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JL Reddy To Charm*

Stallion Information

Name: JL Reddy To Charm* Owner: Jill Lane Quarter Horses Standing At: Switzer-Hill Horses, Weatherford TX Year of Birth: 2014 Color: Gray Phone: 406-868-0477 Stallion Website: https://www.jilllaneqh.com/ Stallion Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jill-Lane-Quarter-Horses-1962739103762449/ Fee: $3000 Shipped: Yes

Get Reddy! Breed to a futurity champion and sire

JL Reddy To Charm is the 2019 Classic Equine Futurity Champion and has earned $38,000 his futurity year! Reddy is the perfect outcross for Quarter Horse mares. His sire, Thoroughbred sprinter Red, earned $469,399 racing and has TB progeny earners of $1,897,656 and QH progeny earners of $2,355,202. Red’s top barrel racing money earner is Xtrared, a 3-time NFR qualifier and 4-time Dodge National Circuit Finalist earning $473,235 with Christina Richman. His dam, BF Silver Charm (ROM racing), was out of Missy Yupon’s dam of BF Shenanigan, a top barrel futurity colt with EquiStat earnings of $134,026. BF Silver Charm’s sire, Takin On The Cash (SI 109) , has barrel progeny with $468,185 EquiStat earnings. BF Silver Charm’s 7 foals have barrel earnings of $218,000+. Eligibilities: Tomorrow’s Legends, Royal Crown Stallion Incentive, Ruby Buckle, GCC, BBI, Colorado Classic, Triple Crown 100, Southwest Desert Classic, VGBRA, 5-State Breeders, Future Fortunes, Breeders Challenge, Top Shelf, Select Stallion Stakes and Diamond Classic

JL I AM REDDY 82,638 2017G
JL TWIST OF RED 33,676 2018G
JL TWIST OF CHARM 17,148 2021G

Heritage Information

JL Reddy To Charm*
Red TB BF Silver Charm si 83
Siyah Kalem TB Satans Pride TB
Takin On The Cash si 109 Missy Yupon si 97
Mr. Prospector TB Lady Graustark TB
Crimson Satan TB Autumn Pride
Dash For Cash si 114 Take You On si 96
Behold A Beduino si 99 Sweet Like Twayna si 88

