Streakin Again*
Stallion Information
Name: Streakin Again* Owner: Laurie Phillips Standing At: LLP Horse Farms - Seminole, OK Year of Birth: 1998 Color: Chestnut Phone: 405-382-4297 or 405-388-5232 Stallion Website: Fee: 2,500.00 Shipped: YesSTREAKIN AGAIN aka
Cody’s Bloodline has a past, as well as a great future. He has proment race, barrel & performance horse bloodlines both top and bottom.
He proved himself to be a true athlete in the barrel pen [ridden by Todd Burger for 3 years.]
Todd took him to the AQHA World Show 3 years ~ running and finishing in the top 10 each year.
AQHA Congress 2 years running and finishing in the top 10, also.
His foals all have his nice disposition and have nice conformation.
Some of Cody’s brothers and sisters are:
- NIK DELL Who is a half brother to Cody
- HUTTS VENGER Who is a full brother to Cody
- HUTTS BELLE BAY WHO IS A half brother to Cody and a 7/8 brother to JR Sixes
- ORLEANS SOUTHERNBELLE who is a half sister to Cody and a 7/8 sister to JR Sixes
- Cjs Money Hutt who is a half siser to Cody
- HUTTS DARAH SHAY Who is a full sister to Cody
Heritage Information
Nominated Foals
?Classics Bella2021 stallion out of Classics Bella and A Classic Guy
?Design To Cash In2018 mare out of Design To Cash In and Designer Red
?Design To Cash In2020 stallion out of Design To Cash In and Designer Red
?Famous Blue Eye2019 mare out of Famous Blue Eye and
?Famous Blue Eyes2020 stallion out of Famous Blue Eyes and Dash Ta Fame
?Hutts Iona Gail2017 stallion out of Hutts Iona Gail and Hutt Six
?LLP Flowers Bloom2021 mare out of LLP Flowers Bloom and Letta Hank Do It
?Miss Sudden Silence2018 gelding out of Miss Sudden Silence and Leaving Memories
?Miss Sudden Silence2019 gelding out of Miss Sudden Silence (ET2) and Leaving Memories
?Orlean Southernbelle2009 out of Orlean Southernbelle and Hutt Six
?WB Blazin Blurry Jet2016 none out of WB Blazin Blurry Jet and Blazin Jetolena
A Streakin Goddess2014 mare out of Eye Of Goddess and Mr Eye Opener
Arnold Zucker2013 gelding out of Snooze Bar and Darn That Alarm
Bells Little Rosie2007 mare out of Belles Red Rose and Glens Red
Blazin Exs N Ohs2015 mare out of Oh No A Blazin Otoe (ET) and Blazin Jetolena
BR Tapout Again2017 gelding out of Ta Ta Tap Tap and Dark Lightning
Bugs Streakin Hemi2013 stallion out of Bugs Jazzy Flitbar and Firewater Fever
CFStreakinmiss Daisy2014 mare out of Oh Maggie Jo and Oh Magnolia
CLC Kiss Me Again2015 mare out of TL French Kiss and Frenchmans Guy
Co Smash N Streak2015 mare out of Miss Stylin Dowland and Stylin Roan Tarver
CO Streaking Breeze2015 mare out of Duplicates Breeze and Tzar Hancock
Cody Dunit Again2017 stallion out of Dunit In A Cadillac and Bouncy Brown Cadillac
CW Toasted Again2020 stallion out of Nashs Toast and Toast To Dash
Dun Streakin By U2011 gelding out of Dompedro and Bold Episode
Famous Lil Streaker2014 mare out of Rebs Little Fame and Dash Ta Fame
Fly Away Streak2006 gelding out of Gadflys Wheel and The Wheel Horse
Hatch2019 gelding out of Ima Trophy Buckle and Buckle Up Jet
Hazel 7772015 mare out of Dash To The Finish and First Down Dash
Heza Streakin Sniper2015 stallion out of Seza Easter Jet and A Chance To Streak
I Caught Ya Looking2014 none out of Parklane Profit and Moro
IMA Flickin Streakin2015 mare out of IMA Flickin Jessie and Spit Curl Jess
Intense Like Mama2016 gelding out of Ta Ta Tap Tap and Dark LIghtning
Jess Streakin Again2014 mare out of VF Smooth An Pretty and One Smooth Aggie
Jets Easy Fortune (AHQHR)2009 gelding out of Creamera and Hutt Six
Josey Is Special2006 mare out of Fast Fern and Jon Ian
Kan Opener2015 gelding out of Haleys Hope and Title Contender
Keep On Streaking (APHA)2014 stallion out of April Treasur and Treasured
Lauriesstreakinagain2016 mare out of She Loves Me Now and Chief Seattle
