of Miss Jenni Perry (ET) and Mr Jess Perry
Jimmys Frenchman2004 gelding out of Color Me Magnolia and Magnolia Bar
JJ Freakin Frenchman2006 stallion out of Margies Moon Angel and Moon Tag's Johnny
JL Frenchmans Gracie2005 mare out of Turning Pages and Maskrullah
JL Page Parfait2011 mare out of Turning Pages and Maskrullah (TB)
JL Solay2008 mare out of Solara and Band Of Azure
JMS French Royalty2014 mare out of Copy Em Royal and Royal Shake Em
JSFrenchmansfame2008 stallion out of Tangos Fast Dash and Dash Ta Fame
Jsindysfrenchman2009 stallion out of Its A Fol Moon and Sweet Talkin Fol
Junoilike Frenchman2013 mare out of Lady Easy Money and Reverend Jonah Black
Just Kiddin Guys2005 mare out of No Kiddin Baby and Kiddin N Streakin
Justa French Guy2004 gelding out of Miss Dreggors and Smooth Streaker
JW Authorized To Fly2022 mare out of Famous Brandi (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
JW Big Time Spender2009 mare out of Famous Spender and Dash Ta Fame
JW Freeze Fame2011 mare out of Famous Brandi (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
JW Frenchmanicure2011 mare out of Famous Brandi and Dash Ta Fame
JW Guyd Ta Fame2011 stallion out of Famous Spender and Dash Ta Fame
JW Guyz Tantrum2008 stallion out of Dash Ta Teal (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
JW Indisguyz2020 mare out of Famous Brandi (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
JW Miz Guyded2012 mare out of Famous Brandi and Dash Ta Fame
JW Sheza Guys Gal2010 mare out of Famous Spender and Dash Ta Fame
JW Spendit Ona Guy2008 mare out of Famous Spender (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
JW Tarmac2008 stallion out of Famous Spender (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
JW Unteal Im Famous2009 stallion out of Dash Ta Teal and Dash Ta Fame
Kahlua Latte2014 mare out of Betterthan Chocolate and Merridoc
Kaseys Shadow2009 mare out of Generals French Lady and Bogies General
Kay Cross Cajun2004 stallion out of Dolls Little Cash and Cash Treat
KB Angels Frenchlady2016 mare out of Talents Dark Angel and Flaming Talent
KB Fame Of Frenchman2016 stallion out of My American Honey and Dash Ta Fame
KB Talents Frenchgal2014 mare out of Talents Dark Angel (ET) and Flaming Talent
KB Texas Icon2013 stallion out of Talents Dark Angel and Flaming Talent
KC Drink U Away2015 mare out of Oprah Winsmore and Dash For Perks
Keeping It French2012 mare out of Some Kinda Keeper and Special Effort
Kellys French Chick2016 mare out of Chicka Kelly (et) and Darkelly
KF Famous Frenchman2019 stallion out of Gotta Go TaFame (et) and Dash Ta Fame
Kissme Frenchman2014 mare out of Prime Time Mary and Prime Talent
Kitty Sparks2013 mare out of Cristys First CD and Dash Ta Fame
KK Cool Guys Win2013 stallion out of Renes Millenium Mint and Rene Dan Jet
Kold Feet2015 gelding out of Dr Runaway Bride and SC Chiseled In Stone
KT Kisslikeaman2019 stallion out of Fames Fiery Kiss and Dash Ta Fame
KW Frenchmans Fame2009 stallion out of Dashin N Blushin and Dash Ta Fame
KW Guys Perky Chance2011 stallion out of Gamblers Dashing Bug and Dash For Perks
LA Frenchman2009 gelding out of La Cadeau and The Big Tipper
Lady La French2009 mare out of Lady Ta Fame (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Lamour De La Reine2011 mare out of Down Dashin Fame and Blushing Bug
