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PC Frenchmans Hayday*

Stallion Information

Name: PC Frenchmans Hayday* Owner: Mel O Potter Standing At: Potter Ranch - Marana, AZ Year of Birth: 1995 Color: Palomino Phone: 520-906-9133 Stallion Website: https://www.potterranch.com Stallion Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Potter-Ranch-257377414273505/ Fee: Private Treaty Shipped: Yes

LTE $400,000+

In 2005 he was voted the 3rd place AQHA/PRCA Heeling Horse of the Year, and helped carry Sherry Cervi to a third place position in the WNFR Barrel racing Average. Dinero is so versatile, that at Nampa, ID he was ridden by Walt Woodard, Cory Petska, and Sherry Cervi in the short round, and all three were money winners. As an NFR Barrel Competitor Dinero was 3rd in the Average with Sherry Cervi in 2005.

Heritage Information

PC Frenchmans Hayday*
Sun Frost Caseys Charm
Docs Jack Frost Prissy Cline
Tiny Circus si 97 Caseys Ladylove
Doc Bar Chantella si 95
Driftwood Ike Driftwood Ike
Tiny Watch si 100 Circus Bars si 95
Caseys Poco Lady Diane

Nominated Foals

?Ala Secret Leader2014 stallion out of Ala Secret Leader and Special Leader
?BC Ann Driftwood2015 none out of BD Ann Driftwood and Red Rim Rock
?BD Ann Driftwood2014 stallion out of BD Ann Driftwood and Red Rim Rock
?Bogies Triple Threat2022 gelding out of Bogies Triple Threat (ET) and Frenchmans Bogie
?Boogie Special2019 stallion out of Boogie Special (ET) and Strawfly Special
?Born Twisting WGB2016 stallion out of Born Twisting WGB and Twist Award
?Charlies Billy Filly2019 stallion out of Charlies Billy Filly and Billy Billy Bayou
?Chicka Kelly2016 gelding out of Chicka Kelly and Darkelly
?Chickdashinforthecash2015 none out of Chickdashinforthecash and Hot Shot Dash
?Cins Memory2018 mare out of Cins Memory and Leaving Memories
?Cories Bug2013 stallion out of Cories Bug and Hesa Missle Bar
?Cories Bug2014 mare out of Cories Bug and Hesa Missile Bar
?Dixie Hauler2019 mare out of Dixie Hauler and Confederate Leader
?Famous For My Corona2017 none out of Famous For My Corona and Dash Ta Fame
?Fanny B2015 none out of Fanny B and Dash Ta Fame
?Favorite Six2018 gelding out of Favorite Six and Sixes Pick
?Feature Dance2019 stallion out of Feature Dance and Cartel Feature
?Feebees Summer Judge2014 none out of Feebees Summer Judge and Judge Cash
?Figure Four 4492013 mare out of Figure Four 449 and Eddie Blue Hancock
?Frenchmans Go Shakem2020 stallion out of Frenchmans Go Shakem and Royal Shake Em
?Heart Of An Injun2018 stallion out of Heart Of An Injun and Cash For Injun
?Honor Bell2019 mare out of Honor Bell (ET) and Jet Of Honor
?Hum Dash Special2015 none out of Hum Dash Special and Special Leader
?I See Roses2022 stallion out of I See Roses and Special Leader
?Isabella Pep2019 stallion out of Isabella Pep and Somebody Smart
?JC Ol Diana2013 mare out of JC Ol Diana and New Decade
?Just Suede2019 stallion out of Just Suede (ET) and Feature Mr Jess
?Kwynns Dash2020 mare out of Kwynns Dash and Dash Ta Fame
?Ladonna Fly2022 mare out of Ladonna Fly and Feature Mr Jess
?Love You Bye2020 mare out of Love You Bye and Tempting Dash
?Love You Bye2021 gelding out of Love You Bye and Tempting Dash
?MC Catchmydriftcervi2014 stallion out of MC Catchmydriftcervi and Lone Drifter
?Miss Shiney Money2014 mare out of Miss Shiney Money and Smash Em Late
?Miss Shiney Money2015 none out of Miss Shiney Money and Smash Em Late
?More Strawberrys Plez2015 none out of More Strawberrys Plez and White Lightening Ike
?MP Barbie Wood2019 mare out of MP Barbie Wood and
?MP Cranberry Deck2014 mare out of MP Cranberry Deck and Lone Drifter
?MP Cranwood2014 stallion out of MP Cranwood and Lone Drifter
?MP Drifting Drifter2013 stallion out of MP Drifting Drifter and Lone Drifter
?MP Friends Never Drift2014 mare out of Mp Friends Never Drift and Lone Drifter