Nominated Foals

?Abbey Nick Bar2022 mare out of Abbey Nick Bar (ET) and Dr Nick Bar
?Barrel Race Grace2022 stallion out of Barrel Race Grace (ET) and Dashin Elvis
?BP LIttlemissdynamite2022 stallion out of BP Littlemissdynamite and Myks Myte Dynamite
?Dynamites Starlite2019 mare out of Dynamites Starlite and Doc O Dynamite
?Guys Misty Moon2024 mare out of Guys Misty Moon and Frenchmans Guy
?Guys Misty Moon2024 stallion out of Guys Misty Moon (ET) and Frenchmans Guy
?JL Rallys Roc Star2024 gelding out of JL Rallys Roc Star (ET) and JL Sirocco
?JL Seraphina2024 gelding out of JL Seraphina (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
?JL Seraphina2024 mare out of JL Seraphina (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
?JL Twisted Sister2023 mare out of JL Twisted Sister and JL Sirocco
?JL Twisted Sister2024 mare out of JL Twisted Sister and JL Sirocco
?KG Blazin Nine Oh2024 mare out of KG Blazin Nine Oh (ET) and Blazin Jetolena
?Lucky Goldmine2024 mare out of Lucky Goldmine and Ninety Nine Goldmine
?Miss Braveheart2019 mare out of Miss Braveheart (ET) and Mr Eye Opener
?Miss Corona Jet2022 stallion out of Miss Corona Jet and Call Me Corona
?Stoners Sister2024 stallion out of Stoners Sister and Dashing Chester
?Streakinmynickers2023 gelding out of Streakinmynickers and Nickster
?TH Maddies Whiz2017 mare out of TH Maddies Whiz and Doc Otocs Dude
?Truly De Great2022 mare out of Truly De Great and Floyd De Great
?TS Tiny Wad Of Cash2022 mare out of TS Tiny Wad Of Cash and PC Mr Sun Peppy
Adons Reddy Set Glo2020 mare out of Adons Okie Niner and Okie Joe Glo
All Reddy Priscilla2017 mare out of Barrel Race Grace and Dashin Elvis
Bobbys Charm2021 mare out of Teqita Bueno Ebony and Bueno Snax
Captain Reddy To Fly2018 stallion out of Captain Fly Girl and Captain Biankus
DM Allreddy Famous2023 mare out of Little Miss Famosa and Dash Ta Fame
DM Reddy For Fame2020 mare out of Little Miss Famosa and Dash Ta Fame
Dox Reddy Cash2020 mare out of Dox Pay It Forward and Dox Serendipity
Feeling Willie Good2018 stallion out of Dynamites Starlite and Doc O Dynamite
HVR Reddy To Win2021 mare out of Bugs Royal Bash and Bulldashus
JL Already Twisted2021 mare out of JL Twisted Sister (ET) and JL Sirocco
JL Charmonique2018 mare out of French Pistol Anie and A Streak Of Fling
JL Cinco De Mayo2020 stallion out of JL Sienna and Dash Ta Fame
JL Dos Equis (ADNAR)2024 mare out of Famistar On Fire and Fire Water Flit
JL Gun Totin Charmer2019 gelding out of French Pistol Anie (ET) and A Streak Of Fling
JL I Am Reddy2017 gelding out of JL Seraphina and Dash Ta Fame
JL I Will Be Reddy2017 stallion out of Jl Seraphina (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
JL Im All Reddy2021 gelding out of JL Seraphina and Dash Ta Fame
JL Nick Of Red2021 stallion out of Dr Nicks Miss Bully (ET) and Dr Nick Bar
JL Red Lipstick2022 mare out of JL Twisted Sister and JL Sirocco
JL Reddy For Cash2017 stallion out of River Full of Cash and Miss N Cash
JL Reddy For Justice2022 stallion out of KG Justiceweexpected (ET) and Judge Cash
JL Reddy For The Bar2017 stallion out of Abbey Nick Bar (ET) and Dr Nick Bar
JL Reddy To Roc2023 gelding out of JL Rallys Roc Star (ET) and JL Sirocco
JL Rustic Charm2018 gelding out of JL Sienna and Dash Ta Fame
JL Sephora2019 mare out of JL Seraphina (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
JL Sirius2019 gelding out of JL Siri (ET) and French Streaktovegas
JL Stanfield2023 gelding out of JL Seraphina (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
JL Twist Of Charm2021 gelding out of JL Twisted Sister (ET) and JL Sirocco
JL Twist Of Red2018 gelding out of Jl Twisted Sister and JL Sirocco
JL Twisted Ginger2020 mare out of JL Twisted Sister (ET) and JL Sirocco
JL Vegas Encore2020 mare out of JL Siri (et) and French Streaktovegas
JL Vegas Wynn2020 mare out of JL Siri and French Streaktovegas
KG Are You Reddy2024 mare out of KG Blazin Nine Oh (ET) and Blazin Jetolena
Mitey Reddy2024 mare out of I Love Lou C and A Mitey Sweet Guy
Ms Nicks Got Charm2023 mare out of Its Ms Nick Bar To U and Nicks Bars Viper
PA Alreddy Trending2022 stallion out of PA Honey Im On Fire and Frenchmans Elvis
Reddy For A Fling2024 mare out of Meryl Streak and A Streak Of Fling
Reddy For My Closeup2024 stallion out of BDB Makin Fame and Mac N Fame
Reddy For Prestige2019 mare out of Bar Blue Lss and FC Aboo
Reddy Ta Fly2023 mare out of Im A Famous Firefly and Firewater On Ice
Reddy Ta Rock2021 stallion out of JL Penny Lane and JL Sirocco
Reddy To Frost2018 gelding out of TS Tiny Wad Of Cash and PC Mr Sun Peppy
Reddy To Get Fancy2017 mare out of Go Rebel Frost and Jose Hard Bar
Reddy To Rave2022 mare out of The Nu Kalleah and Master Kaweah
Reddy To Socialize2023 mare out of Jackpot Socialite and Jack Pot Road
RFW Reddy Ta Run2022 stallion out of JL Sienna and Dash Ta Fame
RNC Jet Reddy To Roc2020 stallion out of Jeta Blue Jeans and Jess Louisiana Blue
Sadies Lucky Charm2024 mare out of Frosty Drift Bess and Sadies Frosty Drift
Salty Little Sister2021 mare out of Streak A Little and A Streak Of Fling
Siriously Charmed2022 mare out of JL Siri and French Streaktovegas
TS All Reddy Fab2022 mare out of KN Aint I Fabulous and Frenchmans Fabulous
Zip Charm2017 gelding out of Royals Zip N Shugar and Royal Three Charge