Last Request2020 mare out of Perks First Prize (ET) and Dash For Perks
Le Frenchman2015 stallion out of Zippin Straight Up and Zippijn Pass Town
Leave The Guy Behind2020 mare out of Cupids Chokehold and Leaving Memories
Legally Famus2020 stallion out of SF Tiny Bit of Fame (ET #1) and Dash Ta Fame
Legend Of Frenchman2018 stallion out of Divas Legend Ta Fame (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Let Them Eat Cake2015 mare out of Scoopin and First Down Dash
Letz Makea Deal Guyz2013 stallion out of Disarray (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Lil French Romeo2004 stallion out of Bobbie Breaks and Saints Patrick
Little French2023 mare out of Dee Lite Full and Smart Little Lena
Little French Kiss2009 mare out of Puttinonthebrakes and No Brakes Now
Little French Rose2000 mare out of Rose Parade and Duplicate Copy
LK First Down Guy2006 stallion out of Dashing Minstral and First Down Dash
Lkstreakinfrenchdown2008 mare out of Dashing Minstral and First Down Dash
Lovemidnightfrenchys2014 mare out of Isaw Midnight Sparks and Smoke N Sparks
LS Slick French Kiss2004 mare out of Lost River Oil Slick and Reys Of Oil
Luv Asharp Frenchman2014 mare out of Vandy Bar Bay and Sharps Bay
Luvbnfrenchnfamous2014 mare out of Livin On Luv (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Luvn French Fame2014 mare out of Livin On Luv (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Lwfrenchmansredmoon2008 mare out of Flying Hearts Sugar and Bordeaux Kirk
Lyesimspecial2014 mare out of Oh So Effort and Special Effort
Mademoiselle Bardell2010 mare out of Willow Bardella Due and Gray Bardell
Magic Little Girl2009 mare out of Feature of Magic and Woodys Magic
Magnolia French Guy2010 gelding out of Mercy Magnolia and Runnerelse
Magnum2012 stallion out of Tell Em Belle and Tres Seis
Mai Tai Guy2014 gelding out of Zacalo (ET) and Tres Seis
Mamas Pearl2011 mare out of Current Fame (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Margarita Red Rita2012 mare out of SLR Nick Of Time and Dash Ta Fame
Marthas French Kiss2008 stallion out of Doittoem Martha and Marthas Six Moons
Master Of Disguyz2024 stallion out of Home Cookin and Tres Seis
Maverick Bugs Da Boy2000 gelding out of Bobbie Breaks and Saints Patrick
May Miss Lucky Lady2020 mare out of Miss Lucky Lucky (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Meade In France2015 mare out of Robin Meade and Dash Ta Fame
Merri A Frenchgirl2008 mare out of Streakin Anna Hi and Jazzing Hi
Merridocs Frenchman2008 stallion out of KB Merrigays Dream and Merridoc
Miss Feature Jess2011 mare out of Without Sum Doubt and Feature Mr Jess
Miss French Guy2012 mare out of Miss Eye Paint (ET) and Mr Eye Opener
Miss French Open2014 mare out of Unchained Medley and Mr Eye Opener
Miss French Paint2005 mare out of Miss Eye Paint (ET) and Mr Eye Opener
Miss Guy Did2009 mare out of Stick To My Demands and Explode On Demand
Miss JB 05182005 mare out of Sterling Moon Bug and Bugs Alive in 75
Miss Laughing Lady2005 mare out of Miss Eye Paint (ET) and Mr Eye Opener
Miss Mango Tango2006 mare out of Misty Moon Lite and Rare Jet
Misty French Maid2007 mare out of Dash On Jane and Hold On Hes Coming
Mitey Fine Frenchman2008 stallion out of Honey Mite Dash and Dashing Encounter