?MP Moredriftwoodplez2015 none out of MP Moredriftwoodplez and Drifts Chip
?MP Nelle Wood2015 none out of MP Nelle Wood and Lone Drifter
?MP One Last Drifter2014 stallion out of MP One Last Drifter and Lone Drifter
?MP Ready To Drift2015 none out of MP Ready to Drift and Lone Drifter
?MP Rosewood2013 mare out of MP Rosewood and Lone Drifter
?MP Rosewood2015 none out of MP Rosewood and Lone Drifter
?My Crimson Cat2019 gelding out of My Crimson Cat and Red Bullet
?No Quit2020 mare out of No Quit and Streakin Sixes
?Palo Pinto Pame2016 mare out of Palo Pinto Pame and Fishers Dash
?Palo Pinto Pame2017 mare out of Palo Pinto Pame and Fishers Dash
?Pepto Mama2019 mare out of Pepto Mama (ET) and Peptosmart
?Pure Victory Dash2019 mare out of Pure Victory Dash (ET) and
?Rfire Fly2021 stallion out of Rfire Fly and Walk Thru Fire
?Sale On Bubbles2022 stallion out of Sale On Bubbles (ET) and Nonstop Bubblin
?Shake Em Baby2018 gelding out of Shake Em Baby and Royal Shake Em
?Shake Em Sabra2018 mare out of Shake Em Sabra and Royal Shake Em
?Shesa Easy Streak2015 none out of Shesa Easy Streak and ZX Flashy Commander
?Sheza Bully Belle2015 mare out of Sheza Bully Belle and Bully Bullion
?Sheza Final Stretch2012 out of Sheza Final Stretch and Enchanted Hemp
?Sheza Fuel Charger2020 stallion out of Sheza Fuel Charger (ET) and Fuel Charger
?Six Pack of Bull2019 gelding out of Six Pack Of Bull and Bully Bullion
?Stoli Minute2020 stallion out of Stoli Minute and Stoli
?Stoli Minute2022 stallion out of Stoli Minute and Stoli
?Stoli You Dreamer2021 stallion out of Stoli You Dreamer (ET) and Stoli
?Streakin For Family2023 mare out of Streakin For Family and A Streak Of Fling
?Streakin Merridoc2016 mare out of Streakin Merridoc and Streak of Fling
?Taxes Due Ta Fame2018 stallion out of Taxes Due Ta Fame and Dash Ta Fame
?TE Express Effort2014 stallion out of TE Express Effort and Proudest Effort
?TE Express Effort2015 none out of TE Express Effort and Proudest Effort
?Toastem Ceska2014 stallion out of Toastem Ceska and Toast To Dash
?Toastem Ceska2019 mare out of Toastem Ceska and Toast To Dash
?TWR Doctari Pacifica2023 stallion out of TWR Doctari Pacifica and Alabama Hickory
?Winnen Vegas Cash2016 none out of Winnen Vegas Cash and Judge Cash
A Pretty Penni2020 mare out of Catcherfame and Dash Ta Fame
A Royal Hayday2019 mare out of RS Bling Bling and Royal Shake Em
Awholelottadinero2007 mare out of Frenchmans Zena and Frenchmans Guy
Baby Its A Hayday2019 stallion out of Baby Lee Bug and First Lee Bug
Be My Famous Hayday2019 gelding out of Efford To Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Bigtime Hayday2020 mare out of Favorite Fling and Bigtime Favorite
Blazin Hayday2018 mare out of Dashing Katye (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Boom Ima Hayday2017 gelding out of Fruit Of The Boom and Boomernic
Boudreaus Tenacious D (APHA)2018 mare out of Texuno Has Dimples and Dazzling Dimples
Boudreausbucketofcash (APHA)2016 gelding out of Texuno Has Dimples and Dazzling Dimples
Boudreausoneidwonder2015 stallion out of No Rime No Reason and Dazzling Dimples
Bound To Ba Hayday2017 stallion out of Bettee Lus Bound To and Honors A Bounding
BR Catch Me Outside2017 mare out of Shez Gota Poker Face and A Streak Of Fling
BR Galsfrench Hayday2011 stallion out of Galsgitinflitywithit and Fire Water Flit
BR Wont Miss A Thing2017 mare out of Lady Bugs Specialty and Frenchmans Specialty
Brick Bronsin2013 stallion out of Maggys Roan Rose and PC Bronsin
Bully Having Hayday2012 stallion out of Bullys Magic and Bully Bullion
Bullys Hayday Payday2018 gelding out of Bullys Magic and Bully Bullion
Bullys Magic Hayday2019 mare out of Bullys Magic and Bully Bullion
Buncha Dinero2019 mare out of Rambunchkie (ET) and Bellamy Road
CA Spittin Dinero2019 stallion out of Spit N Image and Hileah Streak
Canadian Dinero2014 stallion out of MP Top Drifter and Lone Drifter
