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Frenchy Honor Lark*

Stallion Information

Name: Frenchy Honor Lark* Owner: Petrzilka Quarter Horses Standing At: Petrzilka Quarter Horses - Brainard, NE Year of Birth: 2017 Color: Buckskin Phone: 402-920-0628 Stallion Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PetrzilkaQuarterHorses Fee: 600 Shipped: Yes

Heritage Information

Frenchy Honor Lark*
Frenchys Smokin Miss Chatii Hank
Frenchmans Guy Gunna Smokem Good
Chattii Honor Lark Lil Miss Go Hank
Sun Frost Frenchman's Lady
Bueno Chex Willie Cran Smoke
Jet Of Honor si 102 Lois Lark si 92
Go Hank si 95 Miss Rio Pride

Nominated Foals

Frenchys Got Legs PQ2020 gelding out of Poco Blackburn Sis and Mr Poco Blakburn 043
Frenchysblaznkaty PQ2020 mare out of Poco Blackburn Bunny and Mr Poco Blakburn 043
PQ Frencys Pocoflash2023 stallion out of Poco Blackburn Bunny and Mr Poco Blakburn 043