Mitey Frenchman2009 stallion out of Marys Mi Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Moonin The Guys2019 gelding out of Ou Mooner Sooner (ET) and Marthas Six Moons
Moreau Frenchman Guy2008 stallion out of Flit Bar Squaw and Lasaber Streak
Morning Sun Shine2013 mare out of Robin Meade (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Morning Traffic2011 mare out of Evening Traffic and Dash Thru Traffic
Move Over Elvis2012 gelding out of BA Dashin Mover and Dashin Elvis
MPS Frenchmans Jeans1999 stallion out of Blue Jean Wrangler and Rocket Wrangler
Mr Frenchman Guy2009 gelding out of Jenny Kirk and No Brakes Now
Mr Sassy Frenchman2013 stallion out of Jess Sass Me (ET) and Mr Jess Perry
Ms French Belle2006 mare out of Bobbie Breaks and Saints Patrick
My Friend Billy2009 stallion out of Sheza Dr Kirk and Dr Kirk
My Guy Can Fly2009 gelding out of Pollys On The Go and Cajo
My Smooth Frenchman2012 stallion out of Miss Eye Paint (ET) and Mr Eye Opener
Native French Girl2002 mare out of Fols Debbie and Fols Native (TB)
Naughty Frenchmoon2010 stallion out of Honeymoon Dash and Dash Ta Fame
NF Guys Moonbeam2007 gelding out of A Six Moons Night and Marthas Six Moons
NF Guys Tanzi2010 mare out of MNV Rich And Proud and Proudest Effort
NF Guys Tarita2012 mare out of MNV Rich And Proud and Proudest Effort
NF Mollys Frenchman1997 gelding out of Escotts Moore May and Moore's Quest
Nick Of Guy2011 mare out of SLR Nick Of Time (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Ninnekahs Guy2009 gelding out of Ninnekahs Lucky Girl and Ninnekah Bug
No Doubt Ima Guy2016 stallion out of Without Sum Doubt and Feature Mr Jess
Nother Winnerfor Guy2020 mare out of Disarray (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Oh Frenchie2009 mare out of Lady Oh Raylene and Shawne Bug
Oh So French2011 mare out of Oh So Effort and Special Effort
Ok Thats Hot2007 mare out of Carrin The Moon and Hot Colours
Omeomyo2011 mare out of Some Kinda Keeper and Special Effort
One Famous Frenchman2009 stallion out of Valentines Fame and Dash Ta Fame
One For The Guys2010 stallion out of Briscos Angel and Brisco County Jr
One Perfect Guy2012 stallion out of Ima Shawne Too and Shawne Bug
Opalsforafrenchgirl2007 mare out of KR Opal and Brookhill
Our Wiley Frenchman2009 stallion out of TM Jetta Wood and Bull T Wood
Overthemoonforaguy2011 mare out of Mulberry Canyon Moon (ET) and Marthas Six Moons
Pa Guys Best Pie2012 mare out of Pies Best Punkin and Pie In The Sky
Packin For Paris2012 mare out of Packin For Payday and Jet's Pay Day
Painted Eye2006 mare out of Miss Eye Paint (ET) and Mr Eye Opener
Painted Gal2006 mare out of Miss Eye Paint (ET) and Mr Eye Opener
Painted Guy2006 stallion out of Miss Eye Paint (ET) and Mr Eye Opener
Pardonmyfrenchmiss2012 mare out of Pistols Sandy Doc and Pawnees Pistol
Parking French Style2004 stallion out of Sabino Six and Streakin Six
Passem Bye Guy2015 gelding out of Passem Jet and Nonstop Bubblin
Peaches N Pie2005 mare out of Fleeting Pie and Pie In The Sky
Perkin French Girl2005 mare out of Cash Perks and Dash For Cash
Perks For Guys2011 mare out of Blondy Perks and Dash For Perks
Perks French Cash2009 stallion out of Perks For Easy Cash and Dash For Perks
PG Barbies Got Guys2014 mare out of Sallyes Dash To Win and Dash For Perks
PG Guys Fire Me Up2016 mare out of Fired By Cash and Cash Not Credit