Candy For Dinero2021 mare out of I Am A Candy Lady and PYC Paint Your Wagon
Cantbullydinerosdiva2017 mare out of Mea Bee AWinner and Vital Class
Cashin Hayday Czechs2021 gelding out of Czech and Corona Czech
CE All Eyes On Me2019 mare out of Harmony On Ice and Royal Quick Dash
CE Fearless2012 stallion out of Harmony On Ice and Royal Quick Dash
CE Girl On Fire2013 mare out of Harmony On Ice and Royal Quick Dash
Cfour Racie Ray2011 mare out of Little Fancy Granny and Del Puerto Bill
Ch Sun Frosten2016 stallion out of Dashing Chantella and Dual Dash
Charming Story2011 mare out of Sabre Sign and Sign John Doe
Chasin Dinero2017 gelding out of Miss JB 105 and Chasin Firewater
Chey On Dinero2019 stallion out of Ms Cheyenne Magnolia and Letta Hank Do It
Chillin On A Hayday2020 gelding out of Chowchilla Filly and Separatist
Cinco Mucho Dinero2022 mare out of Captain Catniss and Big Classic Wonder
Classys Lil Hayday2016 mare out of Classy Cash Biankus and Our Hush Money
Coats Hayday Dinero2013 stallion out of Handy Corina and handy Eddie Cinco
Coats Stoli Dinero2020 mare out of Heart Driven and Stoli
Colonels Miss Hayday2013 mare out of Colonels Miss Targo and Colonels King Adam
Commanding Frenchman2018 gelding out of Curtis Sugs and Commander Curtis
CT Dinerolonedrift2012 stallion out of MP Hennypennypotter and Lone Drifter
CT Frenchdriftdinero2012 mare out of MP Driftinwiththeflo and Dynaflow Drift
CTG Love Ole Hayday2015 mare out of The Kachina Doll and The Ole Man
Czechmeoutimahaygirl2015 mare out of Czech Out Time and Corona Czech
Dancin For Dinero2019 mare out of Classy Cash Biankus and Our Hush Money
Dashin Dineros Jewel2013 mare out of Dash On Glass and Some Dasher
Dashin For Dinero2008 mare out of A Lovely Ladybug and Invisible Injun
Dashin Hayday2012 mare out of Sheza Boot Leggin and Sour Mash Dash
Dashing To Dinero2012 gelding out of Dashing Katye (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Dashing To Paris2010 mare out of Sunny Side Down and Easy First Down
Dashon Stella Rae2018 mare out of Dashon Wandie and Dash Ta Fame
Daves Dinero2019 stallion out of Tele Peppy and Lenas Telesis
Dealing Dinero2014 mare out of Deal The Gold (ET) and Ima Easy Dealer
Dia De Dinero2016 mare out of Chickachickababy and Drifts Chip
Diamond In The Hay2019 mare out of The Millennium Star(et) and Strawfly Special
Diamonds And Dinero2016 mare out of Bring Me Diamonds and Lanes Leinster
Dinero Dealt Gold2013 mare out of Deal The Gold and Ima Easy Dealer
Dinero Diego Jet2013 stallion out of LTF Bayou Reno and OK Bayou Doc
Dinero Speaks French2011 mare out of Girls Will Be Girls and Shawne Lake
Dineromakesmeblush372018 gelding out of Fame Makes Me Blush and Blushing Bug
Dineromakesyafamous2010 stallion out of Sky Dashin and Pie In The Sky
Dineros First Down2013 stallion out of Just Speeding Along (ET) and First Down Dash
Dineros Glory2010 mare out of Spanish Elegance and Skilled N Silent
Dineros Lil Runner2016 mare out of Moonlight Magnus and Runnerelse
Dineros Royal Lady2019 mare out of Royal Lady Dash (ET) and Royal Shake Em
Dineros Spare Change2015 mare out of Preponderance and Mr Pondie Zip
Dinerosmakinmefamous2010 mare out of Rebs Little Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Diva Deniro2011 mare out of KC Bully and Bully Bullion
Divas French Fame2020 mare out of Divas Legend Ta Fame and Dash Ta Fame
DLF Peskysredhayday2019 mare out of Peskys Red Valentine and On The Money Red
Dr Andys Hayday2008 out of and
Dreamin Of My Hayday2010 mare out of Ten Karrot Dream (ET) and Hesa Gay Dreamer
Drifting For Dineros2017 mare out of MP Rosewood and Lone Drifter
Espuela Light Hayday2016 mare out of SHS Blue Concheta and Skoal Bandit Blanton
Fame Luvs A Hayday2014 stallion out of Livin On Luv (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Fame N Dinero2013 mare out of Auntie M and Dash Ta Fame
Famous Hayday2012 stallion out of Jaxsons Olympic Fame and Poco Lijerito
