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Moscato Fame*

Stallion Information

Name: Moscato Fame* Owner: Curtis Collier Standing At: Hart Farms - Celina,TX Year of Birth: 2013 Color: Chestnut Phone: 214-906-7939 Stallion Website: https://dunnranch.com/ Stallion Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RDCmascatofame/ Fee: 1500.00 Shipped: Yes

Out of the Blue Hen Mare MULBERRY CANYON MOON

Heritage Information

Moscato Fame*
Dash Ta Fame si 113 Mulberry Canyon Moon
First Down Dash si 105 Sudden Fame si 98
Marthas Six Moons si 99 DE Streaker
Dash For Cash si 104 First Prize Rose SI 98
Tiny's Gay si 106 Bar Dearie si 90
Six Fols si 90 Lady Bugs Martha si 89
Osage Streaker (TB) Go Stuff Too si 88

Nominated Foals

?Bea The Queen2020 stallion out of Bea The Queen and First Down King
?Big Winner2020 stallion out of Big Winner and Jess Zoomin
?Brays Moon Lady2023 mare out of Brays Moon Lady and Brays Moon Bug
?Dashin Dually2022 mare out of Dashin Dually and Dual Senator
?Dashing Bye Yawl2024 stallion out of Dashing Bye Yawl and Hardways Fancy Cash
?Delta Disco2023 gelding out of Delta Disco (ET) and Deltas First Dash
?Down Ole Kelley2024 mare out of Down Ole Kelley and Easy Down Kelley
?Fired Up Cowgirl2021 mare out of Fired Up Cowgirl and Sinnsuous Firewater
?Goldmine Heart2024 mare out of Goldmine Heart (ET) and Heart Of The Cartel
?Jess Bigtime For Me2019 mare out of Jess Bigtime For Me and Bigtime Favorite
?Lend Me A Bull2024 mare out of Lend Me A Bull and Lightning Sugar Bull
?Letta Diamond Shine2024 mare out of Letta Diamond Shine and Letta Hank Do It
?MCM Notdunnstreakin2023 mare out of MCM Notdunnstreakin and A Streak Of Fling
?Miss Dusty Champion2022 mare out of MIss Dusty Champion and Dusty Champion
?Miss Jess Carter2021 gelding out of Miss Jess Carter and Corona Cartel
?Quincys Accent2023 mare out of Quincys Accent and Quicys Dakota Twist
?Raze The Tres2022 stallion out of Raze The Tres and Tres Kings
?Time For Favors2020 gelding out of Time For Favors and Bigtime Favorite
?Tuff Turnin Freckle2024 stallion out of Tuff Turnin Freckle (ET) and A Freckle Legacy
?VF Tap Dance2020 stallion out of VF Tap Dance and Down Home Dash
Anuther Moscato2023 mare out of Anuther Effort and Anuther Little Juan
Breezing On Fame2023 stallion out of Cashs Easy Breeze and Easy Eric Two
Cruisin On Fame2023 mare out of Tcross Frenchmansbay and Cruisin On Firewater
DR Tequila Sunrise2023 mare out of Azoomin and Azoom
Famous Mulberry Gin2023 stallion out of Gins Alope 143 and Lil Badgers Dos
Fast Queen2023 mare out of Docs Shot A Rum and Doc Doc Gray Doc
FDF Jessmulberryfame2024 stallion out of A Regal Blue Sky and A Regal Choice
Flamefrenchmoscato2023 none out of Gingers French Lexus and Guys Easy Jet
Fly Me To The Fame2022 stallion out of French Fly (ET) and Frenchmans Guy
French Moscato2021 mare out of Mr Frenchie At Dabar (ET) and Frenchmans Guy
Frosted Mulberry Moon (APHA)2023 stallion out of Six Shooter Sadie and Sun Frosted Rocket
Girls Love Moscato2024 mare out of Primo Dollar Girl and Teninas First
Golden Leap Of Faith2020 mare out of California Jewel and Frenchmans Fabulous
Goldmine Moscato2024 mare out of Goldmine Heart (ET) and Heart Of The Cartel
Gunnin For Fame 332022 stallion out of Smokin Lady Yello and Blakburn Yello Smoke
Hold My Moscato2022 mare out of Poco Sierra Star and Whoa Bubba
Ima Moscato Princess2022 mare out of Ima Tres Princess and Tres Seis
Jazzy Eyes Be Famous2022 mare out of Miss Jazzy Eyes and Mr Eye Can Do It
Mas Claim Ta Fame2024 stallion out of Sheza Cashin Corona and No Mas Corona
Moscato Flame2024 stallion out of Fancy Da Firewater and Firewater Ta Fame
Moscato Kiss (APHA)2023 stallion out of Goodbye Kiss and Judys Kiss
Moscatolilstreaker2024 mare out of Sarah Douglas and Unbridled Energy
Moscatos Alive2024 mare out of This Perks Is Alive and Perks Alive
Pals Sweet Muscato2020 gelding out of Facebook Diva and Sweet First Down
PB Glidin Ta Fame2024 stallion out of Pana Bred To Lead and Leader Of The Class
PMF Streakin Ta Fame2022 stallion out of Gold Card Angel and Jacs Gold Card
RDC Fame Always Wins2019 stallion out of Big Winner and Jess Zoomin
RDC Famousinnashvill2021 gelding out of Nashville Nights and Jody O Toole
RDC Fire Fame N Wine2020 gelding out of Flits fire belle and Fire Water Flit
RDC Ivory Fame2020 mare out of Ivory Passion and Ivory James
RDC Liettamoscatodoit2021 mare out of Letta Diamond Shine and Letta Hank Do It
RDC Midnight Gold2023 mare out of RC Back In Black (ET) and Ninety Nine Goldmine
RDC Moscato N Corona2020 gelding out of Corona Preferred and Corona Cartel
RDC Time For Moscato2018 mare out of Time For Favors and Bigtime Favorite
RDC Zoominformoscato2021 gelding out of Zooming For Arose and Shazoom
Red Red Wyne2021 mare out of Shezaboldheart and Heza Bold Man
Rosabell Moon Beam2024 mare out of Chickaboom Moon Beam and Chicks Dash Easy
Runin Outa Moonlight2022 mare out of No Interest Note and Floating Interest
Tipsy On Moscato2023 mare out of Whisperingfrenchwine and Sak Em Frenchman