PG Guysgottasixpack2015 gelding out of Six Pack Of Bull and Bully Bullion
PG Streakintafrench2013 stallion out of Streaking Moon Beam and Streakin To Dash
Phire Guy2017 stallion out of Teller Shez Home and Teller Cartel
Pick Me Guys2011 mare out of A Special Fling and Disco Jerry
Pistel Packing Guy2004 gelding out of Tincan Anny and Hold On Hes Coming
Pleasures Frenchman2005 stallion out of Miss Profit Acct and Assured Pleasure
PT Frenchman2006 gelding out of Never Too Much Money and On The Money Too
QT Chevis Ontherocks2017 mare out of Panchos Jr Kitty and Separatist
Que N Up My Guy2015 stallion out of Que Un Lajolla and Streakin La Jolla
R French Painting2015 mare out of Chance Witness and PYC Paint Your Wagon
Rarest Jewel2008 mare out of Ce Black Opal and Dash For Perks
RB French Jasmine2015 mare out of Rarely Fired and Rare Bar
RB Rare French Kiss2016 mare out of Rarely Fired and Rare Bar
RB Top Gun Guy2019 stallion out of Junewoods Klassy Fox and Mr Junewood
RDC Eym French Nrare2020 mare out of Eyema Rare Bug (ET) and One Rare Bug
RDC Redisthenewblack2020 gelding out of RC Back In Black and Ninety Nine Goldmine
Reckless Guy2006 stallion out of Reckless Angel and Reckless Dash
Reine De La Lune2009 mare out of Marthas Moonlite and Marthas Six Moons
Remember When Guyz2016 mare out of Generals French Lady and Bogies General
Request Lota Cash2004 mare out of Haulin Lotsacash and Holland Ease
RK Casey Be Charmed2016 stallion out of Time to Tonk and Big Time Win
Rock N Roll Cartel2010 mare out of Rapida Corona and Corona Cartel
Rock On Rita2007 mare out of Willys Rockin (ET) and Jet N Rocket
Rockin French Fire2010 stallion out of Fols Fancy Firewater (ET) and Fire Water Flit
Rockin French Guy2004 gelding out of Willys Rockin and Jet N Rocket
Rockin Gold Paris2006 mare out of Willys Rockin (ET) and Jet N Rocket
Rocknroll Frenchgirl2008 mare out of Spear The Cash and Roll The Cash
Rosies Last Guy2004 gelding out of Rose Parade and Duplicate Copy
Royal Frenchman2003 gelding out of A Royal Spirit and Royal Generation
Royal Three Ohs2009 out of Go Royal Scarlett and Royal Go Go
RR French Valentine2005 mare out of Hulla Pie and
Rrrampage2024 stallion out of Always A Dashof Roan (ET) and A Streak Of Fling
RSR Miss Frenchman2013 mare out of Speed Dot Com and Sixarun
Ruasspecialasi2009 mare out of Some Kinda Keeper and Special Effort
Rugged French Guy2011 gelding out of Dash For Rugged and Perfectly Rugged
Rumores Fly2011 stallion out of Dancin With Jody and Jody O Toole
Runrrope Frenchman1997 gelding out of Lady Jane Rebel and Iron Rebel
Sadies Frosty Drift1998 stallion out of Wilywood Baretta and Wilywood
Sassy French2009 mare out of Jess Sass Me (ET) and Mr Jess Perry
Sassy Frenchman2010 mare out of Jess Sass Me (ET) and Mr Jess Perry
SC Guys Like Tosmoke2013 gelding out of Skylers Birthday and Smoke N Sparks
See Me Gone Guys2010 mare out of Quick Laico Bird and Royal Quick Dash
Seis Guy2014 stallion out of Tres Memories and Tres Seis
Send Me Again2008 mare out of Bouncing Bonnie and Shawne Bug
Serenade Traffic2009 mare out of Sables Dash (ET) and Dash Thru Traffic
Seriously Guys2012 mare out of Serious Spender (ET) and Bills Ryon
Set Me Free Guy2010 mare out of Addicted To Cash (ET) and Dash For Cash