Famous Man Of Steel2012 stallion out of Famous Showgirl (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
Fast Frenchman2002 gelding out of Royals Sis and One Easy Street
Fast Prize Hayday2019 mare out of Fast Prize Curl and Spit Curl Jess
Favors French Dinero2011 gelding out of Dozen Favors and Magic Dozen
Finalfabuloushayday2020 mare out of Kn Tofabuloustacashin and Frenchmans Fabulous
Flirty Dirty Dinero2012 stallion out of Mardi Gras Madness and Smoke N Sparks
Fly N Frenchman2014 stallion out of Adalena Moon Jet and The Reign Master
FR Double D2012 mare out of PKs Birthday Girl and Raise Your Glass (TB)
French Flintstone2010 gelding out of Royal Mountain Badger and Eminent Son
French Moon 152015 mare out of Adalena Moon Jet and The Reign Master
French Under Fire2015 stallion out of HF Miss Fire and Draws A Crowd
French Victoria2018 mare out of VF Shiney Red Stone and Sticks An Stones
Frenchmans Day Hay2008 mare out of Roan Gold Rainbow and Superstition Gold
Frenchmans Frat Boy2021 stallion out of TWR Doctari Pacifica and Alabama Hickory
Frenchmans Rouge2017 mare out of Scotched Brumbre and Hustlin Smashed
Frenchmans Sunfrost2015 gelding out of MP Dyna Speed and Dynaflow Drift
Frenchmanssignature2008 mare out of Miss Signa and The Signature
Frenchmantwistedfame2015 mare out of Efford To Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Frenchpainteddiamond2022 mare out of Faded Paint and PYC Paint Your Wagon
Frenchs Smokn Jet2015 stallion out of LTF Bayou Reno and OK Bayou Doc
Frostallaround2018 mare out of JA Cajun Rosefrost and PC Cajunative
Frosty Hustler2020 stallion out of Eyes First Class and First Down Dash
Frosty Rose2017 mare out of Perks N Roses and Dash For Perks
Frostyshotofirewater2014 stallion out of Panchos Flit Of Fire and Pancho Press
Genuine Hayday (APHA)2019 mare out of Frenchmans Blond and Frenchmans Moon Bug
Girls Got Dinero2012 mare out of Girls Will Be Girls and Shawne Kale
Got Change Comin2020 gelding out of Halley Bae (et) and Dash Ta Fame
GR Easy Does It2013 mare out of Miss Shiney Money and Smash Em Late
Gypsy Hayday2018 mare out of Hip Swingin Gypsy (ET) and Firewaterontherocks
Haayy Im Stylish2024 stallion out of Twice As Stylish 07 (ET) and Twice As Shiney
Hanks Gotta Hayday2020 mare out of April Rose For Hank and Letta Hank Do It
Happy Hayday2018 stallion out of Feature Miss Dimples and Feature Mr Jess
Haulin Hay2017 stallion out of Dixie Hauler and Confederate Leader
Hay Brother2018 stallion out of Determined Red and Dash Ta Fame
Hay Fame2012 mare out of Bebesw Hat Trick and Dash Ta Fame
Hay Heres Your Sign2009 mare out of Sign Jane Doe and Sign John Doe
Hay Hotshot2014 stallion out of BC Sassy Dash and Dash Ta Fame
Hay Im Famous2013 mare out of She Can Dash and Dash Ta Fame
Hay Im Streakin (APHA)2013 gelding out of Streakin Fancy Pants and World Speed
Hay Little Cha Cha2016 mare out of Rebs Little Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Hay Miss Memories2015 mare out of Rocket Memories and Leaving Memories
Hay Sol Sister2010 mare out of Approch Six and Sunset Six
Hayday Makin Payday2017 stallion out of I Favor Fame and Famous Charmer
Hayday Mayday2020 mare out of RSH Stealin Sugar and Sugar Rancher
Haydays Best Shot2017 stallion out of MP One Last Drifter and Lone Drifter
Haydays Crackerjax2017 stallion out of Sheisafirecracker and Royal Shake Em
Haydays Fame2014 mare out of Fame N Red Hot and Dash Ta Fame
Haydays Fancy Penny2019 mare out of Prisilla Fancy Pants and Fancy Be Me
Haydays French Twist2019 mare out of Hutchs Sally Twist and Hutchs Dandy Twist
Haydays Golden Rule2018 gelding out of Sheza Easy Sparker and Frostys Copper Top
Haydays Painted Lady2011 mare out of Docs Abbie Lee (ET) and Docs Superstar Bar
Haydays Valentine2018 mare out of Dashing Valentine and Royal Quick Dash
Haydays Zan Parr2018 stallion out of Miss Hawkeyes Parr and Tens Hawkeye
