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RN Highbrow Lena* (Junior Stallion)

Stallion Information

Name: RN Highbrow Lena* (Junior Stallion) Owner: Michelle Renee Hamilton Standing At: The Kansas Center For Equine Reproduction - Lawrence, KS Year of Birth: 2015 Color: Sorrel Phone: 660-864-3200 Stallion Website: http://www.michellereneeperformancehorses.com Stallion Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RNHighbrowLena Fee: 2500 Shipped: Yes

An NRCHA and Barrel Racing Money Earner

RN Highbrow Lena is becoming an accomplished sire in multiple disciplines including cutting and barrel racing!

Heritage Information

RN Highbrow Lena* (Junior Stallion)
High Brow Cat Celenalena
High Brow Hickory Smart Little Kitty
Travalena Dox Little Candy
Doc's Hickory Grulla San
Smart Little Lena #Docs Kitty
Doc O'Lena Bar Socks Babe
Peppy San Badger Doc's Cindy Bar

Nominated Foals

?Clouded View2022 mare out of Clouded View and Cloud Walker
?DTL Dashin Streak2022 mare out of DTL Dashin Streak and Streak And Dash
?Lake Snow2023 mare out of Lake Snow (TB) and Indy Snow (TB)
?Lily Bugs On Fire2021 mare out of Lily Bugs On Fire and VF Fire In The Night
?Louisana Sweetheart2024 stallion out of Louisana Sweetheart and Louisana Senator
?Quorums Firenice Baby2023 stallion out of Quorums Firenice Baby and Firewater Skipnmoon
?Red Gin One2024 mare out of Red Gin One and Cactus Twist Lynx
?Sasafras N Firewater2021 mare out of Sasafras N Firewater and VF Moon Fire
?Sea Callie Dash2022 mare out of Sea Callie Dash and Texas Blue Cash
?Shez Off The Hook2024 stallion out of Shez Off The Hook and Hooked On Run
?SR Styled By Fame2024 stallion out of SR Styled By Fame and Guys Fame
Actually High Bro2022 stallion out of Actual Trapp and Trapp Mountain
Adicantfoolthiscat2022 stallion out of TM Moonlight Streak and Stick An Stones
All About Rose2024 mare out of All About Fendi B and Brimmerton
Barbies Highbrows2023 mare out of MP Barbie Wood and PC Frenchmans Hayday
BBSnides Sailing Cat2021 stallion out of Sail On Solano and Smart Sugar Badger
Bully A Highbrow Cat2023 stallion out of Playground Bully and Oh Magnolia
Cant Bully This Cat2021 stallion out of VF All Fired Up and Bullys On Fire
Cantcatchthisroo2022 mare out of Paloma Roo and Gallo Del Cielo
Catzanne2022 stallion out of Quincys Zanpar Dunit and Sweet Ty Bou
Docs Ilifftin Hibrow2021 gelding out of HSG Red Hot Peanut and Docs Perlino Cutter
Drunkoncoronaagain2022 gelding out of DNA Superbowlsunday and SC Chiseled In Stone
Exclusive Highbrow (APHA)2023 stallion out of Jalandy and Exclusive Patch
GR Gunna Raise Brows2023 stallion out of Lenas Lucky Playgun and Playgun Chex
GR High Brows Risen2022 stallion out of Divine Dreamer and Zoomin For Bux
HG Royalhighvoltage2023 stallion out of Fancy French Diamond and Royal Quik Frenchman
High Dollar Bets2024 gelding out of FW Gonewiththewind and La Jollas Gold
High Mountain Native2021 gelding out of Actual Trapp and Trapp Mountain
High On Cake2022 mare out of Sids Cutter Lucy and Jak Black Gold
High On Crack (APHA)2021 mare out of Montanas Quetit and Wildcat Bobby Luck
Highbrow Brass2024 stallion out of Das Brass Penny and Bronze N Brass
Highbrow Contender2023 stallion out of Red Headed Angel and Title Contender