Set Um Up Seven2006 gelding out of Chiefs Love Sign and Chief Three Ohs
Shakeit For The Guys2004 mare out of Shake Me Easy and Easy Jet
Shakem Up Guy2008 stallion out of DN Shake Em Up and Royal Shake Em
Shakemeup Frenchgirl2002 mare out of Shake Me Easy and Easy Jet
Shawnes French Bug2003 gelding out of Royal Chick Three and Shawne Bug
Shees Got Game2019 mare out of Dashs Centerfold (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Sheez My Cherry Pie2024 mare out of Cherry Bellini and Dash Ta Fame
Shelbys French Girl2001 mare out of Miss Nnifty Hackens and Clint's Darkey
Shes A Streakin Guy2009 mare out of Streakin Jo Jo and Streakin Dash
Shethinkshezspecial2009 mare out of Dash Of Hot Colours and Dashing Val
Shez A Cutie Guyz2015 mare out of Irish Colours and Hot Colours
Shez Flyin High Guyz2015 mare out of Flyin To Holland and Hollan Ease
Shez Got Guy Visions2017 mare out of Moon Visions and Visionarian
Shez Guy Crazy2015 mare out of Country Crazy and Special Show
Shez My Pick Guyz2015 mare out of Tag Along Nickie and Dr Nick Bar
Shez The One Guys2012 mare out of Addicted To Cash and Dash For Cash
Shez Wild Guys2015 mare out of Wild Ta Fame and Genuine Strawfly
Sheza French Fantasy2020 mare out of Shezafirenbully and Bully Bullion
Sheza French Wonder2007 mare out of Gingerbread Native and Native Host
Sheza Frenchman Guy2008 mare out of Sheza Dr Kirk and Dr Kirk
Sheza Guys Fantasy2016 mare out of Sheza Dr Kirk and Dr Kirk
Sheza Jellybean2020 mare out of Six Packin Sassy and Dash Ta Fame
Sheza Lil Nauty Guyz2014 mare out of Dear Shakey and Royal Shake Em
Sheza Rocky Goodbye2022 mare out of Rock On Rita and Frenchmans Guy
Sheza Shaker Guyz2016 mare out of Dear Shakey and Royal Shake Em
Sheza Vision Guyz2016 mare out of Moon Visions and Visionarian
Short Go Guy2005 gelding out of Queens Coin (ET) and Pocket Coin (TB)
Silky French Pie2001 mare out of Nobodys Darling and Next To The Limit
Silverado Guy2011 stallion out of Silver Daddys Angel and Dash Ta Fame
Sissys French Guy2005 gelding out of Smug Sissy and Smug
Six Moons Guy2004 stallion out of Runnin Jessie Orchid and Marthas Six Moons
Sixes French Kiss2004 mare out of Patsies Packin and Packin Sixes
Sky High Guy2004 gelding out of Fleeting Pie and Pie In The Sky
Smashed In Paris2007 mare out of Smashed Mom and Easily Smashed
Smoken Frenchman2011 stallion out of Lonesomenumberone and Hot Colours
Smooth French Girl2002 mare out of Docs Movida and Dry Doc
So French Iam Famous2012 mare out of Sadie Hawkins Vision and Dash Ta Fame
Sparklin French Wine2014 stallion out of Ms Janes Stone and Sticks An Stones
Spy Guy2010 gelding out of Sixes Future and Stoli
SR My Daddys N Oil2012 mare out of First Place Easily and First Place Dash
Stone Cold Guy2020 gelding out of Heels Lace N Pearls (et) and Classic Stone
Strait Up Guy2006 stallion out of Zans Silver Shaw (ET) and Zan Silver Parr
Streaken Frenchman2006 mare out of Robos Miss Streaker and Streakin Six
Streakin Guy2009 gelding out of TM Streakin Legacy and Streakin La Jolla
Streakin With Guy2008 mare out of Streakin Jo Jo and Streakin Dash
Streakin With Guys2010 mare out of Streakin Jo Jo and Streakin Dash
Streaking Frenchie2015 mare out of Streakin Six Babe and Streakin Six
Stride On Frenchgirl2015 mare out of Earlene Jet Two and Jeff Pac Bailey
Sucha Macho Guy2011 stallion out of Cristys First CD and Dash Ta Fame