Haydaysdashinfashion2015 mare out of Sheisafirecracker and Royal Shake Em
Haydaysfrostyrose2019 mare out of Rosies Blue Moon and Blue Light Ike
Heres Hayday Bill2011 stallion out of Your One Grand Duer and Grand Duer
HH Uno Mas Peso2012 gelding out of Queen Continental and Kings Esquire
Hip Happy Hayday2018 mare out of Hip Swingin Gypsy (ET) and Firewaterontherocks
HMP Seeking Riches2017 stallion out of Ala Secret Leader and Special Leader
Holy Smokez2019 mare out of Trouble N Smoke and Smoke N Sparks
HP Rocket Ta Fame2012 gelding out of Rockette Ta Fame (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
HP Sisters Sister2019 mare out of Royal Sissy Irish and Royal Shake Em
HT Money Moves2020 mare out of Special Sign Effort and Special Effort
Hustlinfrenchdinero2015 mare out of YGW French Magic and Okay Kayo
HY Bright N French2015 stallion out of Tuckers Peach and Five Star Tucker
I Dream Of Dinero2018 stallion out of Aprils Heavnly Angel and Brooklyn Bar Beggar
Im Really Loaded2021 mare out of Im Really Talented and Prime Talent
Ima Genuine Hayday2008 mare out of La Genuine San Lena and Genuine Doc
Ima Slash J2019 mare out of Glamor N Clitz and Dashin Attraction
Ima Vanilla Bean2012 mare out of Phils Rodeo Cowgirl and SG Rodeo Cowboy
Its Just Dinero2019 stallion out of Just Suede (ET) and Feature Mr Jess
Jack N Dinero2018 stallion out of Ms Cheyenne Magnolia and Letta Hank Do It
JC Dinero Dancer2016 mare out of Tiz Speeding and Dash Ta Fame
Jess A Hayday2019 stallion out of Discreat Retreat and Mr Jess Perry
Jetsetting Hayday2019 gelding out of Aint Eye A Jet and Jet Black Patriot
JF Cash Man2018 stallion out of Niftys Genuine Bella and Niftys Super Sonic
JF King Kylie2020 mare out of GJB Suave Dulce (ET) and Sweet First Down
JJJ Bonnie Rae2012 mare out of MP Poker Drift and Poker Chicker
JK Honey Money Penny2016 mare out of This Vans JK Honey and Poco Van Star Two
JL Zenith2018 mare out of JL Cyan and Red
JMP Dinero Talks2015 stallion out of Alittlebitofsweettalk and Sweet Talkin Fols
Johnny Dialed Dinero2012 stallion out of Taxiway To The Sky and Sky Harbour
Justmoveslikejagger2012 gelding out of Fols Dream Of Cash and Takin On The Cash
KG Just Money2020 gelding out of KG Justiceweexpected (ET) and Judge Cash
KI Am Caliente2016 stallion out of Lightning Bug RSH and Bug Me Bright
KT Hell On Hayday2018 stallion out of Sparking Royal Model and Royal Shake Em
Laytons Frenchman2015 stallion out of Laytons Skipper Zan and Zans Parity
Laytons Sugar Hayday2015 mare out of Laytons Last Sugar and Freckles Smokin Doc
Lead Me To The Hay2013 stallion out of Ala Secret Leader and Special Leader
Lets Have A Hayday2016 mare out of Scratchy Nick Bar and Dr Nick Bar
Lies N Lipstick2010 mare out of Crantastic Gal and Rackum On Man
Lil Hayday Wrangler2017 stallion out of Foxy Lady Rocket and Rocket On The Dash
LJ Hay Shake It2019 mare out of Precious Puddin and Royal Shake Em
LK Sheza Hayday2010 mare out of Sheza Peasa Pie and Pie In The Sky
Longshot Luis2018 stallion out of Queen Red Cash and Chief Red Rock
Love Ta Dinero2013 mare out of Love Ta Dash 123 and Dash Ta Fame
Lucky Number 32019 stallion out of BeBes Hat Trick and Dash Ta Fame
Marthas Final Hayday2019 mare out of Double Top Stop and Nonstop Drifter
Mels Yellowchick2009 mare out of Chickachickababy and Drifts Chip
Miss Diamond Dinero2012 mare out of Colts Miss Ben Bar and Colt's Brother
Miss French Drifter2009 mare out of MP Bonnett and Poker Chicker
Miss Hyper Hay Day2011 mare out of Miss Hyper Jet and Nonstop Jet
Miss Lenas Hayday2008 mare out of Miss Monkey Lena and Brinks Leo Hickory
MJP Royal Hayday2021 stallion out of Royal Sissy Irish (ET) and Royal Shake Em
Money Pitch2015 gelding out of TCS Up To No Good and Runaway Bud
Moneyandfame2012 stallion out of Sequin Of Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Moneypenny Sparks2017 mare out of Runnin Sparks and Smoke N Sparks