LLP Angel Wings2013 mare out of Hutts Charmer and Hutt Six
LLP Bella Belara2008 mare out of Belles Red Rose and Glens Red
LLP Browne2009 mare out of Mito Missy and Mito Journey
LLP Class Axe2008 mare out of Brays Foxy Lady and Rockin L Rocket
LLP Double Trouble2009 gelding out of Wendys Scout and Eagle Scouts Image
LLP Easy Azure2008 mare out of Easys Rat and Royal Easy
LLP Extraordinary2015 mare out of Missy Drift Stick and Six Drift
LLP Hannahs Charm2015 mare out of Hutts Charmer and Hutt Six
LLP High Brow Streak2010 gelding out of Hollys High Brow and High Brow Hickory
LLP High Streakin2011 gelding out of Hollys High Brow and High Brow Hickory
LLP His Grace2014 mare out of Rowdy Moon Gal and Cosettas Rowdy
LLP Hutt NXS2009 mare out of Hutts Iona Gail and Hutt Six
LLP Isaac2014 stallion out of Hutts Charmer and Hutt Six
LLP Little Hutt2021 gelding out of Renegade Pilot and Mr Piloto
LLP Melania2020 mare out of Renegade Pilot and Mr Piloto
LLP Mercy Psalm 1362013 stallion out of LLP Power Of A Wish and Hutts Refund
LLP Minimus2016 mare out of Sylvan Saint and Forest camp
LLP Miss Jess2018 mare out of Renegade Pilot and Mr Piloto
LLP Miss Lyla2018 mare out of Rowdy Moon Gal and Cosettas Rowdy
LLP Missys Littleone2014 mare out of Missy Drift Stick and Six Drift Stick
LLP Moon Streakin2012 stallion out of Rowdy Moon Gal and Cosettas Rowdy
LLP Perfect Patience2014 mare out of LLP Power Of A Wish and Hutts Refund
LLP Rowdy Rebel2017 gelding out of Rowdy Moon Gal and Cosettas Rowdy
LLP Saints Chance2017 gelding out of Sylvan Saint and Forest Camp
LLP Shadrach2015 stallion out of Hutts Ginger Snap and Hutt Six
LLP Silent Prayer2014 gelding out of Miss Sudden Silence and Leaving Memories
LLP Sneak Preview2008 gelding out of Brays Rockin Martha and Rockin L Rocket
LLP Streakin Dolly2011 mare out of Rowdy Moon Gal and Cosettas Rowdy
LLP Streakin Jacob2015 gelding out of Hutts Iona Gail and Hutt Six
LLP Streakin Jericho2013 stallion out of Rowdy Moon Gal and Cosettas Rowdy
LLP Streakin Lady2013 mare out of Brays Foxy Lady and Rockin L Rocket
LLP Streakin Leavie2017 mare out of Renegade Pilot and Mr Jess Perry
LLP Streakin Loretta2011 mare out of Brays Foxy Lady and Rockin L Rocket
LLP Streakin Moon2010 gelding out of Rowdy Moon Gal and Cosettas Rowdy
LLp Streakin Motion2008 mare out of Our Zevi and Zevi (TB)
LLP Streakin Passion2013 mare out of Missy Drift Stick and Six Drift
LLP Streakin Phillip2015 stallion out of Ferns Flower and Hutt Six
LLP Streakin Ruth2015 mare out of Sonnys Dee Hancock and Rusty Jay Bars
LLP Streakin Saint2015 stallion out of Sylvan Saint and Forest Camp
LLP Streakin Silence2017 mare out of Miss Sudden Silence and Leaving Memories
LLP Streakin Tip2013 gelding out of Hutts Iona Gail and Hutt Six
LLP Sudden Promise2015 mare out of Miss Sudden Silence and Leaving Memories
LLP Susies Witch (APHA)2008 mare out of Go Too Susie and JB Airwolf
LLP Unforettable2014 stallion out of Hancocks Deb and Brazos Buck Hancock
LLP Zipporahs Wish2015 mare out of LLP Power of a WIsh and Hutts Refund
LLPLittlestreakindeb2015 mare out of Hancocks Deb and Brazos Buck Hancock
LR Catch This Streak2014 mare out of LR Catch My Drift and Lone Drifter
LR Its About Time2013 mare out of Miss Cowboy Drift and Cowboy Drift
LR Run Forest Run2019 gelding out of LR Catch My Drift and Lone Drifter
LR Wildwood2014 mare out of Driftwood Kate and Mandrift
Montana Wager2017 stallion out of It Its Easy and Sonny Perk
Nostreakinblingbling2013 mare out of Hollys High Brow and High Brow Hickory
Nostreakinspidercat2013 mare out of Lowry Little Bev and Lowry Super Star
Oh Hes Streakin2015 stallion out of Oh Maggie Jo and Oh Magnolia
On A Sweet Streak2016 mare out of TR Sweet Lil Faye and TR Dual Rey
Plain Jane 932015 mare out of Brays Foxy Lady and Rockin L Rocket
RLJ Cashin Czechs2015 gelding out of RLJ Jets Inthe Allie and Brays Moon Bug