Sun Kiss First Prize2014 mare out of Perks First Prize and Dash For Perks
Super Size It Guy2012 stallion out of DN Shake Em Up and Royal Shake Em
SX Frenchmans Mocha1998 mare out of SX Docs Digit and Doc Bruce
SX Ima French Violet2002 mare out of Willys Rockin and Jet N Rocket
Take a Look Guys2008 mare out of Country Crazy and Special Show
Take A Ride Guys2009 stallion out of Redhotrollercoaster and Hot Colours
Take Me Away Guy2014 mare out of YU Laughing Frost and Hot Colours
Teasin Dat Guy2016 mare out of Teasin Jetolena and Blazin Jetolena
Technicolours2007 stallion out of Chic Easy Colours and Hot Colours
Tell Em Bell Boy2023 stallion out of Tell Em Celina (ET) and Corona Cartel
Tell Em Billy Boy2023 stallion out of Tell Em Celina (ET) and Corona Cartel
TH Try2003 mare out of Folks Lady Luck and Final Conquest
Thats A Guys Girl2014 mare out of Jess Tara (ET) and Mr Jess Perry
The Dirty Frenchman2012 stallion out of Dirty Moonette and The Dirty Arrow
The Dragon Roll2015 gelding out of Tellhericalled and Dash Ta Fame
The Fling French B22020 mare out of Fling N Delight and A Streak Of Fling
The French Doctor2015 stallion out of Sheza Slick Nick and Dr Nick Bar
The French Luv Fame2012 stallion out of Livin On Luv and Dash Ta Fame
The Guys A Surfer JF2006 stallion out of Surf A Tana and Surf Bug
The Ladys Frenchman2008 stallion out of LFR Someday Lady and Rastus Rocket
The Master Frenchman2012 stallion out of Zippin Straight Up and Zippin Pass Town
The Talkins Over2008 gelding out of Rippa Rancher and Sugar Rancher
The Valient Vato2012 stallion out of Valiente (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Theres Alwayz Hope2014 mare out of Eazy Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Thirst Trap2021 stallion out of XC Blushing Becka 37 and Blushing Bug
This Gals Gotta Win2008 mare out of Winning Opportunity and Special Effort
This Girl Can Dance2016 mare out of This Perks Can Dance and Dash For Perks
This Guy Has Class2012 stallion out of Classic Keepsake (ET) and Dash For Cash
This Guy Is Famous2012 stallion out of Stairway Ta Heaven and Dash Ta Fame
This Guy Rocks2009 stallion out of Ryon Train and Power Train
This Guys Got It All2008 gelding out of Save All and All Night High
This Guys Got Talent2010 stallion out of Hempens Fire and Firebrand Bar
This Guys Jettin2014 stallion out of Sheza Dr Kirk and Dr Kirk
This Guys Not Kiddin2003 stallion out of No Kiddin Baby and Kiddin N Streakin
This Guyz A Keeper2012 stallion out of Classic Keepsake (ET) and Dash For Cash
This Guyz A Leader2011 stallion out of Bugs Special Cash and Special Leader
This Guyz Hot2015 gelding out of Hot Movida and Hot Colours
This Is A Guys Guy2014 stallion out of Jess Tara (ET) and Mr Jess Perry
This Ladys Colourful2011 mare out of Queens Colours and Hot Colours
Thisguysdashinpastya2013 stallion out of Mocha Latte and Dash Ta Fame
Tinnman2008 gelding out of Tincan Anny and Hold On Hes Coming
Tinys Hotrod2020 stallion out of SF Tiny Bit of Fame (ET #2) and Dash Ta Fame
Tinys Stormy Weather2015 mare out of SF Tiny Bit Of Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Tippin It Guys Way2011 mare out of La Cadeau and The Big Tipper
TJR Twisted Guy2019 stallion out of Fancy Streak Ta Fame and Streaking Ta Fame