Moonlit Hayday2019 mare out of Moonlit Snow (ET) and This Snow Is Royal
Morning Mimosa2019 mare out of Champagne Fame and Dash Ta Fame
MP A Lexusfordinero2010 gelding out of Sherrys Last Patch and Lay A Patch
MP A Man With Roses2003 gelding out of Rose Patch and Lay A Patch
MP A Regal Day2019 mare out of Smign and A Regal Choice
MP A Special Hayday2020 stallion out of Hum Dash Special and Special Leader
MP Bello Dinero2011 mare out of MP Dyna Bug and Dynaflow Drift
MP Deck Of A Day2013 mare out of MP Cranberry Deck and Lone Drifter
MP Del Rey2008 stallion out of Miss Meter Jet and Bar Tonto Jet
MP Dineros Ready2013 mare out of MP Ready To Drift and Lone Drifter
MP Dineros Secret2015 stallion out of Ala Secret Leader and Special Leader
MP Dream Come True2013 mare out of MP Cranwood and Lone Drifter
MP Drift Of Snow2009 mare out of MP Top Drifter and Lone Drifter
MP Driftin Frenchman2008 gelding out of MP Blondie Drifts and Drifts Chip
MP Follow The Money2010 gelding out of Quickern A Wink and Dr Bordeaux
MP French Ann Hayday2009 mare out of BD Ann Driftwood and Red Rim Rock
MP French Dinero2012 stallion out of MP Dyna Bug and Dynaflow Drift
MP Frenchmansphoenix2008 mare out of Luna Patch and Lay A Patch
MP Full Moon2009 stallion out of Luna Patch and Lay A Patch
MP Ginger With Money2015 mare out of Ikes Queenie Hill and Ikes Last
MP Gone Haywire2020 stallion out of MP Drifting Rose and Lone Drifter
MP Good Catch Dinero2015 gelding out of Mccatchmydriftcervi and Lone Drifter
MP Hay Cordette2009 mare out of Speedy Cordette and Lone Drifter
MP Hay Driftin Annie2011 mare out of BD Ann Driftwood and Red Rim Rock
MP Hay Give Mea Rose2015 mare out of MP Drifting Rose and Lone Drifter
MP Hay Im Not Pokey2010 mare out of MP Poker Drift and Poker Chicker
MP Hay Ima Patch2011 mare out of Sherrys Last Patch and Lay A Patch
MP Hay Its Hotn Here2013 mare out of MP Nelle Wood and Lone Drifter
MP Hay Smith2009 gelding out of Miss John Smith and Sign John Doe
MP Hay Special Day2016 mare out of Hum Dash Special and Special Leader
MP Hayday Conclusive2015 mare out of Spanish Elegance and Skilled N Silent
MP Haydayinthecreek2009 gelding out of Cedar Creek Sage and King Smoky San
MP Haydays Chickadee2013 mare out of Drifters Chickadee and Lone Drifter
MP Haydays Yellarose2017 mare out of MP Drifting Rose and Lone Drifter
MP Heza Frenchman2008 gelding out of Figure Four 449 and Eddie Blue Hancock
MP Honor This Ticket2012 gelding out of Pals Jet Of Honor and Jet Of Honor
MP Hot Hayday2016 stallion out of MP Nelle Wood and Lone Drifter
MP Hummin For Dinero2019 mare out of Hum Dash Special and Special Leader
MP I Drift For Money2016 mare out of MP Winken Drifter and Lone Drifter
MP Ima Driftinhayday2011 stallion out of Ima Driftwood Julie and Speedy Man
MP Its A New Day2013 mare out of New Sovereign and New Decade
MP Jet Royal Money2010 mare out of Miss Meter Jet and Bar Tonto Jet
MP Justalittlemoney2009 gelding out of Drifting Bonnett and Lone Drifter
MP Keep The Change2009 mare out of Miss Meter Jet and Bar Tonto Jet
MP Lead The Hayday2018 mare out of Hum Dash Special and Special Leader
MP Lil Mas Hayday2011 mare out of Figure Four 449 and Eddie Blue Hancock
MP Makin Dinero2015 gelding out of Figure Four 449 and Eddie Blue Hancock
MP Man On A Mission2014 gelding out of MP Drifting Rose and Lone Drifter
MP Maydays Moonpatch2007 mare out of Luna Patch and Lay A Patch
MP Meter My Hay2002 mare out of Miss Meter Jet and Bar Tonto Jet
MP Money Man2009 stallion out of Coxes Major Streak (ET) and Streakin Six
MP One Day At A Time2009 mare out of One Wink and Lay A Patch
MP One For The Money2010 mare out of One Wink and Lay A Patch
MP Pacific Dinero2015 stallion out of Drifters Chickadee and Lone Drifter
MP Patchs Hayday2012 gelding out of Luna Patch and Lay A Patch
MP Pay It Forward2006 gelding out of Doc Snapdragon and Justa Lena