RLJ Czech My Stats2013 gelding out of RLJ Jets Inthe Allie and Brays Moon Bug
RLJ Czech This Out2007 mare out of RLJ Callinallangles and Knock Their Socksoff
RLJ Dashingndebonair2008 gelding out of RLJ Callinallangles and Knock Their Socksoff
RLJ Deal The Czechs2009 gelding out of RLJ Callinallangles and Knock Their Socksoff
RLJ High Intedsity2008 gelding out of Lite Me Up and Lite The Fuse
RLJ Impressiveczechs2013 gelding out of RLJ Callinallangles and Knock Their Socksoff
RLJ One Momentintime2012 mare out of RLJ Is That Jet and Little Town Blues
RLJ Royalty Czechs2012 stallion out of RLJ Callinallangles and Knock Their Socksoff
RLJ Streakin Allie2009 mare out of RLJ Jets Inthe Allie and Brays Moon Bug
RLJ Stylish Czechs2013 gelding out of RLJ Is That Jet and Little Town Blues
Roses Is Streakin2014 mare out of Shelia Be A Winner and Major Meyers
Sarhara Force2007 mare out of Mito Force and Feel The Force
SBW Streakin Peach2016 gelding out of SX Dr Peacharita and Dr Nick Bar
Shakeemup Again2015 mare out of Eyeshakeemup and Mr Eye Opener
She Has Arrived2018 mare out of LR Catch My Drift and Lone Drifter
Shes Still Streakin2016 mare out of Bogies French Tulip and Frenchmans Bogie
Sheza Streakin Move2014 mare out of Sheza Blazin Move (ET) and Blazin Jetolena
Silent Regard2019 gelding out of Miss Sudden Silence (ET1) and Leaving Memories
Six More Coronas2015 mare out of VVR Corona Dash and Coronas Velvet
Special Striker2007 gelding out of Special Moon Gal and The Advance Man
Speedy Drift Easy2017 stallion out of MIssy Drift Stick and Six Drift
Spitin Bullets Again2016 stallion out of Ima Flickin Jessie and Spit Curl Jess
SR Just Do It2013 mare out of Lite Me Up and Lite The Fuse
Streakin Allnite2017 mare out of Miss Fying Routine and Easy Routine
Streakin Dash Cash2016 stallion out of Blue My Cash and Hand Me Money Too
Streakin Famously2016 stallion out of Flitten To Fame and Firewater Ta Fame
Streakin For Bugs2015 stallion out of Rockets Last Rarebug and Rare Bar
Streakin Girl Power2017 mare out of LLP Power of A Wish and Hutts Refund
Streakin I Be2006 mare out of Brays Rockin Martha and Rockin L Rocket
Streakin Licious2017 mare out of Hancocks Deb and Brazos Buck Hancock
Streakin Me Out 932014 mare out of Brays Foxy Lady and Rockin L Rocket
Streakin Missy2007 mare out of Mito Missy and Mito Journey
Streakin Money Red2014 gelding out of Flash Mia Money Red and Honor For Money Red
Streakin N Moonin2014 none out of Some Like it Haute and Dash Ta Fame
Streakin N Seattle2019 stallion out of Joy N Spirit and Nelson
Streakin Porsche2007 mare out of Brays Foxy Lady and Rockin L Rocket
Streakin Rare Bug2015 gelding out of Barbies Rare Bug and Rare Bar
Streakin String Bean2014 gelding out of Catch The Rain (ET) and Blazin Jetolena
Streakinagaincharley2015 stallion out of Hairpin Red Rose and Valentine Red Rogers
Streakinaroundagain2016 stallion out of Codys Golden Fire and KY Finest Firewater
Streakinindamoonlite2022 mare out of Lite Me Up and Lite The Fuse
Streakinoutloud 932015 mare out of Caninas Six Pack and Packin Sixes
Streaknsassymemories2017 mare out of Miss Speedy Memories and Leaving Memories
Streaks Of Firewater2015 stallion out of Fire In The Bar and Fire Water Flit
Susie Has A Penny2007 mare out of Go Too Susie and JB Airwolf
Sweet Streakin Six2014 mare out of Ta Ta Tap Tap and Dark Lightning
SWF He Cins Again2019 gelding out of Cins Memory and Leaving Memories
TB Six Pack Jack2006 stallion out of Coal Dash Cash and Count The Cash
TH Gotta Go Streakin2014 stallion out of Red Roanie Country and Hired Hand Roanie
Too Intense Again2015 gelding out of Ta Ta Tap Tap and Dark Lightning
Trap Qween2015 mare out of Leaving Hot Memories and Leaving Memories
Tuff Streakin Stuff2012 gelding out of Fire In The Bar and Fire Water Flit