TL French Kiss2008 mare out of Dash Of Perks and Dash For Perks
TL Frenchperksnclass2007 mare out of Dash of Perks and Dash for Perks
Tractor Guy2015 stallion out of Ought To Be A Breeze and Ought To Be First
Traffic Gal2019 mare out of Evening Traffic and Dash Thru Traffic
Traffic Guy2004 stallion out of Evening Traffic (ET) and Dash Thru Traffic
Truckles Frenchstrip2013 mare out of Sail On Truckles (ET) and Up N Truckle
Tuff Nuff Guy2009 stallion out of Macs Fancy Freckles and Tinas Little Peppy
Twaynas Guy2014 stallion out of HQM Miz Congeniality and Twaynas Dash
Two Fools Gold2008 mare out of Two Dash To Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Ty Colour Me French2015 mare out of Sherrys Swift Colors and Hot Colours
Ultrafine Frenchgirl2013 mare out of Sobefine and Ten Speeder
USU Frenchmansstophit2016 stallion out of MS Jessie Perry and Mr Jess Perry
UX Aught Six2006 stallion out of Eloquent Action (ET) and Streakin Six
UX Frenchmans Kimmie1999 mare out of Dans Poco Princess and Poco Man Dan
Verrimerrifrenchman2010 gelding out of Going Merri (ET) and Merridoc
Visions of Guyz2015 mare out of Moon Visions and Visionarian
VR Frenchcovermodel2014 mare out of Rio Leo Lady and Rios First Prize
Walter Harmon Reed2007 stallion out of Rascals Little Storm and Windsong Rascal
Waltz With Me Guys2005 mare out of Jans Victory Dance and Dancers Victory
Watch Me Go Guys2009 mare out of Ducks Do Dance and Shawne Bug
Wateveritis2009 mare out of Winsome Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Wave Goodbye Guys2012 mare out of Lehi Rose and Special Effort
Whatasixyfrenchgirl2010 mare out of Six Packin Cricket and Packin Sixes
Whats A Guy To Do2007 gelding out of Sheza Dr Kirk and Dr Kirk
Whats Frenchfor Fast2010 gelding out of Pollys On The Go and Cajo
Whichguygetscredit2013 mare out of Wonders Cashier (ET) and Cash Not Credit
Who Dak Frenchman2014 stallion out of Ms Dixie Cousins (ET) and Brisco County Jr
Who Dat Guys2015 stallion out of I Dont Give A Perk (ET) and Cartel Success
Who Dis Guys2015 mare out of I Dont Give A Perk (ET) and Cartel Success
Whose Dat Guy2011 gelding out of Cadillacs N Karats and Whose Dat Bunny
Why So Serious Guys2011 mare out of Serious Spender and Bills Ryon
Wicked French Chick2014 mare out of Dashon Wandie and Dash Ta Fame
Willows French Girl2011 mare out of Sweet Willow Bay and Tux N Rolls
Winning Frenchman2007 gelding out of Winning Mito Lady and Mito Is The Limit
Won Cool French Girl2007 mare out of Renes Millenium Mint and Rene Dan Jet
Won Hot Frenchman2010 stallion out of A Mean Smooth Down and A Smooth Down
WR Frenchmans Alibi2010 gelding out of Pretty Little Alibi and Sir Alibi
WR Frenchmans Faith2011 mare out of Pretty Little Alibi and Sir Alibi
Wrangler Frenchman2001 gelding out of Miss Wrangler Bug and Rocket Wrangler
WTW Perksofbnfrench2012 gelding out of Blondy Perks and Dash For Perks
WY Guysfamouscopycat2019 mare out of Famous Wildcat (ET) and JB Proud N Famous
WY Releasethe Kraken2020 gelding out of Famous Wildcat and J13 Proud N Famous
Yawl Ima Frenchman2011 stallion out of Angel Flyin By and By Yawl
Yella Izabella2008 mare out of Halo Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Zipang2015 mare out of Our Genuine Delight and Dash Ta Fame
Zippity Du Duh2014 mare out of Zippin Straight Up and Zippin Pass Town