MP Pays Lee Hayday2010 mare out of Sugar Breeze Girl and Breeze Bar Bill
MP Poppy Hayday2012 mare out of BD Ann Driftwood and Red Rim Rock
MP Power Play Day2013 mare out of Miss Power Wheels and Fast Wheel
MP Queen Of The Day2013 mare out of Hickory Drift Queen and War Drift
MP Ready To Win Some2014 stallion out of MP Ready To Drift and Lone Drifter
MP SB Barbie Monroe2015 mare out of Majestic Toast and Toast To Dash
MP Strawberry Quick2014 mare out of MORESTRAWBERRYSPLEZ and WHITE LIGHTING IKE
MP Sweet Hayday2011 mare out of Sugar Breeze Girl and Breeze Bar Bill
MP Victorious Money2014 mare out of Majestic Toast and Toast To Dash
MP Wink For Dinero2015 stallion out of MP One Last Drifter and Lone Drifter
MP Winken Back Today2008 stallion out of Quickern A Wink and Dr Bordeaux
MP Winks Hayday2016 mare out of MP Two Winks and Tommy Two
MPH Day Drinkin2021 stallion out of Ivory Is The Queen and Ivory James
My Barry Dinero2016 gelding out of Mp Moredriftwoodplez and Drifts Chip
My Career Is Money2013 mare out of Mondays Career and Wait Till Monday
My Day To Cheyn2020 stallion out of Famous Moon Cheyn and Dash Ta Fame
Mysterious Frenchman2012 mare out of VF Mysterious Money and Unknown Sire Cancel
Necito Dinero2020 stallion out of This Lady Zooms and Shazoom
No Miss Taken2011 mare out of Star Zone and Wild Zone
Oh Honey Hayday2019 mare out of Oh Honey Rose and Dash For Perks
OHLA French Charge2011 gelding out of Sheza Final Stretch and Enchanted Hemp
OZ Havn A Hayday2019 stallion out of Sixes La Jolla and Streakin La Jolla
Patron At Six2009 stallion out of Coxes Major Streak (ET) and Streakin Six
Paying Off The Tab2012 stallion out of Firewater On Tap and Fire Water Flit
PC Frenchmans Whiz2015 mare out of Whizzin Becky and Gold Rush Whiz
PC ICON2012 mare out of Angel of the North and Streakin Six
Perks French Money2015 stallion out of Miss Perks In Red and Dash For Perks
Perks Of A Frenchman2019 mare out of Winds April Perks and Dash For Perks
Perks Wild Hayday2015 gelding out of Maid To Perk and Dash For Perks
PG Tinkinofapayday2016 mare out of Filarees Fancy Flit and Fire Water Flit
PJ Hayday2012 stallion out of Trade Lady Eight and Pyromaniac
PM Bugs Last Dinero2014 mare out of Bugs Alibi and Skirt Chasin Alibi
PS Standn On The Hay2013 stallion out of Idgits Last Stand and Bar Powdie
Queen Lotta Dinero2018 mare out of Queen Red Cash and Chief Red Rock
Ragged Charm2012 stallion out of This Ragtime Cat and WR This Cats Smart
Rare Runin Frenchman2014 gelding out of Rare Gal and Rare Jet
RBR Dark Frenchman2016 gelding out of Chilly Beaut and Darkelly
Red Hot Dinero2010 mare out of Racks Hot Deline and Red Hot Hancock
RF Frenchmans Sign2012 stallion out of Hi Flyin Sign and Vital Sign
RH French Casanova2014 gelding out of Check It Out Baby and Check The Charts
RHShakinthemoneytree2013 stallion out of Check It Out Baby and Check The Charts
Rico Suave Hayday2012 stallion out of Elite Morgan Gist and Morgan Gist
Rio Del Sol2011 stallion out of Rio De Chispas and Shots Flying Spark
Ritas Famous Hayday2019 stallion out of Ritas Gone (ET) and Dash Ta Fame
RM Vals Dinero2017 stallion out of Vals Dashing Chick and Dashing Val
Rock N The Dinero2019 stallion out of This Firewater Rocks and Firewaterontherocks
Rockin Dinero2013 stallion out of MP Rosie Rockinhorse and MP Rock The Creek
Rockin Hayday2011 stallion out of Rockin Roll Fantacy and Docs Rockin Bar
Royal Currency2019 stallion out of Royal High Return and Royal Shake Em
Royal French Kiss2019 stallion out of Heart Of A Runner and Royal Quick Dash
Royal Irish Hayday2019 mare out of Royal Sissy Irish and Royal Shake Em
RPL Frenchmans Sugar2015 mare out of Laytons Sugar Baby and Skip And Slide
Sadie Geaux Seekum2015 mare out of New Sovereign and New Decade
SC The Prosecutor2014 stallion out of Judge This Chick (ET) and Judge Cash
