PYC Tyme*
Stallion Information
Name: PYC Tyme* Owner: Three Bar T Quarter Horses Standing At: Three Bar T Quarter Horses - Kingsville, Texas Year of Birth: 2013 Color: 04/19/2021 Phone: 361-228-3607 Stallion Facebook: Fee: 1500 Shipped: NoStake Winning son of PYC Paint Your Wagon
Tyme has the unique breeding cross of PYC Paint Your Wagon and Dash Ta Fame that is producing talent, beauty, speed, and turn in the barrel world. His progeny are already beginning to dominate in the winner’s circle. Look out for Dashin Nick, Taste Ta Quila, and watch for TBT Run Around Sue selling in the BFA Select Sale in Nov. 2023.Tyme has the unique breeding cross of PYC Paint Your Wagon and Dash Ta Fame that is producing talent, beauty, speed, and turn in the barrel world. His progeny are already beginning to dominate in the winner’s circle. Look out for Dashin Nick, Taste Ta Quila, and watch for TBT Run Around Sue selling in the BFA Select Sale in Nov. 2023.