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Solitary Fame*

Stallion Information

Name: Solitary Fame* Owner: Bobbi C Pradon Standing At: Pradon Barrel Horses - Odessa, TX Year of Birth: 2004 Color: Chestnut Phone: 432-349-8508 Stallion Website: https://pradonbarrelhorses.com/ Stallion Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pradonbarrelhorses/ Fee: 1000 LFG Shipped: Yes

Heritage Information

Solitary Fame*
Dash Ta Fame si 113 Easy Charett si 99
First Down Dash si 105 Sudden Fame si 98
Easy Jet si 100 Miz Disco Chick si 91
Dash For Cash si 114 First Prize Rose si 98
Tiny's Gay si 106 Bar Dearie si 90
Jet Deck si 100 Lena's Bar TB
Fleet Kirsch TB Chickamona si 100

Nominated Foals

?Dixies Honor2015 none out of Dixies Honor and
?Perfect In Red2019 gelding out of Perfect In Red and First On The Red
Famous Blue Chip2015 mare out of Blue Dellene and Taters Blue Chip
Love Ya Ta The Moon2010 mare out of Dixies Honor and Jet Of Honor
Luvutathemoonnback2012 mare out of Dixies Honor and Jet Of Honor
One Famous Signature2017 mare out of Perfect In Red and First On The Red
Solitary Signature2012 mare out of Perfect In Red and First On The Red
Troubleinthepacific (APHA)2019 mare out of Designated Surfergirl and Mr TT Pacific