SCR Frenchmans Boon2015 gelding out of MH Boon By The Black and Bodee Boonsmal
SDK Having A Hayday2020 stallion out of SDK Modan A Memory and Nonstop Cocomotion
Shake Ems Hayday2011 mare out of Shake Em Baby and Royal Shake Em
Shakem For Dinero2019 mare out of Shakem Daisy and Royal Shake Em
Shawneshavinahayday2013 stallion out of Sissy B Bug and Shawne Bug
Shiny Dinero2013 mare out of VF Shiny Red Stone and Sticks An Stones
Show Me Dat Dinero2021 mare out of Deltas First Straw and First Down Straw
Sisters My Sister2019 mare out of Royal Sissy Irish and Royal Shake Em
Six Haydays2015 gelding out of Raisin Rosa and Raisin The Moon
Six Irish Dollars2013 mare out of Irish Darling and Marthas Six Moons
Skylers French Peach2001 mare out of Sunnys Miss Fiddle and Sunny Ashwood
Skylers Poker Dinero2014 gelding out of MP Poker Drift and Poker Chicker
Slash J Hayday2018 stallion out of Hanks Lively Bug and Letta Hank Do It
Smokn Dinero2012 mare out of Smokin Shuttle (ET) and Shuttleman
Snowin Dinero2012 mare out of Savannah Snow and Rebel Dasher
SP Haydays Choice2020 gelding out of Smign and A Regal Choice
SP Pealin The Pain2020 mare out of Victory Peal and Dash Ta Fame
SP Streakin Hayday2019 mare out of No Quit and Streakin Sixes
Spark My Hayday2015 mare out of Sheza Easy Sparker and Frostys Copper Top
SR Pie Has Dinero2019 gelding out of Pietana and Pie In The Sky
Stashen The Dinero2019 mare out of Stashen Cash and Tres Seis
Stolis Hayday2021 stallion out of Stoli You Dreamer (ET) and Stoli
Streakers Hayday2020 stallion out of Streakin Cleopatra and A Streak Of Fling
Stylish Dinero2021 stallion out of Twice As Stylish 07 and Twice A Shiney
Sues Jettin Dinero2017 mare out of Sues Jet Dually (ET) and Perfectlygood Dually
Sundays Coming2015 mare out of Wannabblktype and Dash For Cash
Sweet Streakin Mojo2011 gelding out of One Streaking Girl and Streakin SIx
Sweeties Last Honor2014 mare out of MS Sweet Honor and Jet Of Honor
Tally Up The Dinero2013 mare out of Fast Time Tally and Docs Phoebe
Teninas Hayday2014 mare out of Teninas Smart Look and WR This Cats Smart
Thatsa Heckofahayday2021 mare out of JG Hectors Pizzazz and RNJ Heckofafrenchman
The Gray Mare2013 mare out of Imashawnechic and Shawne Bug
The Millennium Star2018 mare out of The Millennium Star (ET) and Strawfly Special
This Haydays Smokin2015 gelding out of Smokys Feature and Flit O Flit
Tillies Hayday2011 mare out of Tillietta and Great Victory
Toast To Hayday2020 stallion out of Sydneys Special Oak and Oak Tree Special
Toms Secretdinero2014 stallion out of Secretsforashley and Champagneforashley
TPH Full Throttle2013 stallion out of Tangerea Smart Sailn and Lucky Little Lena
TR Hay Im Dollys Sis2014 mare out of TR Double Cash and Texas High Dasher
Tricked Out Scooter2008 gelding out of Dash Out Front and Outdashem
TS A Special Dinero2019 stallion out of Flippin Switches (ET) and Special Leader
TS Hayday Returns2010 mare out of Fair Returns and Complete Return
TS High Jet N Hayday2011 mare out of All Night Jet and All Night High
TS Return N Hayday2011 gelding out of Fair Returns and Complete Return
Uno Amor2012 gelding out of Takin On The Bug and Takin On The Cash
Unos Payday2013 mare out of Write It Thelma (ET) and Write It Down
Velvet Hayday2019 mare out of Our Blue Velvet (ET) and Perks Alive
Vrfiftyshadesoffame2015 mare out of Fames Magic and Dash Ta Fame
Wahinis Payday2014 gelding out of Wahinis Bug Cuz and Bugs Cuz
What A Royal Hayday2016 gelding out of But What If and Royal Quick Dash
Whenubelieve2019 stallion out of Tobelieveisalluneed and Zip Cash
White Hot Dinero2014 gelding out of MP Dyna Bug and Dynaflow Drift
Whodatsmokinmomma2014 mare out of Who Dat Streakin and Whose Dat Bunny
Yeah Shes A Hayday2019 mare out of Yeah Shes Firen and Alive N Firen
Yura Good Man Hayday2010 gelding out of Smokin Superstar and Docs Superstar Bar
YZ Royalhayday2020 stallion out of Royal Miss Bars and Royal Shake Em