Highbrow Thunder Cat2021 stallion out of Two Eyed Baywatch and Two Eyed Colonel Fox
Highbrows Fox2022 stallion out of Foxy Magdalena and As Smart As The Fox
Hightown Cutter2024 stallion out of Miss Royal Relegate and Royal Boonsmal
Hightown Warrior2022 stallion out of Miss Royal Relegate and Royal Boonsmall
Hot Moscato2023 stallion out of Pretty Hot Corona and Hot Corona
HR Cantfoolthiscat2022 mare out of Foolishconstellation and Planetary
I Not Dun Yet2023 stallion out of Quincys Zanpar Dunit and Sweet TY Bou
Im Catty Like That2023 mare out of Louisana Sweetheart and Louisiana Senator
Ima Gamblin Cat2022 stallion out of Topsail Tina and Topsail Tony
Ima Merri A Doc2021 mare out of Trust Me Ima Doctor and Dual Doc Bar
Imahighdriftinbelle2023 mare out of TR Ima Belle and Roanie Red Cloud
Jess A Pretty Kitty2023 mare out of SV Jess Hear Me Roar and Red Storm Cat
JS Foxy Lena2021 mare out of Remins Foxy Lady and Remin Whiz
KD Highbrow Lena2024 mare out of SCC Docs Honeybadger and Tens Last Moon
Kisses To My Exes2023 mare out of Liz Lemon and Heza Motor Scooter
KW Colonel Highbrow2023 stallion out of Tisa Zorro Cat and Colonels Oak
Lena Dun Got High2022 stallion out of Hildas Dun It and King Freckles Dun It
Lenas Lipgloss Bar2023 mare out of Bar N Flashes and Runnigan
Lenas Streakin Chick2021 mare out of Pistacchio Chick and Looking For Chicks
Million Dollar Vibez2022 stallion out of Smooth As Moonshine and Marthas Six Moons
Moneyredhighbrowpete2023 stallion out of Keeper High On Money and On The Money Red
MW Highbrow Hobo2023 mare out of Miss Hobo Yvette and Harlons Big Mac
My Nimble Nemo2021 stallion out of My Darlin and Finding Nemo
My Sisters A Bully2022 mare out of Cheyenne Miss Bully and Bully Bullion
Oh Cay Catalena Boon2024 mare out of Peptos Oh Cay and Pocket Fulla Pepto
Playin With A Hi Cat2023 stallion out of Play N Nothin and Toms Tari
Pocos Sassy Highbrow2022 mare out of Poco Jessies Ginger and Poco Toms Ojos
Readdy Freddie2024 stallion out of A Leap Of Fame (ET) and Eddie Stinson
RM Diablospintadocat (APHA)2023 stallion out of WHmallorysbarbie and JR Red Diablo
Serendipkitty2024 mare out of Hickorys Hippie and Hickorys Indian Pep
Shebe A Cool Cat2023 mare out of Shebe A French Star and First Down Frenchman
Shes Got Rythum2023 mare out of Rythum Of The Rein and Badgeranza
Shootin My Shot (APHA)2021 stallion out of Ima Smart Chic and Im Wright Smart
Skippin Red Kat2021 mare out of LW Skips Splash and Skippo Smut
SM Reckless Cat2022 stallion out of Rippin Rose and Reckless Dash
So Flitn Gritty2022 stallion out of Nitty Gritty Nancy and Nitty Gritty Flit
Special Kinda High (AHC)2023 stallion out of Rarely Good Intentions (ApHC) and With Intent
Stars And Doc Bars2023 stallion out of Classy Protege and Deck Two Eyed Zipper
This Cats A Bully2021 mare out of Cheyenne Miss Bully and Bully Bullion
This Cats Bookin2022 mare out of Shez Off The Hook and Hooked On Run
Thiscatsprettyfly2023 stallion out of Ms Shades and Mr Four Roan
Travelen Tahollywood2023 mare out of Docs Foxy Lil Spoon and Lil Spoon
Traveln On Bar Money2024 stallion out of JJM Sunnys Cowgirl and Bar Money Sunny
Who Gives A Hoot2022 stallion out of Lotus Major and Spooks Bluestem