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Sawyers Game Changer*

Stallion Information

Name: Sawyers Game Changer* Owner: Jennifer M Ruzsa Standing At: Ruzsa Quarter Horses - Selby, SD Year of Birth: 2012 Color: Buckskin Phone: 605-848-0887 Stallion Website: http://www.ruzsa.com/horses/sawyers-game-changer/ Stallion Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ruzsaquarterhorses/ Fee: 1800 Shipped: Yes

Unique cross of athletic ability!

1D Barrel Horse, 2016 Finalist at Old Fort Days Futurity & 2016 Barrel Futurities of America Futurity Finalist. Sired by Sawyer Wood that was a Nationally Ranked Barrel Horse Sire to sire Top Barrel Futurity Horses, NBHA Champions, & ProRodeo Money Earners. From Tie-Down Roping, Team Roping, Barrels to Cutting, they can do it all! Cross that with Top Barrel Horse Sire Dash Ta Fame?s Race Winning daughter, Imarealtreasure si 104, and the result is Sawyers Game Changer! 2nd Dam, DPI Treasury Note si 97, a Stakes Placed Race Winning mare to produce AAA/AAAT Race Winners. 3rd Dam, First Down Rebel si 96, Rainbow Futurity qualifier and multiple Race Winner to produce AAA/AAAT Stakes Placed, Race Winners. COMING SOON 2018 FOAL CROP ? ELIGIBILITIES: Future Fortunes, 5 State Breeders

Heritage Information

Sawyers Game Changer*
Sawyer Wood Imarealtreasure si 104
Ciderwood Driftalong San
Dash Ta Fame si 113 DP Treasury Note si 97
Orphan Drift Poco Judy Sue
Sak Em San Driftalong April
First Down Dash si 105 Sudden Fame si 98
This Snow Is Royal si 101 First Down Rebel si 96

Nominated Foals

?Bianca My Dear2020 mare out of Bianca My Dear and Furyofthewind
?Charros Seven Belles2023 stallion out of Charros Seven Belles and Seven From Heaven
?Misty Doc Valentine2022 mare out of Misty Doc Valentin and CR Blue Hancock
?Peppys Sugar Bullet2023 stallion out of Peppys Sugar Bullet and MR Illuminator
?Rickashay Ta Fame2022 mare out of Rickashay Ta Fame and Dash Ta Fame
?Sheza A Tener2024 mare out of Sheza A Tener and Oak Tree Special
?Special For Life2022 stallion out of Special For Life and Special Leader
?TM Chichi2019 mare out of TM Chichi and TM Sakem Dift
?VVF Plays With Guns2022 stallion out of VVF Plays With Guns and Real Gun
?Yo Be A Lady2022 stallion out of Yo Be A Lady and Brigances Jet Easy
Blazyn Ta Fame2022 stallion out of Sooner Glow and Blazen Bryan
Cider And Frost2022 mare out of Streaking Frost and PC Sun Dasher
Da Game Changer2022 stallion out of Da Famous Frenchgirl and Frenchmans Fabulous
Dash Ta Holland2018 stallion out of Wicked Business and Holland Ease
Eaw Carved In Wood2020 stallion out of Streakin Surfer Girl and Wave Carver
Eyem Game2022 stallion out of Eyem A Miracle and Dean Miracle
Famous Rebel2022 mare out of LLE Miss Illumibally and Mr Illuminator
Fast Dash Ta Win2018 mare out of Fastdashtothebar and Heza Fast Dash
Firebug Game Changer2021 stallion out of Zippo Shine Firebug and Fire On Bug
Flash N Game2020 mare out of VF Famous N Flashy and First Moonflash
Game Ttrain2022 stallion out of Freighttrain T and Freighttrain B
Gamers Irish Dash2023 mare out of Paddys Surfine Boon and CTR Peptolena
GJ Gamers Guy2022 stallion out of Mi Ways French and Frenchmans Mr Tuff
Hickory Game Forcash2018 stallion out of Hickorys Breezincash and Hickorys Little Lena
Hot Rock N Fame2023 stallion out of Niks Hot Stix and Nik Dell
Hudson Hayday Fame2022 stallion out of Espuela Light Hayday and PC Frenchmans Hayday
Im Ur Game Changer2023 stallion out of Yu Special Dawn and Special Frenchman
Ima Game Change2019 mare out of LLE Jillunimator and Mr Illuminator
Ima Gamer2021 stallion out of Princess Doc Sug and Sug A Free Doc
Imabeyourvalentine2021 stallion out of Cinnful Valentine and AP Six Frosted Moons
Itz Game Time2022 mare out of Just Time To Fly and Just Another Rolex
Jesschanginthegame2023 stallion out of Blue Eyed Sister and One Famous Eagle
Lets Talk About Six2022 stallion out of Heading Away and Streakin La Jolla
LQH Confetti2022 mare out of Xtwod Riata Blanton and Hav A Doc
LQH Flintwood2022 stallion out of Frostys Gazelle and Frostys Firewater
LSR Request Denied2020 gelding out of LSR Tonto Fancyfrost and Kens Twisty Frost
Memories Of Fame2019 mare out of Moonshine Memories and Leaving Memories
Miss Game Changer2020 mare out of LLE Jillunimator and Mr Illuminator
My Game Of Fortune2021 mare out of My Miracle Fortune and Dean Miracle
My Own Easy Fortune2019 stallion out of My Miracle Fortune and Dean Miracle
Plainjanestyle2022 mare out of CIR Kingzlees Queen and Mark My Dial
Sawyers Hot Memory2019 mare out of Streakin Hot Memory and Corona Caliente
Sawyers Lover Boy2021 stallion out of French Chicaros and Frenchmans Guy
Sawyers Party Jet2022 mare out of Gringos Party Jet and Docs Gringo Frost
SH Hez A Gamer2021 stallion out of SH Shez A Lark and Moons Fuel
Skin N The Game2022 stallion out of Lady Frosted Moon and AP Six Frosted Moons
Smart Lil Dashtafame2021 stallion out of Misty Lucky Day and RNR Ima Bit Of Luck
Smokin The Game2022 mare out of Quincys Smokin Vegas and Vegas Resort
Stellas Got Game2021 mare out of Colourofalittlecash and Hot Colours
Truly A Game Changer2023 mare out of Super Sonic Sophie and Dash Ta Fame